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Change the name or change the game.

Which of these ideas would you like to see made into MCSG?

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Sir Royal

Jun 22, 2012
Reaction score
Haha catchy title right?

Anyway, I'm feeling the Minecraft SURVIVAL Games, aren't well, what they are anymore.

Key word, ANYMORE.

I feel its more like Minecraft Fighting Games, it's more PVP than it is PVE. Let me give you some examples.

Hunger doesn't kill you, it just brings you to half a heart. @#%* it's called the HUNGER games, I'm not just suggesting this for the realism either, it can..

1. Eliminate Hiding - Eventually you'll have to come out of your little cave and find some food, maybe risk your life at the night resupply at the corn? You'll die anyway if you don't.

2. Make you want to run less - Again, a die die situation. Your running from someone to avoid getting killed, but your going to get killed anyway when you starve to death from running too much.


Mobs. The only mobs in the MCSG are the manually spawned ones from the map itself, (SG3, Fyre Games) Are a few examples. If there is mobs then there's a reason to use that sword you haven't used in a while. Hostile mobs can end the games quicker at dawn, aswell as spread panic throughout the arena, and to my knowledge mobs actually DO NOT spawn at the center of the corn, making it a safe zone, forcing you to hopefully go there, but of course others would be there aswell causing a few deaths.

TL;DR It can..

1. Hunting - Hunt chickens, cows, etc. for food.

2. Reason to goto corn - It's the only safe place from the hostile mobs at night, right?

3. Kill away any unarmed tributes - Those who aren't well fit for the night will easily die, causing more of a challenge at the deathmatch.

4. Adrenaline. - I mean come on, would you rather be waiting at the corn for someone to come? Or be running from zombies hoping to god you don't die.

Note - Mobs were removed because the mobs were too difficult, but my suggestion to this is to DECREASE the amount of hostile mobs that spawn at night, making it less difficult.


The hunger games was originally made for entertainment, deaths, cruel things and such. What better way to spread blood around the arena then disasters? Most of these I'm suggesting aren't too hard to code (At least in my head.)

1. Wolf Mutts - Spawn 5-10 hostile wolves around the arena. (Easy Right?) Those mutts aught to kill those who aren't ready.

2. Lava Rain - Spawn drops of lava around the arena, setting forests afire, making tributes easier to spot, and of course those who are unlucky to be under a drop will burn.

2. Lava Flood - Notice how I put two 2s? I was thinking if the rain was too difficult or too overpowered the flood would be a alternative. Spawn lava around the edge of the bio dome arena, getting closer, stopping halfway around the arena. Aught to eliminate campers, set forests ablaze again, making tributes easier to spot.

3. Weather - Okay, this isn't a disaster, but I mean some rain and thunder would really add to the mood agree?

Sponsor Notes

Credits to fatmannumbah8For this idea, notes that come WITH the item your sponsoring, which can be 0-20 Charters along, just enough to warn someone a team is near, or to warn about a disaster.

This is about it for my list of suggestions to make MCSG more PVE'ish, instead of full on PVP. You PROBABLY wont like these ideas, and I really don't care if none of these are even considered, but I had fun making these ideas and really hope one of them goes into consideration.

Cheers, CrazedGunman502


Aug 24, 2012
Reaction score
Catchy title, stole from other thread. :c

But I agree with most of the stuff said here though.


Feb 1, 2013
Reaction score
I don't know about lava rain but some wolves would be nice.
I would like some mobs, maybe a little reduced spawning so noobs don't complain and you don't run into more every 5 seconds.
And I think hunger should be able to kill you.


May 29, 2012
Reaction score
Suggested before, but more indepth maybe?

Hardcore Servers:
  • 10+ wins.
  • One server for each region.
  • Hunger KILLS.
  • No iron armour.
  • No high saturation food.
  • Mobs Enabled.
  • Additional XP from players.
  • Deatthhh c:


Apr 16, 2012
Reaction score
My (nowadays worthless) two cents -


Simple solution to this... Make players mortal to hunger. Their health starts to drop after their hunger bar runs out. And does not stop at half a heart.


The story with mobs (as i remember it) was that when SG3 was released, hundreds of mobs spawned at corn, making it impossible to get to the chests with out dying. Mobs were *temporarily* turned off until it could be hardcoded into the plugin to prevent mobs spawning as much in SG3. When people (both players and staff alike) realised how much more fun SG was at the the without mobs, they were turned off permanently.

I think mobs should be brought back, but very, very limited.


*1. Wolf Mutts - Spawn 5-10 hostile wolves around the arena. (Easy Right?) Those mutts aught to kill those who aren't ready.* - I actually love this idea, but what if they made it so it was like, an anti sponsor. So someone would buy the ability to spawn a large group of wolves somewhere, choose where on the map, and spawn. Like an air strike or something :p

*2. Lava Rain - Spawn drops of lava around the arena, setting forests afire, making tributes easier to spot, and of course those who are unlucky to be under a drop will burn.* - I think this would be way too OP, or at least, a very, very rare event.

*2. Lava Flood - Notice how I put two 2s? I was thinking if the rain was too difficult or too overpowered the flood would be a alternative. Spawn lava around the edge of the bio dome arena, getting closer, stopping halfway around the arena. Aught to eliminate campers, set forests ablaze again, making tributes easier to spot.* Do you know just how much lag this would cause? :p. Although ngl, i like the idea. If it caused too much lag, what about a sink hole or something?

*3. Weather - Okay, this isn't a disaster, but I mean some rain and thunder would really add to the mood agree?* We used to have normal weather (no idea when they turned it off.. Optifine :p). Not really too much point in having it on, unless you have mobs etc.


Apr 16, 2012
Reaction score
Suggested before, but more indepth maybe?

Hardcore Servers:
  • 10+ wins.
  • One server for each region.
  • Hunger KILLS.
  • No iron armour.
  • No high saturation food.
  • Mobs Enabled.
  • Additional XP from players.
  • Deatthhh c:

10 plus wins is common nowadays. What about 50?


Jul 15, 2012
Reaction score
Suggested before, but more indepth maybe?

Hardcore Servers:
  • 10+ wins.
  • One server for each region.
  • Hunger KILLS.
  • No iron armour.
  • No high saturation food.
  • Mobs Enabled.
  • Additional XP from players.
  • Deatthhh c:
More like 100+ wins maybe? Every Bacca can get 10 wins...


Dec 23, 2012
Reaction score
Haha catchy title right?

Anyway, I'm feeling the Minecraft SURVIVAL Games, aren't well, what they are anymore.

Key word, ANYMORE.

I feel its more like Minecraft Fighting Games, it's more PVP than it is PVE. Let me give you some examples.

Hunger doesn't kill you, it just brings you to half a heart. @#%* it's called the HUNGER games, I'm not just suggesting this for the realism either, it can..

1. Eliminate Hiding - Eventually you'll have to come out of your little cave and find some food, maybe risk your life at the night resupply at the corn? You'll die anyway if you don't.

2. Make you want to run less - Again, a die die situation. Your running from someone to avoid getting killed, but your going to get killed anyway when you starve to death from running too much.


Mobs. The only mobs in the MCSG are the manually spawned ones from the map itself, (SG3, Fyre Games) Are a few examples. If there is mobs then there's a reason to use that sword you haven't used in a while. Hostile mobs can end the games quicker at dawn, aswell as spread panic throughout the arena, and to my knowledge mobs actually DO NOT spawn at the center of the corn, making it a safe zone, forcing you to hopefully go there, but of course others would be there aswell causing a few deaths.

TL;DR It can..

1. Hunting - Hunt chickens, cows, etc. for food.

2. Reason to goto corn - It's the only safe place from the hostile mobs at night, right?

3. Kill away any unarmed tributes - Those who aren't well fit for the night will easily die, causing more of a challenge at the deathmatch.

4. Adrenaline. - I mean come on, would you rather be waiting at the corn for someone to come? Or be running from zombies hoping to god you don't die.

Note - Mobs were removed because the mobs were too difficult, but my suggestion to this is to DECREASE the amount of hostile mobs that spawn at night, making it less difficult.


The hunger games was originally made for entertainment, deaths, cruel things and such. What better way to spread blood around the arena then disasters? Most of these I'm suggesting aren't too hard to code (At least in my head.)

1. Wolf Mutts - Spawn 5-10 hostile wolves around the arena. (Easy Right?) Those mutts aught to kill those who aren't ready.

2. Lava Rain - Spawn drops of lava around the arena, setting forests afire, making tributes easier to spot, and of course those who are unlucky to be under a drop will burn.

2. Lava Flood - Notice how I put two 2s? I was thinking if the rain was too difficult or too overpowered the flood would be a alternative. Spawn lava around the edge of the bio dome arena, getting closer, stopping halfway around the arena. Aught to eliminate campers, set forests ablaze again, making tributes easier to spot.

3. Weather - Okay, this isn't a disaster, but I mean some rain and thunder would really add to the mood agree?

Sponsor Notes

Credits to fatmannumbah8For this idea, notes that come WITH the item your sponsoring, which can be 0-20 Charters along, just enough to warn someone a team is near, or to warn about a disaster.

This is about it for my list of suggestions to make MCSG more PVE'ish, instead of full on PVP. You PROBABLY wont like these ideas, and I really don't care if none of these are even considered, but I had fun making these ideas and really hope one of them goes into consideration.

Cheers, CrazedGunman502
Oh God no! Another one of those 'I want these games to be boring ad involving a lot of luck ad hardly any skill' ideas. In other words, crap ideas


Jun 19, 2012
Reaction score
The thing is I would prefer it to be more PVP. With some of these ideas it wont show the skill as much and would more been luck. I'm not saying it would all be luck but a player has got to learn and gain skill along the way. Just my thought but I can see where you're coming from.

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