IGN: Zookrym | Top5Kills
Age: 16
Wins/Loss: 197/900 - 10/40
Donor: Platinum - None
Skype Name: erm...
PvP Strenghts: FnS (but with this FnS glitch it's difficult to place it), Bow.
PvP Weakness: The CPS (I get 5).
Favourite Maps: Winds Of Change, Inertia, SG4.
Past Clans: Insurgent, Glacial, Retro, Phoenix.
Ping: 58
How will you help our Clan: I would just like to be in a clan to play with friends, I know what I did to this clan in the past but I it' s a game, I was just mad cause you beat Insurgent.
If you don't want me in for what I done, decline me, but think that I play 2/3 hours a week, and I have no-one to play with.
Active Daily (1-10): 3/10
Nationality: Italy