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Hacking: Why it still happens and how to fix it.


Sep 10, 2012
Reaction score
Howdy everyone. Lately, as I'm sure everyone has, I've been having some trouble with hackers. Now, I know that everyone does, and there are ways of fixing this. There are rules in place that are meant to stop the hacker from continuing to , well, hack. These rules aren't working. So, I am going to state the problems in place with the rules of hacking, and the what should be modified in the rules. So, i'll start with the problems.

1. At least 50% of hackers get away with it. In my last 5 or so games, the same exact thing has happened: I get awesome stuff, whoop 3 people's butts, then get killed by a PAINFULLY OBVIOUS hacker. Except for one game, where I got killed by a mod. (props to ya anster360)
2. People complain too much about hackers. Do you have any idea how many times I or one of my friends has been told the following: "N00B HACKRERRRRRR GOSH U FLIPPIN SUCK EGGS U FLIPPN PANCAKE FLIPPER" Obviously, they didn't say "flippin pancake flipper", but I think you can figure out what they did say. Do I or anyone I play with hack? Nope. Do those trolls care? Nope.
3. Overpowering mods. Yes, I know. Mods are role models for the MCSG community. Whateva. Does that mean they dont occasionally overuse their power? No, it does not. I've gotten banned too many times for them not too. As well as my friends, who all (no offense to them) suck. None of us are even good enough to be hackers. More so, this happens to my more skilled friends, but even so, it needs to be fixed.
4. What looks like a hacker, always isn't. Many people use a certain style of PVP that looks a lot ike hacking. I've seen their screens, and none say Nodus in the top left of it. People need to be careful who they report for hacking.
Before I start, I would like to say I don't really know the rules of the servers, as far as reporting a hacker goes, so I am sorry if I restate a rule.
1. Encourage recording. Tell everyone to record their games if they can, and send it in or post it on whatever they want to (youtube, twitchtv, whatever floats your boat). And even if you are not recording, lie and say you are to discourage hackers.
2. Make the accusation of hacking illegal in PREGAME CHAT ONLY. If you see someone in the lobby that you thinks hacks, don't say it.I t is annoying, and sounds whiny. In the post game chat, you want to blow off some steam, so you might write something along the lines of: "nice hax bro" or "flippin hackerzzknw". I can't blame you. I even do that sometimes. In pregame chat however, it is just annoying.
3. Take away power to ban for hacking from mods. I said it once and I'll say it again. Role models. Chosen for a reason. Whateva. They are still people, and people make bad decisions some times. They still ban for all other reasons (obviously). What should happen is that at least 2 mods or 1 mod and several players must agree that the player was hacking.
4. There should be a reviewing system, so there must be several people complaining in one match, or a piece of footage that shows CLEAR HACKING.

Anyway, this is something that really bothers me, so it is really important that yoy like, and vote on it. Thank you for reading. Smell ya later!


May 6, 2012
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Mods do need proof before banning somebody otherwise they get into trouble :p


May 31, 2012
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What I've found is that usually mods don't have the time to just patrol servers anymore, it causes for spammers/hackers/people who are detrimental to the community to just run rampant. It's quite upsetting. There are just so many blatantly obvious hackers these days (forcefield, aimbotters, even sprint-in-place hackers). I try to record but it makes my Minecraft very laggy, and it's hard for me to. I'm intending on bountying all of my points away so I don't care about losing or winning much anymore. I get upset if I lose to a hacker, but if I lose to a legit person I congratulate them.

As for Moderator abuse, I've heard stories that if you beat mods you get banned. (I know one person who did that, but he's gone now.) I don't think we should take away their power to ban hackers, as that would even further encourage hacking. We only have like, 10 (didn't count) Sr. Moderators, no Admins, and one Owner. That would mean they have to patrol the servers more and more often, which would be difficult for them to do. The system is fine as it is; you can file for abuse reports if you get abused by a moderator and they'll be taken care of. I'm also quite sure they have to file a ban report when they ban a person, and that requires video evidence. I think they're able to kick hackers from a game without hard evidence, (they have to be obvious hacking) so yeah to that too .-. (I've seen moderators do it on their livestreams, but it was quite obvious they were hacking, although one did seem like abuse, but I digress)

TBH, they need to get their admins back and to start hiring Moderators. Not only because I have a current pending app (I don't care if I get accepted or not, I just wanted to show them that a 13 year old can create a reasonably intelligent application [I think it was, anyways :p]), but because of how Mods don't patrol. I've never seen one mod on any of the servers I play on in about 3 weeks. (Could have been because they join silently, but I constantly do /list) The more active Moderators, the better?

Anyways, that ended up turning into a lifestory-rant kinda thing, so I'll just stop here .-.


May 5, 2012
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They need to develop a plugin that can target aimbotters.
To do so they should make the plugin which stop people from turning too fast. I know this could affect people who play at hyper speed sensitivity , but that problem could be solved by letting the server issue out a warning saying that the plugin will target you if you use hyper speed , therefore you should use a lower sensitivity.


May 31, 2012
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Probably could have edited this, but I'm too lazy .-.

I'm pretty sure they're coming out with a Mod API in 1.4 or 1.5. It'd prevent certain mods (I hope you get to choose the mods you block) from joining the server. I play with Optifine, so it'd be annoying if that was blocked.


May 6, 2012
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I've been banned before for no reason but I posted a Ban dispute and got unbanned in 5 mins because the mod that banned me didn't have any proof


Sep 10, 2012
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Yeah, they never had any proof on me, to be honest, I didnt know about that ban dispute thing. But anyway, I really think tironas has a point. There should be more mods.


District 13
Aug 1, 2012
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Guys if you have TS its easy to catch hackers just poke a moderator on what server the hacker is in.
Ive gotten many people banned like this


Sep 4, 2012
Reaction score
Probably could have edited this, but I'm too lazy .-.

I'm pretty sure they're coming out with a Mod API in 1.4 or 1.5. It'd prevent certain mods (I hope you get to choose the mods you block) from joining the server. I play with Optifine, so it'd be annoying if that was blocked.
OptiFine won't be blocked because a lot of the staff and a lot of regular players use it to play the game better. :)

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