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Changes I would like for MCSG: Voting


May 14, 2012
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Yes, I know that MCSGv2 is coming out, and that it will improve voting, but from what I've seen on how it'll work, I just don't feel that it will have that much of an impact in the long run. Also, I would like to point out first and foremost that my main problem with voting isn't because of maps getting repeated (although I will acknowledge that that is incredibly annoying), but because I feel that voting in general isn't suited for MCSG. I will just be giving you two points, one on each of these issues. And while I know that it is a big argument, if you do comment below, please try not to have MCSGv2 as the basis for your argument. So with that said, lets dive in.

1. MCSGv2 voting: I have seen a glimpse of how the new voting system will work, and I will admit it will help stop repeated maps, but even though I acknowledge it is a fix, It in my opinion will not fix the problem.

Let me break it down. The way it works is if one map has been played, then it enters a two map cooldown period, and I think it is a good idea in theory. But it still won't stop overplayed maps. Take the two most played maps: Survival Games 4 and Breeze Island for example. Should the new voting system be put into place, after playing SG4, it will take a break. Then someone might want to play Breeze island.

After that, the next map is anyone's guess. The problem is that after this game, SG4 will be back in circulation, and it gets picked again. This is my main worry: that although this voting system will fix side-by-side maps, I fear that 33% of maps played will be SG4, 33% will be Breeze, and 33% will be every other map. The only thing I can think of to fix this is to get rid of the /skip command, which would help it being as constant as I am making the worst case scenario to be.

2. The essence of MCSG: I guess that in the end, my main problem with voting is that it ruins the purest essence of MCSG. To everyone reading this, I want you to think back at the first time you saw or played a MCSG map. Remember how you were mesmerised at the environment, caught out by traps, and hiding in fear at another player. The main thing all of this is focused around: you were clueless.

The beauty of MCSG was not PvP or chest routes, it was instinct. You knew there was something in that cave, you knew that you needed to plan out how to take out that guy with the iron chestplate, you even knew what this random partner in your team who you've never met before was thinking the exact same thing as you. This stays true to the Hunger Games spirit, when contestants saw the arena only 60 seconds before they explored it.

So what has this to do with voting? Well, now many people know a lot of maps by heart, and instead of exploring new maps, they just want to stick to their favourite map. This means that they don't play MCSG to explore unfamiliar maps because they only played it twice and say that it "sucks", they play solely for chest routes and PvP. And this means that larger maps have absolutely NO chance to be played as much, because their open-endedness is the opposite of chest routes and PvP.

An example? Overgrown Arena, by far one of the least played maps. Many people hated it because it was too big, had very few 'designated' fighting spots (eg. towers on SG1, ship on Breeze, etc.) and was easy to get lost in. The reason I liked it? It's very big, has very few designated fighting spots, and was easy to get lost in. It was MCSG at its core, and I loved it. Exploration, and little PvP making PvP when it came round that much more exciting. Not to mention finding chests actually seem like you found a chest, rather them memorising its location on a previous play and dashing straight towards it.

Now because of its size and structure, I have only been able to play the map once in the past two months. I actually thought it was out of circulation! If you have maps going in a circle, every map is divided out equally, making Breeze and SG4 as played as Overgrown Arena and Hungry Hills. Taking the freedom of voting gives the true essence of MCSG, Being able to play 'arena maps' like Breeze from time to time while also having 'adventure maps' like Overgrown Arena. It leads to a perfect balance which makes us feel nostalgic while at the same time experienced.

Wow that was a long post. Give your opinion in the comments below, suggest new ideas, spread the word of this post, read my other suggestions, and any support is well received. See you next post!


May 7, 2012
Reaction score
You started talking about maps half-way through the thread. What? ._.


Feb 5, 2013
Reaction score
Yep, I agree a 100% with you. The searching for chests and players fear of the night that's what MCSG was all about but now people want wins and points. All the fun has gone out of it. The points and wins lead to comparisons and eventually arguments... in the lobbies. P.S. I have a suggestion for your next thread. Make it shorter. :D


May 14, 2012
Reaction score
Yep, I agree a 100% with you. The searching for chests and players fear of the night that's what MCSG was all about but now people want wins and points. All the fun has gone out of it. The points and wins lead to comparisons and eventually arguments... in the lobbies. P.S. I have a suggestion for your next thread. Make it shorter. :D
Yeahhh.... That happens a lot. Thanks for the support!


May 27, 2012
Reaction score
I wholeheartedly agree with you
I would LOVE to see the /skip command gone


May 4, 2012
Reaction score
The way I see it is this.

With the new voting system in place, of course SG4 and Breeze Island will still be played. But once that 3rd map that can't be SG4 or Breeze comes, it will be another awesome map. Now the noobs that always voted for SG4 and Breeze will vote for these other maps, because they had never played them that much in the past and now they have gotten better at them, so they will be willing to play them. This is the main reason I've been excited for MCSGv2.

Removal of /skip has been suggested several times before. Nearly everyone LOVES the idea, but the mods never check the threads (just a coincidence I guess) and it never gets suggested to the developers. I think this is probably one of the best solutions, but with MCSGv2 on the way I don't think it will be necessary. I think either of those solutions will get the job done, if the way it's going to be done in MCSGv2 is not better.

When I enter the lobby, I see the 4 maps that are to be voted for. Nearly always, SG4 or Breeze Island is in there anyways so it will probably be voted in. At least 1 of them will probably be in most of the time, so it might end up being 3/3 games are Breeze Island or SG4, whereas MCSGv2 will certainly make it 2/3.

The reason I don't like overgrown arena is that there is one section of the map with all these massive buildings that many people will go to, and the rest is just boring jungle trees. I don't like maps with 1 or 2 crazy hotspots, because those are the places tons of people go and the rest of the map is barely used. I found this to be the case with Overgrown Arena, if other people haven't noticed it then it's probably because the map was so rarely played it was new to everyone. I also don't like Insanity Cause because of the amount of jungle trees, and how they often just get annoying.


May 14, 2012
Reaction score
The way I see it is this.

With the new voting system in place, of course SG4 and Breeze Island will still be played. But once that 3rd map that can't be SG4 or Breeze comes, it will be another awesome map. Now the noobs that always voted for SG4 and Breeze will vote for these other maps, because they had never played them that much in the past and now they have gotten better at them, so they will be willing to play them. This is the main reason I've been excited for MCSGv2.

Removal of /skip has been suggested several times before. Nearly everyone LOVES the idea, but the mods never check the threads (just a coincidence I guess) and it never gets suggested to the developers. I think this is probably one of the best solutions, but with MCSGv2 on the way I don't think it will be necessary. I think either of those solutions will get the job done, if the way it's going to be done in MCSGv2 is not better.

When I enter the lobby, I see the 4 maps that are to be voted for. Nearly always, SG4 or Breeze Island is in there anyways so it will probably be voted in. At least 1 of them will probably be in most of the time, so it might end up being 3/3 games are Breeze Island or SG4, whereas MCSGv2 will certainly make it 2/3.

The reason I don't like overgrown arena is that there is one section of the map with all these massive buildings that many people will go to, and the rest is just boring jungle trees. I don't like maps with 1 or 2 crazy hotspots, because those are the places tons of people go and the rest of the map is barely used. I found this to be the case with Overgrown Arena, if other people haven't noticed it then it's probably because the map was so rarely played it was new to everyone. I also don't like Insanity Cause because of the amount of jungle trees, and how they often just get annoying.
Now THESE are the comments I like to hear!
I'm going to be honest, I never thought of Breeze Players being forced to play other maps and end up enjoying them. My main problem is that it could go many ways. They could end up liking other maps, they could just quit the server, they could find a new map that will end up overplayed, they could still end up picking Breeze and SG4, and many others. I would be happy to settle for your theory if they keep voting, and at the same time... Well 2/3rds of the time will still be Breeze and SG4. It's just too big a risk.

As for the trees and the hotspots, the hotspots generally consist of a few tier one chests in a group. The trees however, can hold tier one chests that no one normally goes to. When you consider this, the rewards are generally the same both ways. And in my opinion (just my opinion, mind) I like getting lost and finding my way out while finding chests along the way. As for Insanity Cause, I surprisingly have only played it once, so I can't really give an opinion on it. Thanks for listening!


May 4, 2012
Reaction score
Now THESE are the comments I like to hear!
I'm going to be honest, I never thought of Breeze Players being forced to play other maps and end up enjoying them. My main problem is that it could go many ways. They could end up liking other maps, they could just quit the server, they could find a new map that will end up overplayed, they could still end up picking Breeze and SG4, and many others. I would be happy to settle for your theory if they keep voting, and at the same time... Well 2/3rds of the time will still be Breeze and SG4. It's just too big a risk.

As for the trees and the hotspots, the hotspots generally consist of a few tier one chests in a group. The trees however, can hold tier one chests that no one normally goes to. When you consider this, the rewards are generally the same both ways. And in my opinion (just my opinion, mind) I like getting lost and finding my way out while finding chests along the way. As for Insanity Cause, I surprisingly have only played it once, so I can't really give an opinion on it. Thanks for listening!
I can't see why they would end up quitting the server because they can't play Breeze Island or SG4 as often as they want. They will still be able to play it, just at a regular amount. And the same thing will happen if another map becomes overplayed. It will eventually be fairly regular as to what maps are being played. I think 2/3 of the time is just enough to make me not hate those maps. Right now, I like both of the maps I just really don't like having to play it so often, and in my opinion this will all be gone when the update comes.

Well, the problem was also (specifically on Insanity Cause) that the trees were really bunched up. I know there can be chests in trees, and whether they are uncommon or not, it's just not very interesting to climb nearly every tree until you find a chest. Hotspots generally contain at least like 5 tier chests, including a tier 2 sometimes. I agree that getting lost and finding chests is fun, but the result isn't in my opinion. You end up having less than full leather armour, plenty of food, a stone sword, 2 iron ingots and a stick, but no idea where to go. Then deathmatch comes and you're screwed because the other guy won't give you a good fight.

I think a really interesting thing would be an automatically generated map that has chests and buildings and stuff in it. I'm sure it's possible, because then the automatic Village generating would be impossible and stuff like that. It would just be really difficult, and will probably never happen. I think it would make for an interesting game, but it would take a lot of effort that no one is willing to put in. The idea is sort of like the Hell Games in the way that it's always a different map. There are no chests on it though, because that's just how it works.

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