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[EU] EndGamers | In Hibernation.

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Sep 30, 2013
Reaction score
1. Age: I am 13 years old
2. In-game name: Well my new main is EyadZx while i have another account which is Annadebnam(Old account with bad stats)
3. Wins / Games played: On EyadZx i have 54/238 and on annadebnam i had 290/3500+ :p

4. Residence (country): I am from Nicosia,cyprus
5. Your Skype (PM if needed): You have it but its sickness.abbarah
6. Why are you applying for this particular clan:I am applying cause ever since i joined mcsg this was my favorite clan and i always wanted to join but i was really bad and had bad stats so i knew i wasent gonna get accepted.Now i have a new account with a decent ratio and im got better at pvp.This is a really strong clan imo and i think its the best out there.I hope if i get accepted you guys can help me improve my pvp skillz.
7. Why should we accept you (Give us a good reason):Im a decent pvper and im great at teamwork which can help in clan wars.I always listen to the leaders and i always try to be friendly as possible.
8. How active are you: Im really active but maybe not this week cause of the exams but after exams ill be active as much as i can
9. Do you meet the requirements: No
10. (If there are any,) what exceptions would you like made: I would like a win exception cause i have a decent ratio imo
11. Past clan experience (Don't give us a list of clans, tell us about your experience) : Well i applied for trivium and i got trial but i never got to finish cause they said i had and experience with a leader before which i am really sure that i dont cause i never played with a leader before
• 12. (a) Your playstyle (Defensive/Offencive, etc.): It depends on the player im going against like if im against a really overstaked guy i always try to be defensive but if i have better gear i go really ofensive.In clan wars i always play defensive so i make sure i dont die and screw up
(b) Your weaknesses: The Bow-Im really bad with the boy cause its hard for me to know what side im going.
Water fights-I suck at water fights so bad i dont know why :(
Decisions- I make really bad decisions when playing solo like if i see a 3 man team i always think i can take when i eventually i get killed at the end.
(c) Your strengths: The Rod- Im really accurate with the fishing rod and always get it on target.I can rod spam really good but not as fast as some people do cause of my bad ping (100+)
Sword- Im really good with the sword cause i can strafe really welll and that helps me alot when taking out people
Teamwork-As i said in question 7 im really good at teamwork i always listen to my teammate and always be around him if he needs help.
• 13. Any additional information: I know Kyskillz and teku for a while now and i asked teku if i could apply and he told if i could find the template i can and here i am writing this application to join this amazing clan.
14. I, Eyad will agree to my word on the application written above and do my best to support and assist this clan.
There is no application.
Not to be rude or anything, but I believe Generals have beaten your clan Teku;)
? PM Me or kyskillz on skype, I will try to speak to you tomorrow.


May 14, 2013
Reaction score
Gl From #TheWidowz 2.0
Super Awesome 1337 <69x420 OP Cheerleader??

- weberg


Sep 30, 2013
Reaction score
Got some new GFX in, and yes, that includes cheerleaders ;)


Dec 25, 2013
Reaction score
OP 1337 Application

1) Your age: 16
2) Your In-Game Name: CaptainFr3sh
3) Wins/Games played: 1027/3407
4) How would you rate yourself PvP wise (don't give yourself a mark out of 10): 9
5) a) Your playstyle, i.e Defensive, offensive, etc: I can play both, it depends on the player I am facing.
b) Your strengths: I am very good with the sword, I can bowspam, I have great combos with every item of the PvP usage.
c) Your weaknesses: Ice fights, Bowspammers
6) Why are you applying for this particular clan: Because I have some friends here and I think being a part of this clan will be awesome.
7) Why should we accept you: Because I dont like bac and I like ending games.
8) How will you benefit this clan: With much luv :D
9) How active are you: I am everyday online.
10) Do you consider yourself loyal and trustworthy (if you pause to think, don't apply): Yes, I am both.
11) Any additional information about yourself or the requirements: Hmm, no.
12) I, [CaptainFr3sh] agree on my word on the application written above and will support and assist this clan however possible.


Sep 15, 2013
Reaction score
OP 1337 Application

1) Your age: 16
2) Your In-Game Name: CaptainFr3sh
3) Wins/Games played: 1027/3407
4) How would you rate yourself PvP wise (don't give yourself a mark out of 10): 9
5) a) Your playstyle, i.e Defensive, offensive, etc: I can play both, it depends on the player I am facing.
b) Your strengths: I am very good with the sword, I can bowspam, I have great combos with every item of the PvP usage.
c) Your weaknesses: Ice fights, Bowspammers
6) Why are you applying for this particular clan: Because I have some friends here and I think being a part of this clan will be awesome.
7) Why should we accept you: Because I dont like bac and I like ending games.
8) How will you benefit this clan: With much luv :D
9) How active are you: I am everyday online.
10) Do you consider yourself loyal and trustworthy (if you pause to think, don't apply): Yes, I am both.
11) Any additional information about yourself or the requirements: Hmm, no.
12) I, [CaptainFr3sh] agree on my word on the application written above and will support and assist this clan however possible.
Recommended, if a real app :p
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