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Moderator applications are reopened!


District 13
Jun 28, 2012
Reaction score
No, it means it the page has been loaded 27 times. Whether that was you refreshing the page 26 times, or 26 times a senior staff member viewed it, is unknown xD


May 14, 2012
Reaction score
I honestly think, they should accept people on an based on the interview and the written app. Or maybe they should have 'Junior Mods' which basically means, younger mods, that are active on servers and have to record people hacking/spamming/rule breaking, but don't report them, just kick/ban them on the spot. Each ban by Junior Mods has to be reviewed by Sr.Staff (the proof must be shown). If the Junior Mods don't get proof, the banned person gets unbanned. So if they really want to help the servers (like a true mod) they would get the proof, because they TRULY do want to help the servers.

With the 'Junior Mod' idea, it would basically be a trial. First the app has to be professional and mature. If it is, they have an interview, if they sound mature (not as in pitch of voice) but with how they speak and what they would do in certain situation they'd then get 'Junior Mod' and after a certain period of time, they get moderator. I also think people under 15 shouldn't get Sr.Mod and/or above, but at least Mod and people under 10 DEFINITELY should not be allowed any position of staff.

But then the proper staff would have more work. Damn it. And I'm also going to get lots of people giving me reasons why this wouldn't work. Oh well, worth a shot.

I just want to help the servers in some way, because there's so many hackers getting reported, but it takes the staff ages to review them all, so the longer the hackers can hang around. I'd donate, but
1. I have no money.
2. My parents won't buy it for me.
3. They don't help with getting rid of hackers/spammers/etc., it helps pay for the servers.

Side note: Almost a G33ke post?
The thing with that is that I disagree with here: If you were applying for an actual job or volunteer position in the real world, and there was a required age posted or that they were accepting, there is zero leeway. They wouldn't just be like: "Oh, yeah. You're 14? We were only accepting people who are older than 16, but your application was well-written, so we'll give you a shot." With age comes maturity; there are exceptions to this rule (Tironas is our youngest mod, and I think he's one of the best), but there is a reason as to why it's there.

If we had "Junior Mods" who made bans frequently and then the bans had to be reviewed by Senior staff (the only people who can /unban players), that would just give them more work to do that regular moderators could be doing. In theory, all it would be is you posting a report abuse and having it reviewed, but having action taken immediately and a lot more mistakes to be made and a lot more headaches for the Senior staff.

Reporting abuse would just spread the job to all members of the moderating team, as opposed to just leaving it to Senior staff for the new "junior" recruits. If you want to help the servers, it's as simple as posting a new post in Report Abuse with a simple template. If it's just because you can't afford donor, then that's more of personal gain than trying to help. Also, if you're active for long enough and do try to help the server as a regular member of it, you can get rewarded with Friend rank, regardless of age. This has a join rank above Diamond donor, but below Moderator, which is what you'd get with the "Junior Moderator" rank anyway.

I'm the first one to use "Junior Moderator" as a somewhat ongoing joke (#kristoni4jrmod), but I do it as a joke towards the Senior Mods who don't actually have juniors. I don't mean it in a way that would allow people who are too young for the position normally to get the permission. The age limit was actually dropped from 16 with exceptions to 15 without exceptions, which I thought was a pretty decent compromise.

Also, sorry if this came off as kind of rude or harsh, it's not intended in that way at all; I just wanted to get my opinion out there. :) I have met a bunch of younger players from the MCSG TeamSpeak that I consider great friends to me (Tironas11, peacepple101, and the list goes on), but I can honestly say that not many of them would make amazing moderators. I like to derp about with them and have fun, but I can see a lot more of my friends who fall into the 16+ age range that would actually suite the position, just because maturity tends to come with time or extreme circumstance.

Sorry for going on and on, just had a lot to say. <3

Kristen / kristoniface


The thing with that is that I disagree with here: If you were applying for an actual job or volunteer position in the real world, and there was a required age posted or that they were accepting, there is zero leeway. They wouldn't just be like: "Oh, yeah. You're 14? We were only accepting people who are older than 16, but your application was well-written, so we'll give you a shot." With age comes maturity; there are exceptions to this rule (Tironas is our youngest mod, and I think he's one of the best), but there is a reason as to why it's there.

If we had "Junior Mods" who made bans frequently and then the bans had to be reviewed by Senior staff (the only people who can /unban players), that would just give them more work to do that regular moderators could be doing. In theory, all it would be is you posting a report abuse and having it reviewed, but having action taken immediately and a lot more mistakes to be made and a lot more headaches for the Senior staff.

Reporting abuse would just spread the job to all members of the moderating team, as opposed to just leaving it to Senior staff for the new "junior" recruits. If you want to help the servers, it's as simple as posting a new post in Report Abuse with a simple template. If it's just because you can't afford donor, then that's more of personal gain than trying to help. Also, if you're active for long enough and do try to help the server as a regular member of it, you can get rewarded with Friend rank, regardless of age. This has a join rank above Diamond donor, but below Moderator, which is what you'd get with the "Junior Moderator" rank anyway.

I'm the first one to use "Junior Moderator" as a somewhat ongoing joke (#kristoni4jrmod), but I do it as a joke towards the Senior Mods who don't actually have juniors. I don't mean it in a way that would allow people who are too young for the position normally to get the permission. The age limit was actually dropped from 16 with exceptions to 15 without exceptions, which I thought was a pretty decent compromise.

Also, sorry if this came off as kind of rude or harsh, it's not intended in that way at all; I just wanted to get my opinion out there. :) I have met a bunch of younger players from the MCSG TeamSpeak that I consider great friends to me (Tironas11, peacepple101, and the list goes on), but I can honestly say that not many of them would make amazing moderators. I like to derp about with them and have fun, but I can see a lot more of my friends who fall into the 16+ age range that would actually suite the position, just because maturity tends to come with time or extreme circumstance.

Sorry for going on and on, just had a lot to say. <3

Kristen / kristoniface
Yeah I guess, with the 'real world' thing. Perhaps you give 2 or 3 people a go with it (my idea)? For a couple of weeks or so? I totally understand with the too much work for Sr. Mods. Oh well, worth a shot <3 At least I'm not spamming Chad's wall with 'Plz unban me i did noting wrong i wuz only using the better sprnt mod bajan canadian uses it so why cant i also cn i hav modrater pls luv your servrs dood thz from 'Insert Annoying 5 year old's Username Here'. It's definitely not about not being able to donate at all, no way, and I guess the report abuse does the trick.

About friend rank, so what exactly are the requirements? What do you need to do?


Feb 11, 2013
Reaction score
Hey I would like to apply for moderator. My minecraft name is smilyboss I am 15 years of age And I love the mcsg servers SO much. Most other people who apply just want to get it so they have a free rank. But i want mod because i Like Mcsg alot and I hate it when hackers ruin me and my friends game. So being mod is kind of a dream for me. And i have been mod/admin on Other servers such as Werteas and Mad_potatos (Mads is not that popular) So i have some experience :/ . So some situations i would use /kick: if someone spams or harreses anoth player or if they openly insult me or anyother staff members (or just anyone) Instances of which i would use /ban: If a player hacks multiple times and i have screen shots and video (i have a mic and a recording application) And instances I use /temp ban: If a player spam-swears or hacks . So
If you make me mod i will be fair and just to all. Thanks for your time -Smily


May 14, 2012
Reaction score
Yeah I guess, with the 'real world' thing. Perhaps you give 2 or 3 people a go with it (my idea)? For a couple of weeks or so? I totally understand with the too much work for Sr. Mods. Oh well, worth a shot <3 At least I'm not spamming Chad's wall with 'Plz unban me i did noting wrong i wuz only using the better sprnt mod bajan canadian uses it so why cant i also cn i hav modrater pls luv your servrs dood thz from 'Insert Annoying 5 year old's Username Here'. It's definitely not about not being able to donate at all, no way, and I guess the report abuse does the trick.

About friend rank, so what exactly are the requirements? What do you need to do?
Well, it's just the fact we don't have many senior moderators currently; we lost quite a few recently. They are mildly understaffed, plus they have to keep and eye out on the new moderators that are bound to arise in the new wave of applications. Having Junior Moderators would give the already-busy staff more to do, and it would be too much. There is a reason why the age limit is set, just like there are age limits for a lot of volunteer and career opportunities out there.

Also, if you thought I was in any way trying to put you or your opinion down, I sincerely apologize (in reference to you comparing yourself to someone spamming Chad's wall). I wasn't trying to put down your idea, I'm just trying to explain why we don't have it in place currently; though, for all I know, it may change. I'm just one moderator with one opinion.

There are no set "requirements" to obtain Friend rank, nor do you apply for it. The longer you're on the server, the longer you're active on the server, and the more you do for the server, the better your chances are for obtaining Friend; also, a lot of former staff who resign get the Friend rank (though now all of them). It's a kind of recognition for your time/hard work put toward MCSG, and it's not something you can get over night.


May 29, 2012
Reaction score
Your name: Tommy
Your age: 6 and haelf
Your Minecraft username: BaccaWuv
Do you have any MCBans? (If so, explain): Only 2 i was spamming abut my fav youtube person
Past administration or moderation experiences: i was ranked [Spammer] on a server once personall from the owner guy
Why do you believe you are qualified to be a moderator?: yes
In what ways would your presence benefit our staff team?: i like bajan
Do you have the ability to record video?: in 240p yh
Do you own a microphone?: i got a mic in my laptop
How much time a week are you willing to donate to help moderate our forums and servers?: i can donate 65 cents
Where are you located? (Time zone): i live in canada

I, Tommy, accept the responsibilities by donating my own time by watching over the MCSG Community and agree that any mistake or action not approved by the administration could result in permanent ban or removal from the website.


Jun 1, 2012
Reaction score
Your name: Tommy
Your age: 6 and haelf
Your Minecraft username: BaccaWuv
Do you have any MCBans? (If so, explain): Only 2 i was spamming abut my fav youtube person
Past administration or moderation experiences: i was ranked [Spammer] on a server once personall from the owner guy
Why do you believe you are qualified to be a moderator?: yes
In what ways would your presence benefit our staff team?: i like bajan
Do you have the ability to record video?: in 240p yh
Do you own a microphone?: i got a mic in my laptop
How much time a week are you willing to donate to help moderate our forums and servers?: i can donate 65 cents
Where are you located? (Time zone): i live in canada

I, Tommy, accept the responsibilities by donating my own time by watching over the MCSG Community and agree that any mistake or action not approved by the administration could result in permanent ban or removal from the website.
If I could accept people.. You were hired!


District 13
Apr 21, 2012
Reaction score
The moderator template has been updated. Be sure to use that one and if you have already submitted an application with the old template, no need to repost it as the old one will be reviewed.


Feb 16, 2013
Reaction score
Slasher do we need to edit our applications? If we do id be more than happy to!


Well, it's just the fact we don't have many senior moderators currently; we lost quite a few recently. They are mildly understaffed, plus they have to keep and eye out on the new moderators that are bound to arise in the new wave of applications. Having Junior Moderators would give the already-busy staff more to do, and it would be too much. There is a reason why the age limit is set, just like there are age limits for a lot of volunteer and career opportunities out there.

Also, if you thought I was in any way trying to put you or your opinion down, I sincerely apologize (in reference to you comparing yourself to someone spamming Chad's wall). I wasn't trying to put down your idea, I'm just trying to explain why we don't have it in place currently; though, for all I know, it may change. I'm just one moderator with one opinion.

There are no set "requirements" to obtain Friend rank, nor do you apply for it. The longer you're on the server, the longer you're active on the server, and the more you do for the server, the better your chances are for obtaining Friend; also, a lot of former staff who resign get the Friend rank (though now all of them). It's a kind of recognition for your time/hard work put toward MCSG, and it's not something you can get over night.
Hmm so what do you mean by 'do for' the server?

About the staff, sorry I didn't realise that so many Sr.Mods had stepped down.

Case closed, I really can't wait for the next batch of mods!

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