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Clan War Servers?

Is this a good idea?

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    Votes: 7 70.0%
  • No

    Votes: 3 30.0%

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Aug 10, 2012
Reaction score
Hi my name is Ferno and this has been sitting on my desk for a while and I was wondering if this could bring a whole new concept to MCSG clan wars.
With the on-going massacre which is the Clans part of the forums I thought that with the massive amount of flaming and disorganization of clans trying to be fair to each other in a game where strategy takes a large part, let me make this brief, people are annoying, that was the best I could put it, people in clan wars cant agree half the time and I believe there should be some moderation. A lot of the time the clan I am PheonixEU we have to resort to getting mods to join the games so neither clan is tempted to cheat. now it is all good when this is the case but a lot of times it is not.
My Suggestion is that we should have separate servers for Clan Wars like a leader board but consisting of the clans stats in clan wars.
Here is how it could work:
1. Games should be moderated so that cheating does not occur: this would mean a mod would operate the score during the clan war and he/she is the only one who can remove or add the score of the teams so if a round needs a restart the mod can issue one.
2. Clan members joining system: clans would add people to their online roster by doing a command kind of like factions such as /clan invite (name) (for leaders) and /clan join (name) (for players) and if people want to leave the clan they can do commands such as /clan leave (name) or owners can disband the clan by doing /clan disband or can rank their predecessors to the rank of owner.
3. Clan Ranks: there could be tiers of ranks that clan leaders can issue to their members so that they have certain authority over their members such as owner -> Admin -> Mod -> Good players -> members. or something along those lines.
4. Leader boards: Leader boards would show what region clans play in and make a leader board based of their region, then the win/loss ratio of the clan would be shown and the top of the leader board would be determined on who has the best w/l ratio. when you click on a clan it should show its current members so if they add members during the Clan War they can be disqualified for changing their roster after the clan war starts.
5. issue warning to flamers: people who go on another clans thread on the forums should be cautioned since flaming does not help either clan and is very annoying to look at a clan thread and see how many pages of flame there is, this is starting to get out of hand on a lot of threads..
I hope this is a good outline of what could be possible but if anyone has any comments or more suggestions on how I could improve this list I will happily read them and add them to the list


District 13
Mar 30, 2014
Reaction score
Some of these ideas would be impossible. For example the clan ranks would be impossible because the ranks are server-wide and one rank could not be made for a specific region only. These other ideas would be too much trouble just to make clan battles easier.


Jun 8, 2014
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I totally agree, all the hate from each clan is kinda getting annoying. He is making a point, if you play in a sg server while doing a clan battle, there us usually hackers/randys who kill you sometimes, it would be fare to make a whole entire other server just for clans. As I am the owner of Tsunami lots of my members agree. -CandyPixels


Dec 30, 2012
Reaction score
Eu and us are very different so in assuming this is for eu.

I half heartedly read it all and your worst idea was probably the leaderboard one, w/l ratio wouldn't be a good way to sort because clans could just play less skilled clans and easily boost their w/l ratio.

Not a bad idea overall however.


Apr 7, 2014
Reaction score
You could do a sort of Battlegrounds thing, but in Survival Games...
The leaderboards would be continuous, more like statistics then a scoreboard, and if a clan is weak, it should get better.
I personally would like a continuous clan server where you could join a Survival Games map with another clan, have 2-5 minutes of grace period and then have a massive fight. 5 points for a kill and 20 points for a win.
A player could only join if they were in the clan, for example the join sign would say:
(Game starting/in progress; #Clan1 vs; #Clan2; Map:Breeze Island). If they weren't in the clan listed, they can't join. First two clans in get to play. There is a minimum of 3 players per team (so its not 5v1).
What do you think?


Apr 26, 2014
Reaction score
For a start, this would mean no randies. Where's the fun in that? It would make clan wars even more over competitive than they already are.

Besides, games with 16 people maximum would be boring and take forever considering everyone plays defensively. If you play on EU, that could be even 4 player games.

Not too fond of this idea.
Aug 10, 2012
Reaction score
For a start, this would mean no randies. Where's the fun in that? It would make clan wars even more over competitive than they already are.

Besides, games with 16 people maximum would be boring and take forever considering everyone plays defensively. If you play on EU, that could be even 4 player games.

Not too fond of this idea.
As much as I respect your opinion and since this is just an idea I am not saying your statement is wrong but none the less, you did say that on eu that sometimes you can get 2v2's ? As a member of Phoenix eu (a top eu clan) never before have we par taken in a 2v2 situation. Secondly I would say that taking out the rand is would actually stop arguing since some clans like to say that the clan they are facing are using alts, so With my idea this would remove this type of conflict. Also would you not think clans being competitive is the idea of clans, to bring a more competitive nature to the game... Once a again I will a state that your opinion is not incorrect I am just answering the questions that you are asking.


Apr 26, 2014
Reaction score
As much as I respect your opinion and since this is just an idea I am not saying your statement is wrong but none the less, you did say that on eu that sometimes you can get 2v2's ? As a member of Phoenix eu (a top eu clan) never before have we par taken in a 2v2 situation. Secondly I would say that taking out the rand is would actually stop arguing since some clans like to say that the clan they are facing are using alts, so With my idea this would remove this type of conflict. Also would you not think clans being competitive is the idea of clans, to bring a more competitive nature to the game... Once a again I will a state that your opinion is not incorrect I am just answering the questions that you are asking.
Don't get me wrong, it would be very handy and useful if implemented, but the over competitiveness would go through the roof. Think about it like this; clan member gets killed by randy, silence. Clan member killed by other clan; looks for a million reasons to get the other clan DQed. This obviously doesn't speak for everyone, but that number needs to be decreased, not increased. With the loopholes and enough effort, as sad as it to say. Sometimes the other clan does get DQed for no reason. Don't tell me your clan has never been falsely accused of breaking the rules. I think we can all agree that most of the clan community is highly competitive. But when competitive breaches the thin line of over competitive, all the accusing starts, friendships are broken, nobody has fun and the clan war turns into a giant argument. People don't remember, that they're playing a video game. Something that was intended to do the opposite of what was happening at the moment. Point is, the more people die to other things than the other clan, the better.

I greatly prefer the idea of a moderator spectating your game at all times. A judge of some sort, which always has the final say. Like I said, great idea, but I seriously believe that most games would just turn into a giant argument.

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