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The Angels


May 14, 2015
Reaction score
Name: My name is Josh! c:
IGN: I have 3 currently which I use, the other 2 are not really considered mains. I'll hit you up on Skype or PM.
Age: My age is 14! :3
Wins: I'll do before and after;
Account 1: BSR: 200/1500 ASR: 30/200 (This account I didn't really put any work, I just use this whenever I'm trying to be stupid, 720 no scopes etc).
Account 2: BSR: 500/2000+ ASR: 100/400 (Not able to play on this account nor account 3, I'll hit you up also).
Account 3: BSR: 400/5000+ (first account I got okay, dont judge aha) ASR: 0/0 (PM you).
Donor (If Any): I got the green one.
Games Played: I've already listen that ^-^
Time Zone: Timezone is in Australia (AEST). Dont worry, I can stay up late in clan battles whilst it's like 11am in your time xP
W / L Ratio: Again, already listed it ;)
Skype Name: Skype name is josh.anderson2212
TS (Y/N): Yeah I got TS.
Favorite Map: Honestly I don't mind any besides SG2.
PvP Strengths: Sword w/Rod (I don't know if I'll be able to use the rod with 200 ms, but let's just see eh?)
PvP Weaknesses: FnS and beating teams w/No choke points.
Past Clans Include: There all AU :p
Why do you want to join Angels? Seems like a pretty good US clan to me, and with alot of potential.
Do you know any member currently in Angels? If so, who: No, not really :p Or I've actually seen Aidan on forums.
How active would you be on a scale of 1-10: 8.5.
Have you liked the forum page yet? I'll go do it now c:
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