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Synergy [US Team]

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Aug 16, 2014
Reaction score
Name: Ethan
In Game Name: Eazouri03
Age: 14
Skype Name: ethanazouri53
Wins: 377
Games Played: 3522
Strengths: Rod, FnS, Bow
Weaknesses: Water
Past Clans: InFusion, Chaos, And Others
Im A Good Clan Mate and The reason i have so many Games Played is because this was my only account from when i began mine craft. When the stats reset I will have a better ratio. I am Loyal And i Am Donor Platinum
Trial. Be active on TS and Skype to become full member!


Mar 28, 2014
Reaction score
Did you know Synergy, is a grade book checking management system my school uses? Did you know? Did you?


Oct 5, 2014
Reaction score
MCSG Update
Bing bing bing is the vibrant noise you hear when you hit a bow shot. Your mind is already at work, calculating how many more hits it takes for your opponent to die. For some of us, this sound occurs frequently preluding an easy kill, while sometimes the final kill shot is the shot that provokes ecstasy - enabling you to jump out of your seat yelling "hurrah!". Hello guys, Hcity/Akkumoli/BossBrawlCraft here with a Minecraft Survival Games (MCSG) update! After much pondering and thinking over, I have decided to call it quits on Minecraft (MC). It was a really hard decision to make and with such great friends that played it all along with me, it was an even more surreal decision to make; but the decision has been finalized, once an for all. I know I have prolonged this decision multiple times, but I have decided to quit MC because of a lack of interest, an opportunity for a better future, and education. However, I will not forget the great memories that I have shared with you all.
A lack of interest is the foremost reason that hinges a player on the brink of quitting, and for me, that reason is undoubtedly one of my main three. For starters, MC gets quite repetitive - Think about it... You hop on your computer, start up MC, proceed to the MCSG servers and settle upon a game. Now the game you settled upon usually is not any plain old game, more often than not its one of the big five maps (Survival Games 4, Valleyside University, Holiday Resort, Teweran Survival Games 2, and Survival Games Highway). Try and recall your previous 500 games and I bet you that at least 400+ of these games have been played on the Big 5. Then, think about it, you've almost always started the game off the same way - going southwest or northeast on Valleyside University, east on Survival Games Highway, etc. There comes a point when, after playing over two-thousand games it starts to feel repetitive. Playing the same type's of games remove the vigor from your intensity of gameplay - you don't feel the same drive to succeed. To add to that, parent interference played into the repetition factors - almost 1/15th of my games were unplayable because of my parents/sister walking into the room and me having to X out minecraft as my parents never let me play. This concludes my forefront reason of quitting MC, and the later paragraphs will further explore my secondary reasons as to quit.
Since my first time presuming to have "quit", I have gone on many trips to foreign countries and different states and have started to understand the outer world extravagantly. The hundreds of people I read that have had long-lasting impressions on society, such as Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, etc. all have a common theme running through them - the motion and initiation of drive. I feel like MC is so addicting of a game, that it actually takes away my time to "drive" and excel at anything - It's that addicting... Now, I am not saying that I am going to become like one of these billionaires, but what I am proclaiming is that I feel as if by going away from MC, I am better able to enjoy the outside world. And we have to put it into perspective... What is MC really going to gain us in life aside from fun? And MC wasn't just fun for me - It was addicting fun, something that I should not be wasting my time on. Sure, an hour or two a week is great, I would take that invitation every week, but to the point where I could not even control how much I played made it a seemingly more obvious decision to call it quits. In all realization, It cannot be missed that not a lot of our school friends play nor even thought about playing this game. In the eyes of many kids, this game is "pointless and boring". Although those are opinions it is quite obvious that people who are enjoying the outside nature of life are far better off than us without MC. Seeking a better outside life is another strong and viable reason to quit.
Alas, there also comes a time for education and no matter which high school we are attending this fall, it is quite clear that the next 4 years are going to be the most hectic and energy - demanding years of our lives. For me, it may be the most demanding , considering the fact I currently attend the number 1 High School in the USA - Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technolog. These upcoming years are going to separate me and be the deciding factor between going to Community College and Harvard - The difference between a great career and a mediocre career. And the fact, that a game is coming in the way of me and possibly all of us doing great, is unacceptable and I am now going to make a concentrated effort to reduce my distractions so that I will have the best chance of a great future. To attain these high-end goals, and reach these top-of-the-class colleges we are going to need good grades something we can obtain by spending time studying, not playing. Even a single B+ on a quarterly grade could mean the end of our dreams - and none of should be willing to risk all that for a game that entertains us by killing each other virtually. My first priority right now will become education while fun and extra activities become second nature instead of vice-versa which it has currently been. I hope that later after I get a decent job or even just in college like Huawhi (I will never match his godly skill) be able to play in short spurts - but even then, life and education come first. As they say, learning never stops...
"1 minute till deathmatch" is the print that many of us are accustomed to seeing, players but for me, this signals the end of MCSG, the end of a long one year journey that had its share of ups and downs. And looking back at it... Do I feel any regrets? No, I don't, I liked every one bit of this game - from the objective to the people I played it with (the community). But looking towards the future, do I think I can continue to "grind it up"? Absolutely not! The ride has been extraordinary and I would like to thank each and everyone of you guys for making it such an unbelievable experience.

In particular, I would like to thank my IRL friend Bulletjc and all my other online friends from this outstanding community for all the instrumental help you provided me! You guys have always there to lend me a hand and become better even when all odds were against me. Thanks so much! #Synergy
P.S. This was writted on my laggy iPhone 3gs so please mind any spelling errors.


Oct 15, 2014
Reaction score
MCSG Update
Bing bing bing is the vibrant noise you hear when you hit a bow shot. Your mind is already at work, calculating how many more hits it takes for your opponent to die. For some of us, this sound occurs frequently preluding an easy kill, while sometimes the final kill shot is the shot that provokes ecstasy - enabling you to jump out of your seat yelling "hurrah!". Hello guys, Hcity/Akkumoli/BossBrawlCraft here with a Minecraft Survival Games (MCSG) update! After much pondering and thinking over, I have decided to call it quits on Minecraft (MC). It was a really hard decision to make and with such great friends that played it all along with me, it was an even more surreal decision to make; but the decision has been finalized, once an for all. I know I have prolonged this decision multiple times, but I have decided to quit MC because of a lack of interest, an opportunity for a better future, and education. However, I will not forget the great memories that I have shared with you all.
A lack of interest is the foremost reason that hinges a player on the brink of quitting, and for me, that reason is undoubtedly one of my main three. For starters, MC gets quite repetitive - Think about it... You hop on your computer, start up MC, proceed to the MCSG servers and settle upon a game. Now the game you settled upon usually is not any plain old game, more often than not its one of the big five maps (Survival Games 4, Valleyside University, Holiday Resort, Teweran Survival Games 2, and Survival Games Highway). Try and recall your previous 500 games and I bet you that at least 400+ of these games have been played on the Big 5. Then, think about it, you've almost always started the game off the same way - going southwest or northeast on Valleyside University, east on Survival Games Highway, etc. There comes a point when, after playing over two-thousand games it starts to feel repetitive. Playing the same type's of games remove the vigor from your intensity of gameplay - you don't feel the same drive to succeed. To add to that, parent interference played into the repetition factors - almost 1/15th of my games were unplayable because of my parents/sister walking into the room and me having to X out minecraft as my parents never let me play. This concludes my forefront reason of quitting MC, and the later paragraphs will further explore my secondary reasons as to quit.
Since my first time presuming to have "quit", I have gone on many trips to foreign countries and different states and have started to understand the outer world extravagantly. The hundreds of people I read that have had long-lasting impressions on society, such as Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, etc. all have a common theme running through them - the motion and initiation of drive. I feel like MC is so addicting of a game, that it actually takes away my time to "drive" and excel at anything - It's that addicting... Now, I am not saying that I am going to become like one of these billionaires, but what I am proclaiming is that I feel as if by going away from MC, I am better able to enjoy the outside world. And we have to put it into perspective... What is MC really going to gain us in life aside from fun? And MC wasn't just fun for me - It was addicting fun, something that I should not be wasting my time on. Sure, an hour or two a week is great, I would take that invitation every week, but to the point where I could not even control how much I played made it a seemingly more obvious decision to call it quits. In all realization, It cannot be missed that not a lot of our school friends play nor even thought about playing this game. In the eyes of many kids, this game is "pointless and boring". Although those are opinions it is quite obvious that people who are enjoying the outside nature of life are far better off than us without MC. Seeking a better outside life is another strong and viable reason to quit.
Alas, there also comes a time for education and no matter which high school we are attending this fall, it is quite clear that the next 4 years are going to be the most hectic and energy - demanding years of our lives. For me, it may be the most demanding , considering the fact I currently attend the number 1 High School in the USA - Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technolog. These upcoming years are going to separate me and be the deciding factor between going to Community College and Harvard - The difference between a great career and a mediocre career. And the fact, that a game is coming in the way of me and possibly all of us doing great, is unacceptable and I am now going to make a concentrated effort to reduce my distractions so that I will have the best chance of a great future. To attain these high-end goals, and reach these top-of-the-class colleges we are going to need good grades something we can obtain by spending time studying, not playing. Even a single B+ on a quarterly grade could mean the end of our dreams - and none of should be willing to risk all that for a game that entertains us by killing each other virtually. My first priority right now will become education while fun and extra activities become second nature instead of vice-versa which it has currently been. I hope that later after I get a decent job or even just in college like Huawhi (I will never match his godly skill) be able to play in short spurts - but even then, life and education come first. As they say, learning never stops...
"1 minute till deathmatch" is the print that many of us are accustomed to seeing, players but for me, this signals the end of MCSG, the end of a long one year journey that had its share of ups and downs. And looking back at it... Do I feel any regrets? No, I don't, I liked every one bit of this game - from the objective to the people I played it with (the community). But looking towards the future, do I think I can continue to "grind it up"? Absolutely not! The ride has been extraordinary and I would like to thank each and everyone of you guys for making it such an unbelievable experience.

In particular, I would like to thank my IRL friend Bulletjc and all my other online friends from this outstanding community for all the instrumental help you provided me! You guys have always there to lend me a hand and become better even when all odds were against me. Thanks so much! #Synergy
P.S. This was writted on my laggy iPhone 3gs so please mind any spelling errors.
Peace man, good having you in the clan. Good luck in life <3
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