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Random's suggestion list - Regularly updated.


Feb 1, 2013
Reaction score
They don't have many mobs for a reason, if they did it would be extremely easy to enchant, but if they nerfed the ammount of XP they drop then all would be fine.
They used to have tons of mobs. They took them out because people said they were too hard. Obviously, those people have never played a super hostile map...(shudder)


May 29, 2012
Reaction score
They don't have many mobs for a reason, if they did it would be extremely easy to enchant, but if they nerfed the ammount of XP they drop then all would be fine.
They used to have tons of mobs. They took them out because people said they were too hard. Obviously, those people have never played a super hostile map...(shudder)
Not nerfing the xp, nerfing the amount that can spawn would work so it's not too hard and less xp.


May 4, 2012
Reaction score
1.Re-introducing mobs
So, as I'm sure some of you know, mobs used to be a regular part of MCSG, but removed upon the introduction of SG3, seeing as the corn was infested with mobs. I'd love to see mobs re-intoduced as another element in the game. The quote below is something I posted in an earlier thread.

"Mobs. In my opinion, MCSG should be a set of PvE servers, not straight PvP. Mobs give the games a more rushed feel, you find yourself in trouble far more often than in a normal game where you find yourself wandering, bored, through a map. Mobs, atleast in my expierence, make being underpowered more fun, it adds an aspect of - Search for chests, or hide. Like some people said above, mods really intensify the strategic element of the game, making it harder to hold down corn, and making you really need to think before moving into a dark area. Games are all together more exciting, and add an unpredictable new element into gameplay."
Here, have a quote from @The_Arena_Master's thread on the topic.​
"I'd rather not have mobs. I would like the idea if they couldn't spawn at all until night time, because if they spawn in the day time in a building that's just a pain. Like SG2 with all it's dark towers was FILLED with mobs all the time, so if there are mobs at the beginning of the game and that's where your route takes you you're screwed.

Now, if they could spawn anywhere at night time (that follows the mob spawning rules) that would make it much more fair. By night time you should be able to defend yourself enough against the mobs, and if you can't it's just your problem. Of course, you could just say it's your problem if at the beginning of the game you have nothing and you get attacked by mobs, but I would be mad if that happened to me that early.

Another thing that would annoy me about mobs is that when you're chasing someone, and there is a skeleton or something near by, and it shoots you, you would be sent off track. That would be annoying too. Of course, it could hurt the person that is being chased, but that is just as annoying if it's you.

The mobs being able to kill noobs is a good thing and a bad thing. Noobs are still people, that could potentially become good at the game in the future. If they keep getting killed by mobs in the beginning, they will probably rage and quit. That would also lose the server some potential donors. In addition, when you're playing a new map and you don't know where the chests are, you could get killed by mobs because you're a noob on that map!

Skeletons also have an aimbot (everyone knows it) which is really annoying. At any time, fighting a skeleton would be a pain. Maybe when this is fixed (at least so it's not like that on easy/normal difficulty) then I will be more willing to have mobs on the server.

So this is why I don't think mobs should come back, unless it's under the condition above.
#G33kePosterInTraining :)"

Point is, mobs shouldn't be there or be able to spawn until refill. They would be able to spawn anywhere following the mob spawning rules, and that would make for a fair beginning, and a more interesting game after the refill.

2. 1 vs. 1 Deathmatches
So lets be honest, who hasn't fough a team in DM, well it's annoying, but thats not why I'm suggesting this. Similarly to mobs, 1 vs. 1 death matches were also a regular part of MCSG, and were removed to speed up the game. Heres another post I made in an earlier thread.

"1 vs. 1 deathmatch, I know that they added 3 player deathmatches to "Speed things up" But the essence of SG is not a quick 1 off match, It's supposed to be a long grueling game that lasts for ages. More and more people are joining for quick games that they can play a bunch of in 1 sitting, but in reality MCSG was originally about everything from the 10 deaths in the first 10 minutes, from searching through trees for that last pre-deathmatch player. Not to mention that in a game usually about 2 people are overpowered, so usually DM comes down someone with nothing and two good players. I prefer an epic battle of strong players."
I don't agree or disagree. I think a 1v1 deathmatch would be more fair, but in most cases it wouldn't change the fact that you are taken on by a team. If you would have been taken on by a team in deathmatch, they will probably hunt for you for the whole game. Then you will have to fight against that team anyways. I personally like the deathmatch as it is now, because if it's a deathmatch free of teams, it makes for more of a challenge. If it were to change back to 1v1 deathmatch, I wouldn't be against it though.

3. Nerfed corn refill
This one is my idea as a whole, not something I want re-introduced. Again, this is a from something I posted on a previous thread.

"Nerfed corn refill. Some of you must be like WOAH WOAH WOAH, but when I say nerf refill, I mean make it so only have of the chests refilled spawn tier 2 items (prefferably make all of them tier 1, but no-one would like that) The reason I'd like this is that it makes corn far less OP, to really get good items, you need to go to find your own tier 2's, rather than just know where the center is. Although this makes corn less of a hotspot, it caters to searching the map for new chests, rather than using 1 route and going to corn."

This is an interesting idea. My reason for not wanting a full tier 1 refill is that there is no point to collecting the refill for some people if they don't need tier 1's. Maybe after refill, all the tier 2 chests on the map become a mix of tier 1/2 so that they can spawn both tiers of items. This reduces the chances of getting too much OP gear at refill, and doesn't make it so some chests are tier 2 and some chests aren't, which would be a bit odd and confusing in my opinion.

5. Scattered refills -
This is sort of a variation on the "Only corn refills" thingy that was used in MCSG in its dark ages. It's not the same, but I think it would be intresting in the least. Here it is.

"Scattered refill. This is another one people will hate. I say, instead of refilling all the chests at night (corn not included) only refill 50 - 75% of the chests. This way, you need to look for more chests rather than just re-running your route. This scatters players through the map, making night-time hunting more than just running to all the hotspots."
I would prefer my idea given for 3. :p

6. Hardcore servers
So, I'll just re-type this one, seeing as I didn't describe it very well in my past post. Basically what I'd love to see is a hardcore server. This would be implimented if ideas 1 -5 are disliked. These servers would consist of the elements of ideas 1 -5 piled into a single server. The servers would have slower health regeneration, but would give extra points upon every kill. These servers would cater to those of us who like a harder game. These would possibly only be open to people with a certain amount of wins, so new players wouldn't join and complain about it being to hard.
This would make for an interesting game, but I think it would also be a waste of a server. I think if they are going to add these things, they shouldn't have 2 different kinds of servers for it.

7. Bow Headshots
So this is one that I requested ages ago, but the thread died, as threads tend to do. So I decided I'll try to re-introduce the idea to a newer audience.
Basically the idea is that bow headshots do more damage. If a player is x blocks away and the arrow hits the player in the head, it does a certain amount more damage. The distance would be long, making it harder to simply spam headshots, it would be a shot you'd need to take a moment to aim, rather than pull back the bow and fire. This gives us more reward for being an accurate archer, and adds more strategy towards how you attack someone.
I think this is a good idea. I take pride in my ability as an archer, and this would make it more interesting. At one point, I was on skype with a friend playing MCSG, and he was on the little side area of the building under construction next to the cornucopia while I was in front of the hangar with the crafting table standing still. He successfully managed to shoot me, which in this idea you said, probably should have killed me if it was a headshot (didn't check if it was).

8. Flimsy fishing rods (Sorry G33ke!)
As I'm sure you know, flint and steel has a very low duribity on these servers as to not make it overpowered. As I'm sure you also know, fishing rods are commonly used as a defensive tool. While this is good and all, it can get tiring, people can use fishing rods almost infinatly seeing how high the duribility is. So to be honsest, if you caught someone with a fishing rod, and then pulled the hook out from afar, don't you think the rod would be damaged more than if it was used to catch a fish? I say make it so fishing rods only last long enough to have 20 uses on another person.
Works for me :p Nothing really needs to be said here.

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