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Introducing the MCG Report Abuse Rewards Program (Beta)

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NickSharpx ☆

District 13
May 20, 2013
Reaction score
I've been one of the very first ones winning, I'm glad I helped, this is a lovely idea for sure! Hope to win more so I could finally upgrade my donor (Think it's about time to...)


Feb 18, 2014
Reaction score
i <3 how the staff was against this the many times it was suggested and now they're so glad it's here.

guess it's how the mcg updates work nowadays lmao
It was suggested many times before, and we were never really against it. :p We actually talked about it many times in staff meetings, we just didn't know a way to keep track of everything. :p


Aug 31, 2014
Reaction score
It was suggested many times before, and we were never really against it. :p We actually talked about it many times in staff meetings, we just didn't know a way to keep track of everything. :p
Why do the mods try to deny and shut down posts that they will support if it was, say, Col_Star writing them?

Just be honest with us, if you can.


District 13
Staff member
Mar 10, 2013
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The next week's worth of Report Abuse Rewards just went live.
247 successful Report Abuses were handled, but here are our nine winners:


Do note that because of the additional paperwork to recognize the winners, and since not much is being done about the winners announcements, it has been decided that this will be the final winners announcement (no point in doing the extra work if nothing comes of it).

However, we will continue to give out rewards week by week, and we will use this thread to notify users of any changes to the Beta here as well. Thank you all for participating!


Jan 19, 2014
Reaction score
Hello tributes,

As we all know, it takes a team of Moderators and Players to keep our servers clean. Players help find and report rule breakers, and moderators put them in their place. It's always been a goal of ours to find a way to give back to the helpful players who go the extra mile. And thanks to a number of factors, including a successful change of policy for Report Abuse Responses (detailed HERE), we're finally able to start giving back to the community members who help keep our network clean.

Without further ado, we are proud to introduce the Beta for the MCGamer Report Abuse Rewards Program!

What's That?
The MCGamer Report Abuse Rewards Program is our way of saying thanks to the players who help moderate our servers. Players who submit successful Report Abuses will be entered into a lottery for MCGamer certificates, redeemable on our webstore. We hope that this will give a greater level of satisfaction to those who fill out Report Abuses, and encourage everyone to help keep the community clean.

What Do We Win?
Currently, we are approved to give out $10 certificates to the MCGamer webstore. These certificates will give you $10 worth of credit to buy anything on our webstore, be it Premium ranks, MCG Credits, or a boatload of Stats Reset Tokens. Buy something for yourself, buy something for your friends, or use it as a prize for your own event or giveaway!

How Are Winners Chosen?
In the interest of fairness, it was decided that the program would choose winners based on lottery, with entrants determined by their submission of a successful Report Abuse. The last thing we would want is for someone to rig the system to guarantee a win, or to reward someone for a Report Abuse that has insufficient evidence.
It was also decided that, in the interest of encouraging more Report Abuses, we would give away multiple rewards per week, based on the number of successful Report Abuses were filed that week.

The general gist of the winner selection goes like this:

  1. We count the number of successful Report Abuses filed over the week (Saturday to Saturday).
  2. We count how many full pages worth of Report Abuses were filed (rounded down) to determine how many winners are to be chosen for that week.
  3. We use a random number generator to randomly select the necessary number of Report Abuses. The people who filled out the chosen Report Abuses are our winners. Duplicate winners will be allowed.
  4. The winners will have their coupon codes sent to them via Forum message.
This process ensures that everyone has at least a 4% chance of winning, even if they only submit 1 Report Abuse; those are very generous odds, all things considered. Remember: you can boost your odds of winning- and increase your chances for winning more than once- by submitting more successful Report Abuses.

When Will Winners Be Chosen?
We currently plan for winners to be chosen once per week, with each round of rewards ending on Saturday.

What's A Beta Program?
The Report Abuse Rewards program is a beta program! Didn't you read the title?

Basically, because things are so new, we're expecting there to be issues or flaws in the system that will necessitate changes. We have a rough idea with how things will go, but we admit that we may need to change things once everything starts getting real.

So fair warning: we reserve the right to change any aspect of the program as we see fit, including the prizes, selection process, and timing of the program. Worse comes to worse, we may scrap the system altogether. But for now, we'll see how it goes.

Questions? Comments? Praise?
Speculation and conspiracy as to why this post is in Veranda instead of Arial?
Leave 'em all in the comments below!
Thank you, so much. Do you have any idea how much this will help your server? It will double the amount of players banning other hackers. This server will be known as a hacker free server. I have banned exactly 25 hackers in 2 months. Now that I know that I can get something in return for the time and work I put into that video, I can double the amount of hacker I can ban on this server. I mean honestly. I cannot go 3 games without at least 1 hacker.
Thank you so much for this. I was dreaming of this day. Your server will soon be clean of hackers.

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District 13
Staff member
Mar 10, 2013
Reaction score
At the request of the community members and some staff members, it was requested that I continue these weekly reports of the winners. Some people really appreciate the publicity of the reward as much as the reward itself.

293 successful report abuses were made the previous week, and 11 winners have been chosen!

Holidays x2
ItsAlan :D
The certificates will be sent shortly.

I have already processed the winners from two weeks ago under the impression that such winner posts would not be necessary (more paperwork. Hurrah!). While I can't be bothered to dig out the names of the winners again, I distinctly recall that there were exactly 250 successful report abuses filed, resulting in a total of 10 winners.
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