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Guide Tips for a Smooth Clan Battle


District 13
Jun 11, 2013
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Tips for a smooth clan battle.
Clan battles are intense and competitive, that's what makes them so much fun! Because of this, it is recommended and in some cases mandatory that you take the following steps to make sure that you have a clan battle that runs smoothly.

1. Get a referee
Having someone to oversee your battle is a crucial element to a successful battle. Disagreements are bound to happen in clan battles, and with the high competitive nature that makes clan battles so much fun it can be hard to come to an agreement. A referee can settle any disagreements easier, as they provide an unbiased viewpoint on the situation. To make things even better, the MCGamer staff team provides a team of specially trained staff members called Clan Staff. They are trained to referee clan battles, and having one attend your battle is easy and simple too! To find out the best ways to get in contact with one check out this thread: http://www.mcgamer.net/threads/getting-in-contact-with-clan-staff.201396/#post-2058732

2. Follow all rules
It is vital to make sure that every member in your clan has read and understood two main sets of rules. This is because that breaking any rule large or small has the possibility to cause a disqualification, and the in some circumstances may lead to other punishments towards your clan. The first is the MCGamer Network rules. These are the basic rules of the network that should always be followed at all times when on any of our platforms, whether you are doing anything clan related or not. The second is the Clan Guidelines. This contains all the rules related to clans in particular. It even includes the MCGamer Official Clan Battle Rules.

MCGamer Rules: http://www.mcgamer.net/threads/mcgamer-updated-rules-version-3-0.12254/
Official Clan Rules: http://www.mcgamer.net/threads/mcgamer-global-clan-rules-2015.220841/

3. Be clear and decisive
Whether it's submitting a roster, selecting a map, or any other information that the referee or the other clan needs to understand. It is important to do as much as you can to minimize confusion. For example, try not to change your mind too often as that can just lead to misunderstandings. Additionally, while mistakes happen, if you submit the incorrect roster for a battle for instance, it is crucial that quickly correct yourself as soon as you are aware of it, and hopefully you can get the correct information to the other clan and referee in time.

4. Be profesional

It is always best for all members of your clan to act in a mature and professional manner, even during the heat of the battle. Saying things that may provoke the other clan and lead to drama are never a good idea. This includes trash talking and accusing the other clan of breaking the rules. If you believe the other clan has broken the rules, it is best that you contact the match referee (or a member of clan staff if you didn't have one) instead. Finally, when the battle ends be a good sport and move on. Try not to bring up issues from previous rounds now, as that should have been done when those issues happened. Both the winning and losing side should be respectful towards their opponent, and of course the referee who took time out of their day to help out.

5. Use MCSG Maker for a private server
MCSG Maker can be used as a private server for your battle. This will remove randies from the battle, preventing all the issues that randies can cause. Additionally, roster disputes can also be solved as only the members that are participating can be added. Other benefits include the ability to add a grace period, the ability to force a certain map, and much more! To use MCSG Maker use the sign in the hub to create a game, set it to private and invite all the members of the clans!

6. See an issue? Get evidence if possible.
If an issue arrises at the battle, it's always best if you capture your own evidence. Even if you have a referee. While refs can see all messages in chat, they cannot see every battle that is fought during the game. Because of this, recording your battle if your computer can handle it is never a bad idea. If you are killed by a hacker for example, you can just send the footage over to the referee to have a look at, and you could be granted a redo! Generally, it is a good idea to take screenshots or video of any issues you see during the battle, in case needed for future reference. Taking screenshots of the opponents roster that they submitted before the battle is also a good idea, in case of any roster issues that occur during the battle. By collecting lots of evidence you can help support your argument when a clan staff member looks into the issue.

Final notes:
  • Got any questions or concerns regarding anything related to clans? PM a Clan Staff member on the forums or poke us on Teamspeak and we would be more than happy to assist you! More info here: http://www.mcgamer.net/threads/getting-in-contact-with-clan-staff.201396/
  • If you have any suggestions related this thread feel free to let me know in a reply.
  • Thanks to all the clan staff who helped with this thread! :)
  • Have fun in your battles!
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District 13
Feb 19, 2015
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Beautiful like you Arsenal (That kinda rhymed :p )

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