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THG Written Series - CHAPTER 5


Aug 12, 2015
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~ The Hunger Games ~
- A Written Series -
Created by: GoontherMC
Founded by: Divisions Clan
- Info -
This is a written series created by me, GoontherMC, the series is based off the book and movie series The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and Mockingjay. I do not take credit for the story outline. Chapters from this series will be posted on a Monday Tuesday Wednesday routine. Tributes are randomly chosen in the order in which they die using this online randomizer, please do not get mad if a character dies in an order you do not like.
Previous Chapter(s): Chapter 4
Next Chapter(s): Chapter 6

Chapter 5:

Perspective of Cinos | Entering Panem

The train suddenly started to slow down and I looked out the train window seeing a bunch of weirdly dressed people waving at me, are these the people of Panem? “Hey Jeff come over here” I waved for him to come “Yeah, what” he looked out the window. “Why are they dressed so weird?” I curiously asked Jeff just shrugged. The train came to a complete stop and we stepped off the train, looking all around us as if we’ve never seen the real world yet.

Some people were shouting our names, some people were booing us but I couldn’t tell who exactly, it was too big of a crowd to look through. Officers lead us to a building just by the train stop where I see a tall women standing in the front of a group of people in weird, nurse-like uniforms. “Welcome to Panem tributes” the tall women suddenly spoke, she had a deep voice “I will be your stylist and make sure you make it to the Hunger Games with the best looks”

Jeff didn’t hesitate to walk over to the group “Hi, my name is Jeff” he shook the ladies hand “My name is Evelina” she replied, nodding. I walked over to them as well “My name is Howee” Evelina put her hand out for me to shake and I did “Nice to meet you Howee, interesting name” was there something wrong with my name?

She snapped her fingers and half of the group in their blue outfits went to one table and the other half to a different table. “You two will be cleaned up before I meet with you again, these people will help with that” Evelina slipped out of the room and the weird blue uniformed people pushed me to a table where I got up onto and they told me to lay down.

“Wait, what are you doing?” I was getting scared, they started to trim my hair and remove hair from my legs with some kind of painful glue. It felt like it was longer but five minutes later they stopped and I got off of the table looking in a mirror and seeing my ‘polished’ face. They then walked me to a room where Evelina and Jeff were waiting “How’d it go” Jeff asked me.

“Horrible and painful” there was some rash on my arm now that I was scratching away, I was probably allergic to whatever they used “At least you two now look your very best, you need to make a good impression on the people of Panem if you rely on sponsors” Evelina said while pulling out some papers with sketches out of a drawer, she laid them on the desk.

“District 12 is known for gloomy miner costumes for the district introduction, unfortunately there’s no better option but to do a miner costume for this year again, but, I have some special things I want to add to it” she analyzed her sketches and pointed at another one “You’ll be wearing some special make up to make it look like coal dust is all over your costume and faces, and your miner helmets will have a special light illumination, you guys alright with wearing this?”

“I like the idea” I told Evelina, she smiled and put the sketches back “I’m glad you like it” and she walked us out of the room. “Now off you go” she pointed towards and elevator “Your room is on the 12th floor, you’ve got half an hour before we put on your costumes and go to the district introduction” she vanished somewhere before I could ask any more questions, I went onto the elevator with Jeff.

Even the elevator was as good looking as Panem, it was colored it pink with a TV on the side of each wall displaying feature moments of the Hunger Games from last year, the floor numbers were displayed on a touchscreen board. “Twelve right?” Jeff nodded and I clicked the number twelve on the touch screen, the elevator zoomed up and we got there in less than a second.

When the elevator door opened we were greeted by two people bowing to us “Hello I’m Ho-” Jeff nudged me in the shoulder “Haven’t you seen any videos? They don’t have tounges” he whispered. The two ‘servants’ led us to each of our rooms, I entered my own room that had its own roof aquarium, it looked really, really nice. I flopped on the bed and looked up at the fish.

That was the end of today's chapter!
Look out for the next one, new chapter out every Monday, Wednesday, Friday!
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