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The Angels


Mar 15, 2015
Reaction score
name: Rob
IGN: iTzR0b
Age: 12
Wins: 0 (205 before I reset like a year ago and 206 before the whole Mcgamer reset)
Donor (If Any): Platinum
Games Played:(Around 4k including both resets). (1/9 ratio when I reset like 1 year ago and 1/5 ratio before the whole McGamer reset)
Time Zone: EST
W / L Ratio: Oldest: 1/9 Old: 1/5
Skype Name: I'll tell Emerson to tell you.
TS (Y/N): Yes. Its very glitchy but I can work it out
Favorite Map: valleyside
PvP Strengths: Fns
PvP Weaknesses: 1v10 and hackers
Past Clans Include: Robbers and many others. I used to run a clan with cookies like 6 months ago.
Why do you want to join Angels? I would like to join because I like to 69
Do you know any member currently in Angels? If so, who: YES I KNOW EMERSON U NUBS
How active would you be on a scale of 1-10: 7.6999343634634737423472347823747624762376476327642734734


Mar 15, 2015
Reaction score
Why :( I denied your mom though... I thought it would've been nice of me to not go so hard on her but now I will
Take the application seriously, and use the correct formatting on our thread, then you may have a better chance of being accepted as trial/member.


Feb 25, 2014
Reaction score
Name: Robby
IGN: iTzR0b
Age: 12
Wins: N/A (Just got back from a 4 month break, still practicing to get as good as i used to be)
Donor (If Any): Platinum
Games Played: N/A
Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time
W / L Ratio: N/A
Skype Name: Ask Emerson for it.
TS (Y/N): Yes.
Favorite Map: Valleyside University.
PvP Strengths: N/A Right now because I'm just recovering from a break. Old PvP Strengths: 1v2, Rod, FnS, Routes
PvP Weaknesses: Somehwhat of strafing, some callouts (Like I said Im recovering), and hackers.
Past Clans Include: Invincible, Zephyr
Why do you want to join Angels? I would like to join Angels because my friend Emerson got me back into minecraft. I originally found Cookies07 (Emerson) on the Genesis around 1-2 years ago. We started skyping and we played MCSG constantly, like we stayed up until 3am playing MCSG. I've always wanted to be in a great clan. I used to play MCSG in the beta days so I've been here for awhile now and know some unique strats that some don't know.
Do you know any member currently in Angels? If so, who: Emerson.
How active would you be on a scale of 1-10: 7 for now and when I get fully into it around 8.5


Sep 2, 2014
Reaction score
Name: Robby
IGN: iTzR0b
Age: 12
Wins: N/A (Just got back from a 4 month break, still practicing to get as good as i used to be)
Donor (If Any): Platinum
Games Played: N/A
Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time
W / L Ratio: N/A
Skype Name: Ask Emerson for it.
TS (Y/N): Yes.
Favorite Map: Valleyside University.
PvP Strengths: N/A Right now because I'm just recovering from a break. Old PvP Strengths: 1v2, Rod, FnS, Routes
PvP Weaknesses: Somehwhat of strafing, some callouts (Like I said Im recovering), and hackers.
Past Clans Include: Invincible, Zephyr
Why do you want to join Angels? I would like to join Angels because my friend Emerson got me back into minecraft. I originally found Cookies07 (Emerson) on the Genesis around 1-2 years ago. We started skyping and we played MCSG constantly, like we stayed up until 3am playing MCSG. I've always wanted to be in a great clan. I used to play MCSG in the beta days so I've been here for awhile now and know some unique strats that some don't know.
Do you know any member currently in Angels? If so, who: Emerson.
How active would you be on a scale of 1-10: 7 for now and when I get fully into it around 8.5


May 4, 2015
Reaction score
Name: Caleb
IGN: Anqels
Age: 14
Wins: 1
Donor (If Any) None
Games Played: 10
Time Zone: EST
W / L Ratio: 1/10
Skype Name: U have it
TS (Y/N): Y
Favorite Map: Alaskin Village
PvP Strengths: Left Clicking
PvP Weaknesses: Hackers who have insane reach
Past Clans Include: Angels, Forge, Primative
Why do you want to join Angels? I am an old friend
Do you know any member currently in Angels? If so, who: Aidan, Cookies, Austin
How active would you be on a scale of 1-10: 9
Have you liked the forum page yet? Yes
  1. (Please tag 2+ Forum staff, list at the bottom of our roster)​


Mar 15, 2015
Reaction score
Name: Caleb
IGN: Anqels
Age: 14
Wins: 1
Donor (If Any) None
Games Played: 10
Time Zone: EST
W / L Ratio: 1/10
Skype Name: U have it
TS (Y/N): Y
Favorite Map: Alaskin Village
PvP Strengths: Left Clicking
PvP Weaknesses: Hackers who have insane reach
Past Clans Include: Angels, Forge, Primative
Why do you want to join Angels? I am an old friend
Do you know any member currently in Angels? If so, who: Aidan, Cookies, Austin
How active would you be on a scale of 1-10: 9
Have you liked the forum page yet? Yes
  1. (Please tag 2+ Forum staff, list at the bottom of our roster)​

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