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Apex - US Clan

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Feb 5, 2015
Reaction score
ZMaster777 congrats on trial I knew you could do it even though you got denied during your first app you persevered and overcame the challenges I hope you make it hard. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH


May 8, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: Zoppy
Age: 15
Microphone/Headset: Yessir
Got Slack/TS: I will get Slack if needed but I do not have it for the time being
Game rank (Regular, Donor, Mod): Gold
Past bans (If Any): None
Past clans (If Any): Haunted, Ascendancy, Oblivion
PvP strengths: I feel like I shine when it comes to secondaries: I can pull off some pretty decent bow shots and can FnS decently
PvP weaknesses: 1.8 melee kind of messed me up, I was never too good at melee but with the new update and the weird hit registration, I can't pull off as many combos as before
Ratio: 590:3900 = 1:6.5, although I haven't played after the reset because my computer was broken from last friday to late yesterday. Now that it is fixed, I can play today.
How often have you played with any members: I was a Trivium app when Ceroria and Radiant were members so we played some games together. Also, Ceroria, Croe, and I were teamed in the Deception Games 2.
Why should we choose you for Apex: I have a decent amount of experience in this game and I am a fast learner so I would pick up on what to do quickly.
Anything you would like to add: Although I have recently quit and left the community, this is my last stand, so to speak. I play League pretty much exclusively but will play MC now that I have reason to. Although my prospects of getting accepted are slim, I would love to learn the ways of Croe and Soul as such impactful people and leader to the community, whether it is as applicant or member. Thank you for reading.

My computer was fixed FO REAL this time so I will actually be able to play without it turning off every 5 minutes.


Jul 22, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: Zoppy
Age: 15
Microphone/Headset: Yessir
Got Slack/TS: I will get Slack if needed but I do not have it for the time being
Game rank (Regular, Donor, Mod): Gold
Past bans (If Any): None
Past clans (If Any): Haunted, Ascendancy, Oblivion
PvP strengths: I feel like I shine when it comes to secondaries: I can pull off some pretty decent bow shots and can FnS decently
PvP weaknesses: 1.8 melee kind of messed me up, I was never too good at melee but with the new update and the weird hit registration, I can't pull off as many combos as before
Ratio: 590:3900 = 1:6.5, although I haven't played after the reset because my computer was broken from last friday to late yesterday. Now that it is fixed, I can play today.
How often have you played with any members: I was a Trivium app when Ceroria and Radiant were members so we played some games together. Also, Ceroria, Croe, and I were teamed in the Deception Games 2.
Why should we choose you for Apex: I have a decent amount of experience in this game and I am a fast learner so I would pick up on what to do quickly.
Anything you would like to add: Although I have recently quit and left the community, this is my last stand, so to speak. I play League pretty much exclusively but will play MC now that I have reason to. Although my prospects of getting accepted are slim, I would love to learn the ways of Croe and Soul as such impactful people and leader to the community, whether it is as applicant or member. Thank you for reading.

My computer was fixed FO REAL this time so I will actually be able to play without it turning off every 5 minutes.

Vanicle | Vanessa

District 13
Sep 14, 2013
Reaction score
As Soul said, we will be doing a mass recruitment drive for trials from which he'll choose the actual members. Until then, we will be accepting most applicants. However, you must still post a serious application with decent answers to all the questions.


Jun 15, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN:
Scout / HornyScout
HornyScout will be my clan battle account.



Razer Kraken 7.1

Got Slack/TS:
I have TS, but I really don't know what Slack is, so you guys will have to help me with that.

Game rank (Regular, Donor, Mod):

Platinum Donor

Past bans (If Any):

I am currently banned on my alt account for inappropriate name, HornyScout, even though I shouldn't be banned because a mod told me that I shouldn't be worried and won't be banned. I posted a ban dispute and hopefully I will be unbanned soon.
Also, I've been banned for hacking, but don't worry, I didn't hack. It was the time when the ncp glitch was still a thing(1st March). Every click was registering as a hit and you could get mad combos on everyone.

Past clans (If Any):

I'm currently in TriviumEU, one of the best EU clans right now, and I've been in a few US clans before. The US clans I've been in were Triton and Valiance. I've also been in some EU clans, which are Trivium, Horcrux, Conclave and Strawhats.

PvP strengths:

I'm good at teamwork and supportive play. I'm also decent with bow and good in sword fights.

PvP weaknesses:

I'm bad at running away and people can set me on fire pretty easily.


My current ratio is 14/30, almost 1/2.
My old ratio was 1190/5439.

How often have you played with any members:

I haven't played with any of the members, but since my friend Tranzio is joining this clan, so am I.

Why should we choose you for Apex:

You should choose me because I have a lot of experience with clans since I was a leader of 3 clans.

Anything you would like to add:

As I said before, I am currently in TriviumEU but I will still be able to play for you guys in regular clan battles / scrims. I hope that this will not affect my chances of being accepted.


May 10, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN:
Scout / HornyScout
HornyScout will be my clan battle account.



Razer Kraken 7.1

Got Slack/TS:
I have TS, but I really don't know what Slack is, so you guys will have to help me with that.

Game rank (Regular, Donor, Mod):

Platinum Donor

Past bans (If Any):

I am currently banned on my alt account for inappropriate name, HornyScout, even though I shouldn't be banned because a mod told me that I shouldn't be worried and won't be banned. I posted a ban dispute and hopefully I will be unbanned soon.
Also, I've been banned for hacking, but don't worry, I didn't hack. It was the time when the ncp glitch was still a thing(1st March). Every click was registering as a hit and you could get mad combos on everyone.

Past clans (If Any):

I'm currently in TriviumEU, one of the best EU clans right now, and I've been in a few US clans before. The US clans I've been in were Triton and Valiance. I've also been in some EU clans, which are Trivium, Horcrux, Conclave and Strawhats.

PvP strengths:

I'm good at teamwork and supportive play. I'm also decent with bow and good in sword fights.

PvP weaknesses:

I'm bad at running away and people can set me on fire pretty easily.


My current ratio is 14/30, almost 1/2.
My old ratio was 1190/5439.

How often have you played with any members:

I haven't played with any of the members, but since my friend Tranzio is joining this clan, so am I.

Why should we choose you for Apex:

You should choose me because I have a lot of experience with clans since I was a leader of 3 clans.

Anything you would like to add:

As I said before, I am currently in TriviumEU but I will still be able to play for you guys in regular clan battles / scrims. I hope that this will not affect my chances of being accepted.
welp this is the new #1 clan am guessing if scout joins...
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