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The Angels


Mar 15, 2015
Reaction score
Name: My name is Josh! c:
IGN: I have 3 currently which I use, the other 2 are not really considered mains. I'll hit you up on Skype or PM.
Age: My age is 14! :3
Wins: I'll do before and after;
Account 1: BSR: 200/1500 ASR: 30/200 (This account I didn't really put any work, I just use this whenever I'm trying to be stupid, 720 no scopes etc).
Account 2: BSR: 500/2000+ ASR: 100/400 (Not able to play on this account nor account 3, I'll hit you up also).
Account 3: BSR: 400/5000+ (first account I got okay, dont judge aha) ASR: 0/0 (PM you).
Donor (If Any): I got the green one.
Games Played: I've already listen that ^-^
Time Zone: Timezone is in Australia (AEST). Dont worry, I can stay up late in clan battles whilst it's like 11am in your time xP
W / L Ratio: Again, already listed it ;)
Skype Name: Skype name is josh.anderson2212
TS (Y/N): Yeah I got TS.
Favorite Map: Honestly I don't mind any besides SG2.
PvP Strengths: Sword w/Rod (I don't know if I'll be able to use the rod with 200 ms, but let's just see eh?)
PvP Weaknesses: FnS and beating teams w/No choke points.
Past Clans Include: There all AU :p
Why do you want to join Angels? Seems like a pretty good US clan to me, and with alot of potential.
Do you know any member currently in Angels? If so, who: No, not really :p Or I've actually seen Aidan on forums.
How active would you be on a scale of 1-10: 8.5.
Have you liked the forum page yet? I'll go do it now c:
(Please tag 2+ Forum staff, list at the bottom of our
member but ps a lot of players just left because Dexterity just rebanded so i don't really know how stable the clan is rn, though we are getting a lot of new carries :3


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
I and another mod have cleared most of the flame. Just try to be more chill about stuff like this in the future, please ;-;


District 13
Feb 19, 2015
Reaction score
Hey so I just deleted all the flame on this thread (hopefully) as Ceroria seems to get a little bit tired of this and hopefully he won't kill all of you guys... Anyways, I just want you guys to know please stop the flame on this thread, I'm not too familiar with clan issues, but this is what Ceroria said:

Well, if it isn't the fifth or sixth time in the last couple of weeks that I've had to come over here and clear flame... This is the last straw. It's not just me that's fed up with the constant issues you bring to the staff on your clan thread and via TS complaints. If I'm tagged here one more time, it won't be pretty so how about all of you just keep it all to yourselves, there is absolutely no reason for all of you to be arguing over the most pointless things like one clan battle. If you can't accept a loss and feel the need to get angry and argue over it, then maybe the clan scene isn't the best for you.

I really don't want Ceroria to get mad at you guys so please just follow the Clan rules/guidelines.

Thank you for reading this :)


Mar 15, 2015
Reaction score
I and another mod have cleared most of the flame. Just try to be more chill about stuff like this in the future, please ;-;
PLS don't ban me I'm 3 weeks away from being able to apply for mod


May 14, 2015
Reaction score
Hey so I just deleted all the flame on this thread (hopefully) as Ceroria seems to get a little bit tired of this and hopefully he won't kill all of you guys... Anyways, I just want you guys to know please stop the flame on this thread, I'm not too familiar with clan issues, but this is what Ceroria said:

Well, if it isn't the fifth or sixth time in the last couple of weeks that I've had to come over here and clear flame... This is the last straw. It's not just me that's fed up with the constant issues you bring to the staff on your clan thread and via TS complaints. If I'm tagged here one more time, it won't be pretty so how about all of you just keep it all to yourselves, there is absolutely no reason for all of you to be arguing over the most pointless things like one clan battle. If you can't accept a loss and feel the need to get angry and argue over it, then maybe the clan scene isn't the best for you.

I really don't want Ceroria to get mad at you guys so please just follow the Clan rules/guidelines.

Thank you for reading this :)
ceroria got so mad he was mad ;___;

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