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Elegance (EU Division)

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Nov 14, 2014
Reaction score
EU Division:
  • Welcome to Elegance, an EU clan that strives to become a very professional and 'Elegant' clan with very good and experienced members! We hope to have fun and become a well known clan.
  • Date of creation: 11/8/2015
  • Applications Status: Open
You need a good working microphone.
You need to be good at communication and working together.
You need to be 13+

You must have at least 100 wins or a 1/10 ratio.
You need to know routes on most maps.
Clan Battle Rules:
We will only do 2v2's till 4v4's
We can only use people in our roster, no randy teaming with someone else.

If you die to a hacker. You MUST have some form of evidence.

If you get ghost killed it is a redo as long as appropriate evidence is shown

We will only play maps such as: Par 72, SG4, SG: Adrenaline. Etc... But only if both clans agree to play on that map.

All games will be played on EU

Alt accounts listed on the roster are allowed to be used as long as we know whose it is.

No Use of OP Items, from dispensers, example: The Dispenser on VallySide University which gives a iron axe,iron leggings and splashes a health pot at you.

There will be 2 minutes of a grace period.

Each clan is allowed a postponement of 1 day.

No use of sponsored items. If you are sponsored an item burn it or don't use it.

No flamewars what so ever.

Do not bounty what so ever.

No DDosing, If you are found doing it then we will DQ you. With valid evidence ofc.

All MCSG Rules apply.


If any of the rules are broken, then the following will occur.

First Offence: The round will not count and will be called off.
Second Offence: The round will be a disqualification.
Third Offence: The entire clan battle will be forfeited.

You must agree to these rules in order to play against us.
If you do not, we will not play against you guys.

EU Division: 10/25
Leader: flamer_2003 1/1
Co-owner: Kawhi: 1/1
Officer: (0/2)
Legends: (1/3)
Heros: (1/3)
Youtuber (2/5):
-Kawhi- (Records as well)
Elites: (3/5)
Member (2/5)
-imNathan -
Trial: (0/?)

Cheerleader : zaadric <3
-Cowhi: Kawhi-
-ghostrider1622: Proxieee-

Roles of each person in the roster:

Founder and main decision maker, all decisions must me asked to him first.

Co-Owner: Second in command, when the leader in unavailable he is allowed to make important decisions, he is the only person allowed to make a decision in the clan without having to tell the owner/leader.

Officers: Good players that make decisions, they organise CW's and make sure everyone in the Clan is co-operating, there has to be at least 1 officer in the CW either as a spectator or as someone in the LU.

Legends: These are the very good and skilled players with over 300 wins, they are active and participate alot. They can make important decisions in CWs and they are to be taken seriously. 1/4 or 1/3 ratio

Hero: They are also very good and skilled players with 200+ wins, they are also to be listened to. They are very important people in our clan just like Legends. 1/5 or 1/6 ratio.

Youtuber: They are people who record our CW to have evidence in the certain scenario of a Disqualification.

Elites: Good players in the clan that will be used in CWs. They have atleast 150 Wins. 1/7, 1/8 or 1/9 ratio.

Members: People who have been accepted and have passed the trial into the clan. These are the foundations of this clan and without them we would crumble. 1/10 ratio.

Trails: People in the clan who need to be tested before fully becoming an 'Elegance' Member.

Cheerleader: They are baes who support us <3

Side note: If a person is in this clan for over 2 months, they will be given a rank called Veteran.


How well do you speak English (0/10)
What is your IRL name (Optional)
Do you have any donor (If so, when does it run out, that is if it DOES run out.):
How many wins do you have:
How many games have you played:
What clans have you been in before:
How active will you be:
What is your normal ping to EU MCSG:
Why do you want to join?:
Do you know anybody in this clan?:
Where are you from:
What is the largest team you have ever taken out:
Final question: What are your PVP strengths and weaknesses? (If you have any of course xD)

Thank you if you have applied, your application will be looked at shortly.

Clan Battles: (Lose) (Victory) (PP)

Elegance VS Dalmahoy 5-0 (Victory) -DQ
MOTM: Kawhi

Match description: This was not a good CW for us at all. We played very bad and we kept being targetted. :/ Dalmahoy should of won but since they disbanded during the PP we win by DQ. It was a fun match. Sort of xD
Elegance VS Titonic 5-0 (Lose)- DQ
Match Description: We disbanded during the PP so they win by DQ
MOTM: No one
Elegance VS ??? 0-0

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Nov 14, 2014
Reaction score
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