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Apex - US Clan

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Mar 21, 2015
Reaction score
Will's Application
Minecraft IGN

Agilities, Equalite (Past IGN- WATIII)
SteelSeries Siberia Elite
Got Slack/TS​
Yes, i'm familiar, with Skype and Teamspeak. I will be consistently active, and try my best to keep the clan reputation pristine.
Game rank (Regular, Donor, Mod)

Diamond Donor. I have other accounts that can be used as is needed.
Past bans (If Any)

Past clans (If Any)​
PvP strengths​
I find myself to be a very experienced and humbled player. I enjoy it and hope to be useful.
PvP weaknesses​
I sometimes play too offensive, I will try to the best of my abilities to learn from my mistakes in future scenarios.

Agilities 1.9k-5.2k/6-8
Equalite 54-62/0-0
How often have you played with any members​
I have tried to be active to the best of my ability for the past hour. I look forward to being active and building teamwork with members.
Why should we choose you for Apex​
Because I believe like a stand out in many ways with maturity, respect, and experience.
Anything you would like to add​
I look forward to meeting you guys :)


Aug 18, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: Alkalize, formally robbiemcfadden97
Age: 17
Microphone/Headset: I have a Blue Yeti and Soul's by Ludacris :)
Got Slack/TS: Not quit sure what slack is, But I have teamspeak and skype
Game rank (Regular, Donor, Mod): I currently have gold donor
Past bans (If Any): On this account, I have yet to be banned. On my prior account, I was banned 2 years ago for hacking and abuse I believe.
Past clans (If Any): Triology, Vortex, Insidious/Valor, Others.
PvP strengths: I am quite efficient with the bow and playing rather defensive. I'm also decent with sword PvP, and playing intelligently.
PvP weaknesses: Playing too defensively, perhaps "baiting" teammates a little.
Ratio: On main account 1000/6000
How often have you played with any members: Well, at this moment there aren't any actual members, but I know most if not all of the trials, and have spoken to soul a few times back in the summer.
Why should we choose you for Apex: I'm a mature, very likable guy who enjoys play MCSG. I've been playing in clans for over a year, with the exception of a few breaks, and have never found a sustainable clan which is actually a well structured, well functioning team. I've been through many inconsistent clans that had flashes among the top of the MCSG community, but have shortly after disbanded due to internal issues. With a stable set of leaders as yourselves, I believe I would be able to benefit the clan in terms of PvP, and myself in staying in a stable clan.
Anything you would like to add: I look forward to meeting all the members and leaders of the clan, and hope that this clan rises to the top of the PvP spectrum.
My account (robbiemcfadden97) I changed to "VortexRob". I can change this name on the 7th.


Sep 1, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN:
Yes, I have both items of decent quality.
Got Slack/TS:
Yes, I have used Skype and TS very frequently throughout the months; I can be active as necessary.
Game rank (Regular, Donor, Mod):
I currently have iron donor on my account "Evermore", which I would be using for battles/scrims.
Past bans (If Any):
Unfortunately, I have one 7 day ban on my record for admitting to damage indicators due to this thread that I made: http://www.mcgamer.net/threads/block-damage-indicators.170825/
Past clans (If Any):
1. Rivals (v1 and v2) - Amazing clan led by cf918 and Sportz. We were a very skillful in our prime, but unfortunately fell to inactivity and eventually disbanded.
2. Salvation - Another great clan led by TruDairy that rebanded after the disbandment of Rivals v1. It only was active for a few weeks before disbanding, but it was fun while it lasted
Valor - Led by SertifiedBlocks; Very underrated clan at the time, but fun people.
Valhalla/Phoenix US - Under the alias of kauffman8028. These clans were led by the infamous shanrrbananrr, and she was actually quite a proficient leader. At its prime, we were definitely one of the Top 5 clans.
Valiance - Basically a rebandment of Rivals led by Sportz made specifically for Clan Wars. It lasted around a month, but unfortunately we lost to Destiny in Clan Wars and disbanded shortly after.
PvP strengths:
My biggest strength is my sword-fighting capabilities; I am also quite good at utilizing the fishing rod and decent with the bow.
PvP weaknesses:
Sometimes I play too offensively and take fights that I do not win. However, I am actively trying to fix this and getting better every day c:
On my EvermoreHD account, I was 1477 wins out of 4664, which is around a 30% win/games played ratio.
How often have you played with any members:
At the moment, I do not feel that I know the members of this clan well; however, I hope to speak with them and play with them throughout the following weeks.
Why should we choose you for Apex:
I feel that I would be a good asset to this clan; I have been playing in clans for over a year now and I feel that I have accumulated experience and skill throughout the time. I have never left a clan before and I have been looking for a clan that will last a while and I hope to find my home in Apex.
Anything you would like to add:
I'm looking forward to getting to know you guys on TS throughout the following days c;
Last edited:


Aug 5, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: Evermore/EvermoreHD
Age: 15
Microphone/Headset: Yes, I have both items of decent quality.
Got Slack/TS: Yes, I have used Skype and TS very frequently throughout the months; I can be active as necessary.
Game rank (Regular, Donor, Mod): I currently have iron donor on my account "Evermore", which I would be using for battles/scrims.
Past bans (If Any): Unfortunately, I have one 7 day ban on my record for admitting to damage indicators due to this thread that I made: http://www.mcgamer.net/threads/block-damage-indicators.170825/
Past clans (If Any):
1. Rivals (v1 and v2) - Amazing clan led by cf918 and Sportz. We were a very skillful in our prime, but unfortunately fell to inactivity and eventually disbanded.
2. Salvation - Another great clan led by TruDairy that rebanded after the disbandment of Rivals v1. It only was active for a few weeks before disbanding, but it was fun while it lasted
Valor - Led by SertifiedBlocks; Very underrated clan at the time, but fun people.
Valhalla/Phoenix US - Under the alias of kauffman8028. These clans were led by the infamous shanrrbananrr, and she was actually quite a proficient leader. At its prime, we were definitely one of the Top 5 clans.
Valiance - Basically a rebandment of Rivals led by Sportz made specifically for Clan Wars. It lasted around a month, but unfortunately we lost to Destiny in Clan Wars and disbanded shortly after.
PvP strengths: My biggest strength is my sword-fighting capabilities; I am also quite good at utilizing the fishing rod and decent with the bow.
PvP weaknesses: Sometimes I play too offensively and take fights that I do not win. However, I am actively trying to fix this and getting better every day c:
Ratio: On my EvermoreHD account, I was 1477 wins out of 4664, which is around a 30% win/games played ratio.
How often have you played with any members: At the moment, I do not feel that I know the members of this clan well; however, I hope to speak with them and play with them throughout the following weeks.
Why should we choose you for Apex: I feel that I would be a good asset to this clan; I have been playing in clans for over a year now and I feel that I have accumulated experience and skill throughout the time. I have been looking for a clan that will last a while and I hope to find my home in Apex.
Anything you would like to add: I'm looking forward to getting to know you guys on TS throughout the following days c;


District 13
Feb 21, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: Alkalize, formally robbiemcfadden97
Age: 17
Microphone/Headset: I have a Blue Yeti and Soul's by Ludacris :)
Got Slack/TS: Not quit sure what slack is, But I have teamspeak and skype
Game rank (Regular, Donor, Mod): I currently have gold donor
Past bans (If Any): On this account, I have yet to be banned. On my prior account, I was banned 2 years ago for hacking and abuse I believe.
Past clans (If Any): Triology, Vortex, Insidious/Valor, Others.
PvP strengths: I am quite efficient with the bow and playing rather defensive. I'm also decent with sword PvP, and playing intelligently.
PvP weaknesses: Playing too defensively, perhaps "baiting" teammates a little.
Ratio: On main account 1000/6000
How often have you played with any members: Well, at this moment there aren't any actual members, but I know most if not all of the trials, and have spoken to soul a few times back in the summer.
Why should we choose you for Apex: I'm a mature, very likable guy who enjoys play MCSG. I've been playing in clans for over a year, with the exception of a few breaks, and have never found a sustainable clan which is actually a well structured, well functioning team. I've been through many inconsistent clans that had flashes among the top of the MCSG community, but have shortly after disbanded due to internal issues. With a stable set of leaders as yourselves, I believe I would be able to benefit the clan in terms of PvP, and myself in staying in a stable clan.
Anything you would like to add: I look forward to meeting all the members and leaders of the clan, and hope that this clan rises to the top of the PvP spectrum.
My account (robbiemcfadden97) I changed to "VortexRob". I can change this name on the 7th.
Giv elite or his well deserved ref from the elevate crisis Soul


Dec 31, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN:
Yes, I have both items of decent quality.
Got Slack/TS:
Yes, I have used Skype and TS very frequently throughout the months; I can be active as necessary.
Game rank (Regular, Donor, Mod):
I currently have iron donor on my account "Evermore", which I would be using for battles/scrims.
Past bans (If Any):
Unfortunately, I have one 7 day ban on my record for admitting to damage indicators due to this thread that I made: http://www.mcgamer.net/threads/block-damage-indicators.170825/
Past clans (If Any):
1. Rivals (v1 and v2) - Amazing clan led by cf918 and Sportz. We were a very skillful in our prime, but unfortunately fell to inactivity and eventually disbanded.
2. Salvation - Another great clan led by TruDairy that rebanded after the disbandment of Rivals v1. It only was active for a few weeks before disbanding, but it was fun while it lasted
Valor - Led by SertifiedBlocks; Very underrated clan at the time, but fun people.
Valhalla/Phoenix US - Under the alias of kauffman8028. These clans were led by the infamous shanrrbananrr, and she was actually quite a proficient leader. At its prime, we were definitely one of the Top 5 clans.
Valiance - Basically a rebandment of Rivals led by Sportz made specifically for Clan Wars. It lasted around a month, but unfortunately we lost to Destiny in Clan Wars and disbanded shortly after.
PvP strengths:
My biggest strength is my sword-fighting capabilities; I am also quite good at utilizing the fishing rod and decent with the bow.
PvP weaknesses:
Sometimes I play too offensively and take fights that I do not win. However, I am actively trying to fix this and getting better every day c:
On my EvermoreHD account, I was 1477 wins out of 4664, which is around a 30% win/games played ratio.
How often have you played with any members:
At the moment, I do not feel that I know the members of this clan well; however, I hope to speak with them and play with them throughout the following weeks.
Why should we choose you for Apex:
I feel that I would be a good asset to this clan; I have been playing in clans for over a year now and I feel that I have accumulated experience and skill throughout the time. I have never left a clan before and I have been looking for a clan that will last a while and I hope to find my home in Apex.
Anything you would like to add:
I'm looking forward to getting to know you guys on TS throughout the following days c;
Recommended c:


District 13
Feb 21, 2013
Reaction score
Valhalla/Phoenix US -
Under the alias of kauffman8028. These clans were led by the infamous shanrrbananrr, and she was actually quite a proficient leader. At its prime, we were definitely one of the Top 5 clans.
Not true. They were around when there was actually 10 good clans.
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