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The Angels


Mar 15, 2015
Reaction score
So I originally join this clan so I can improve and meet some new people. After joining Angels it surpassed my expectations that I initially had and you no longer need me (and you probably didn't need me in the first place). This clan has gotten a lot stronger and has gotten a lot better players than me over the course of 2 or 3 weeks. Overall, I'm not that good anymore and I only get you guys called out for hacks, and I don't want to be the reason for flame. In addition to my bad rep, I'm not very active anyways. That's why I have decided to leave this clan for the time being. It was fun while it lasted, but I hate being the reason for bad rep in a clan, I know I get constantly harassed over it, and I do not want that to happen to you.

The swaglords of the clan
Aidan You're a lot chiller than I expected, and I know as long as you have determination to make this clan better that this clan will be a top clan.

Flyon I'll probably end up joining another one of your clans in the future anyways. You always came off as a great singer to me, especially singing great hits like "Big Green Tractor." I'll name my next fish after you <3

ReflexeZ Before I joined the I thought you hated me or thought I hacked, (well I guess you still do, but still) you ended up being chill, and I personally thought you lead in battles the best.

Darkyy Same thing with Anthony, I thought you disliked me before I joined because you thought I toggled or whatever and I left when you initially joined Angels. However, when I joined back I realized there was no reason to leave because you actual didn't give a fck.

SolarEclipse I've known you since Audentia and I can still remember when you were a trial in that clan with ItsAppleYT. They grow up so fast <3.

Junks It was good talking to you again after over a year of being separated </3. Hmu if you wanna play UHC so I can carry you again.

Imanol | Akame You're not even cool, my dude. Jkily and ur the coolest. We still never got to watch anime together. rip

Benji | Hirize Hmu on skype if you ever wanna watch Fairy Tail together, especially once you get to the grand magic games or w/e it's called.

Imperialelite I only weighed you down anyways :( We'll have a rap battle sometime in the near future, I can tell, Romeo the Rat.

@WhateverThomas'FourmAccountIs You need to get like a real mic. Please. But other than that you were surprisingly good at the game and could still cooperate with the team with or without a mic.

Goodbye guys, continue to improve! :)
pce swaglord c yah in hell rand <3

wut clan ar u joining


Mar 15, 2015
Reaction score
I don't know currently, I'll see what offers people give me. Well, that is assuming people still want me in their clans.
kk gl bae, tell me what clan it is tho, u shud apply for rebs


Mar 1, 2015
Reaction score
kk gl bae, tell me what clan it is tho, u shud apply for rebs
Rebs? lmao. I think you missed my point, I join clans to make them better; not to join a clan that's already really good.


Mar 15, 2015
Reaction score
Rebs? lmao. I think you missed my point, I join clans to make them better; not to join a clan that's already really good.
fineeee but if we lose some carries ur coming back u rand


Feb 9, 2015
Reaction score
So I originally join this clan so I can improve and meet some new people. After joining Angels it surpassed my expectations that I initially had and you no longer need me (and you probably didn't need me in the first place). This clan has gotten a lot stronger and has gotten a lot better players than me over the course of 2 or 3 weeks. Overall, I'm not that good anymore and I only get you guys called out for hacks, and I don't want to be the reason for flame. In addition to my bad rep, I'm not very active anyways. That's why I have decided to leave this clan for the time being. It was fun while it lasted, but I hate being the reason for bad rep in a clan, I know I get constantly harassed over it, and I do not want that to happen to you.

The swaglords of the clan
Aidan You're a lot chiller than I expected, and I know as long as you have determination to make this clan better that this clan will be a top clan.

Flyon I'll probably end up joining another one of your clans in the future anyways. You always came off as a great singer to me, especially singing great hits like "Big Green Tractor." I'll name my next fish after you <3

ReflexeZ Before I joined the I thought you hated me or thought I hacked, (well I guess you still do, but still) you ended up being chill, and I personally thought you lead in battles the best.

Darkyy Same thing with Anthony, I thought you disliked me before I joined because you thought I toggled or whatever and I left when you initially joined Angels. However, when I joined back I realized there was no reason to leave because you actual didn't give a fck.

SolarEclipse I've known you since Audentia and I can still remember when you were a trial in that clan with ItsAppleYT. They grow up so fast <3.

Junks It was good talking to you again after over a year of being separated </3. Hmu if you wanna play UHC so I can carry you again.

Imanol | Akame You're not even cool, my dude. Jkily and ur the coolest. We still never got to watch anime together. rip

Benji | Hirize Hmu on skype if you ever wanna watch Fairy Tail together, especially once you get to the grand magic games or w/e it's called.

Imperialelite I only weighed you down anyways :( We'll have a rap battle sometime in the near future, I can tell, Romeo the Rat.

@WhateverThomas'FourmAccountIs You need to get like a real mic. Please. But other than that you were surprisingly good at the game and could still cooperate with the team with or without a mic.

Goodbye guys, continue to improve! :)
Rip Angels First Carry <3


May 6, 2015
Reaction score
So I originally join this clan so I can improve and meet some new people. After joining Angels it surpassed my expectations that I initially had and you no longer need me (and you probably didn't need me in the first place). This clan has gotten a lot stronger and has gotten a lot better players than me over the course of 2 or 3 weeks. Overall, I'm not that good anymore and I only get you guys called out for hacks, and I don't want to be the reason for flame. In addition to my bad rep, I'm not very active anyways. That's why I have decided to leave this clan for the time being. It was fun while it lasted, but I hate being the reason for bad rep in a clan, I know I get constantly harassed over it, and I do not want that to happen to you.

The swaglords of the clan
Aidan You're a lot chiller than I expected, and I know as long as you have determination to make this clan better that this clan will be a top clan.

Flyon I'll probably end up joining another one of your clans in the future anyways. You always came off as a great singer to me, especially singing great hits like "Big Green Tractor." I'll name my next fish after you <3

ReflexeZ Before I joined the I thought you hated me or thought I hacked, (well I guess you still do, but still) you ended up being chill, and I personally thought you lead in battles the best.

Darkyy Same thing with Anthony, I thought you disliked me before I joined because you thought I toggled or whatever and I left when you initially joined Angels. However, when I joined back I realized there was no reason to leave because you actual didn't give a fck.

SolarEclipse I've known you since Audentia and I can still remember when you were a trial in that clan with ItsAppleYT. They grow up so fast <3.

Junks It was good talking to you again after over a year of being separated </3. Hmu if you wanna play UHC so I can carry you again.

Imanol | Akame You're not even cool, my dude. Jkily and ur the coolest. We still never got to watch anime together. rip

Benji | Hirize Hmu on skype if you ever wanna watch Fairy Tail together, especially once you get to the grand magic games or w/e it's called.

Imperialelite I only weighed you down anyways :( We'll have a rap battle sometime in the near future, I can tell, Romeo the Rat.

@WhateverThomas'FourmAccountIs You need to get like a real mic. Please. But other than that you were surprisingly good at the game and could still cooperate with the team with or without a mic.

Goodbye guys, continue to improve! :)
Im real happy we ended off on good terms, It wasn't so much of me disliking you but me Just not knowing you. For the Short time we've known eachother, You'll be considered a friend and Hopefully I'll be seeing you again in the near Future. ;)


Mar 15, 2015
Reaction score
Im real happy we ended off on good terms, It wasn't so much of me disliking you but me Just not knowing you. For the Short time we've known eachother, You'll be considered a friend and Hopefully I'll be seeing you again in the near Future. ;)
tru again

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