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/Report Improvement Idea


Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
After talking with a moderator on how this works in, I would like to propose an idea on how to improve the system and to minimize the total number of troll reports overall. With my knowledge of coding I understand that this system would take quite a bit of work especially since you would want to write it from scratch to prevent bugs and to help debug it. But I understand that the troll reports are limited but there are some out there so when a Player (Not the Xim) however it's spelt) panel) sends out a report of rule breaker the system, tracks the ID of that player (To work with the new Minecraft system that is being implemented soon.). Now when a staff member claims that report it, the staff member would be asked if the report was legit and the Staff member would have up to ten minutes to respond with Yes, no or N/A. If the report was a real one a point of some sort would be added to the player (Much how the leader boards are maintained) and that would increase the credibility of the player, if not it would remove a point, and N/A is if your not sure or couldn't figure it out, it would remove 0 points. All players would start with 10 points and 20 points (would be the max to make it easier on the system.) 0 would be the least amount of points. So when players begin to do reports it would put it in different colour chat depending upon how truthful the player is. (green, white and red) It would also put the number of points they have next to the name. Now to tell which is Xim you could hace that in orange text on like /help it could be a page all it's own. Then the system like your ban panel would track who gave out these points or took away points. This would show the senior staff, if one of the mods is trying to boost or discredit a player. I know it's a lot of work but I believe that his basic system would help improve your abilities to combat hackers.

Second possible Idea:
With all that in place, sometimes hackers leave and stay away for a day or two. Then the system would check for when it sees this player log on again and when the player does it reposts the report, until it is dealt with. If a report lasts longer than a set period of time with out being it would be removed. You could give rewards to players that are consistently telling the truth in game with in-game points or small amounts of credits.

Third possible Idea:
The System could also then reference the reported player to the ban panel to tell the mods if the player that is reported has ever had any previous bans. Then the system could also tell the Staff if the report is correct the correct amount of time for the ban. As some Staff ignore previous bans and basically start them a new.

-- Yes some work would be involved but I'm sure your developers could do all this because well that's what they do and that's their job. (No offense intended, These are all just ideas that might help with your current system) Yes it's a lot of writing but if you do get this far, Thank you for reading! And I hope you like the idea on how to improve the system. Please consider the idea :D


Jan 2, 2015
Reaction score
great idea I got banned recently, with proof why should this new system help? I guess u need a vid of the player for proof so if the "trolls" don't have proof how they gunna get the player banned. Just a question.


Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
great idea I got banned recently, with proof why should this new system help? I guess u need a vid of the player for proof so if the "trolls" don't have proof how they gunna get the player banned. Just a question.
Yes but that's not the point of the report system. The require for reporting on the forums is a video which is player based but the /report in game is so Staff can find the offense breaker and get the evidence themselves.


Jan 2, 2015
Reaction score
Yes but that's not the point of the report system. The require for reporting on the forums is a video which is player based but the /report in game is so Staff can find the offense breaker and get the evidence themselves.
ok I get it, ty!


Aug 31, 2014
Reaction score
Please clear up your statement; you have incredibly long sentences in an incredibly long paragraph.


If the reporting player reports a rule-breaking player, the staff member will give them points.
If the reporting player reports a player who is not breaking the rules, the staff member will take away points.
Staff are notified of reported players when they are logged on.
Staff are notified of reported players' previous bans.

As for the actual idea: I like it.

However, I thought of one flaw: how would this work for basically anything but hacking?

What if the staff was sitting, watching a player reported of spamming, and they never spam? Would the reporting player lose points?
I feel like chat flamers could actually get the reporters in trouble for "falsely" accusing them.


Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
Please clear up your statement; you have incredibly long sentences in an incredibly long paragraph.


If the reporting player reports a rule-breaking player, the staff member will give them points.
If the reporting player reports a player who is not breaking the rules, the staff member will take away points.
Staff are notified of reported players when they are logged on.
Staff are notified of reported players' previous bans.

As for the actual idea: I like it.

However, I thought of one flaw: how would this work for basically anything but hacking?

What if the staff was sitting, watching a player reported of spamming, and they never spam? Would the reporting player lose points?
I feel like chat flamers could actually get the reporters in trouble for "falsely" accusing them.
Response in order of everything. Long sentences and what not: I'm not very good at English in general and that would be the number one thing that makes that stick out. I don't know how to make it better :p

IDEA 1 response: No, it has to be a system based points, within a code, because if you reward in-game points, yes it's incentive, BUT that's not the point. It's not meant to be apart of the points you earn but for the /report system for moderators.

Other 2 are correct, I was just justifying it.

I mean all staff have the ability to go into gamemaster. Which hides them from the online list, So they could log in undetected and catch them in the act. Yes it would be hard to deal with most things that are chat based so that is the reason for the unsure option.

"I feel like chat flamers could actually get the reporters in trouble for "falsely" accusing them." This won't happen if they can actually detect who is hacking and what not.

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