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Suggestions to create more "balance" in the game

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May 30, 2012
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I've been playing survival games for a couple of days now, and I must say that I'm really impressed with what's been done with the game. The idea behind it is pure genius. However, the way the game works now doesn't seem really fair or very fun to me. There are some additions that I would like to point out that would make the game a million times better:

1. Don't let all the start items lie in the start chests. Of course I get the idea, run for the chests and get good loot so that you can gain an advantage. I'm fine with that. But the way the starting chests work now is kind of ridiculous. You have to run for the chests, and if you happen to stand in front of the wrong chest and don't get a decent item, you're basically ALL OF THE BUNNIES. Any somewhat skilled player will be able to beat you if he got a iron chestplate and a wooden sword and you got 1 diamond. Therefore, my suggestion is that the most valuable starting items should be split between the players (1 gets maybe an iron chestplate, another one gets an iron sword so on) and put in their inventory as the game starts. Then you can can have some lesser, but still valuable items in the chests. Not only will this make the early game much more exciting since people actually may have weapons and therefore going to the chests will be risky, but it also makes the game more fun and balanced.

2. Don't let the start chests contain the only good items. I've come to realize that going to the top of the tallest buildings is completely pointless. Not only is it extremely dangerous to go up a tall building with a crazy amount of mobs, it's also really time consuming. And the chests at the top contains the exact same loot as in any other chest. That is just silly. You don't get paid for your efforts, and therefore it's much smarter going for the lower chests than those in the higher ones. My suggestion is that there should be a system that works like this: Depending on the difficulty of obtaining the chest's loot, there should be better and better items for each difficulty level. For example, a chest which is close to spawn and easily obtainable should have lesser items in it (like the items which is there now, leather armor, stone swords etc.). The chests further away from spawn and which is hard to obtain, should contain good items (for example diamond armor, swords, axes, diamonds, iron, gold, golden apples, enchanted items(?) etc.). This would make additional strategical opportunities throughout the games (will you go for the best item straight away with the risk of being killed, or will you safe it out and try to kill the opponents with the lesser items before they get to the good ones), and also make the late game less pointless. Right now the game works like if you get a couple of kills and get some good items in the start, you are unbeatable from there on. That's what I think needs to change to make the game better.

Again, thanks for creating this great game, and I hope you take my suggestions to considering. :)

The Arena Master

Apr 19, 2012
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In reply to question 1.
While it does tend to suck when you go for a chest and get nothing, I have still managed to make a run for it and not get hit. If you go fora chest and you strike out, see if any others have been opened, if all have, just run. Don't stick around.

In reply to question 2.
The Cornucopia has good items for the fact of conquering it. You most overcome all obstacles that stand in your way and rule the Cornucopia. If it had the same type of items as regular chests than there would be less of a point to it. On map 1, if you remember, the Cornucopia items and regular items are virtually the same.

Welcome To The Forums! :)


May 4, 2012
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1. This isn't a very smart idea. If you don't get anything good in the chests, run for the forest, put any armour you got on, and go get some other chests. After you play for a while, you learn some good clusters of chests to head for, and you will get lots of items there. A friend of mine takes a small route and it only takes the morning, and it gets him about 12 chests at most. My route gets me at least 5 chests, and then if I'm lucky I can get like 10. In these, I normally get some fairly good armour, a sword and enough to make an iron sword. After this I just go hunting, and get some good kills. This gets me some good armour, and if I'm lucky, a diamond sword. \

2. Arena Master has said almost all of it. It's really hard to keep the cornucopia to yourself, even with a team sometimes. You will get a bunch of attackers before the night falls because they also want the great items, and unless there are less than 10 tributes left at this point, you will get probably 1-2 teams trying to get some stuff, and 2-3 solo players trying to get some stuff. If there were better items at the top of the higher towers, then everyone would go for them and it would cause a lot more death. Also, in most buildings, you don't need to go inside. There are normally vines on the outside allowing you to climb to the top. It's like this for the tower that goes to the very top of the map. There are 2 chests on the outside that you can find on your way up (that I know of). Also, right now very few people go for those. This makes it quite easy to get to those chests if you follow my last suggestion right above this. Again, almost everything I said for your #1 applies to this too.


May 6, 2012
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I think cornocopia items are good because than there will be more fighting and a lot more interaction.


May 31, 2012
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Actually i disagree (respectfully). I have seen too many games where one guy is sitting around the center not doing anything except looting the chests every night and no one dares challenge him because he has amazing gear. I completely agree with rabiatic on the second one. The first one may be interesting, but however im not so sure. I like the feeling of starting with nothing and needing to work my way up. I would just rather have the ability to win even if i am unable to take the center. Not saying that the center SHOULDNT give an advantage, that is completely the point. Rather i feel that it would be great if there was at least a possibility to get some good gear, while maybe not as good or in as much quantity as the center, from outside so that you can have a greater chance at being able to take over the center rather than be completely incapable of taking the center person on. I would love to see this iplemented in some way as it drives me nuts when I want to scale a huge building because of the beauty of the map, only to get a few sticks and rotten meat for the effort. I feel there should be more incentive for exploring, and that efficiently exploring and surviving the dangers of exploring should give you an edge to take back the middle. Thanks for listening to my response and I mean this as my own personal opinion and am in no way calling any one else's opinion stupid or anything of the like, i mean upmost respect in this post.


May 4, 2012
Reaction score
Actually i disagree (respectfully). I have seen too many games where one guy is sitting around the center not doing anything except looting the chests every night and no one dares challenge him because he has amazing gear. I completely agree with rabiatic on the second one. The first one may be interesting, but however im not so sure. I like the feeling of starting with nothing and needing to work my way up. I would just rather have the ability to win even if i am unable to take the center. Not saying that the center SHOULDNT give an advantage, that is completely the point. Rather i feel that it would be great if there was at least a possibility to get some good gear, while maybe not as good or in as much quantity as the center, from outside so that you can have a greater chance at being able to take over the center rather than be completely incapable of taking the center person on. I would love to see this iplemented in some way as it drives me nuts when I want to scale a huge building because of the beauty of the map, only to get a few sticks and rotten meat for the effort. I feel there should be more incentive for exploring, and that efficiently exploring and surviving the dangers of exploring should give you an edge to take back the middle. Thanks for listening to my response and I mean this as my own personal opinion and am in no way calling any one else's opinion stupid or anything of the like, i mean upmost respect in this post.
I like your opinion on the second idea. A chance of the items appearing in random chests, but also a much lower chance then their is at the cornucopia. Except no diamonds in random chests, because that would a bit too much. I don't know if Iron Armour should go in the random chests, even at a really low chance. However I wouldn't mind if it did.

P.S. It's utmost, not upmost :D
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