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Increased Sophistication with MCGamer's Ban system


May 5, 2014
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I think I can speak for everyone on this one... There are increasing numbers of hackers on MCSG, and less and less Moderators to take care of them and not everyone has the skill and know-how to take a hacker out (Kieeeel emmm). Of course the staff members are kindly asking players to record these players and bring them to justice, I used to do this, but it has gotten to the point where I'd be recording a player almost every match, I feel it's a waste of time as these hackers breed like rabbits. It's not just hackers of course, there are also increasing numbers of rule breakers in the chat as well, simply being obnoxious and inappropriate. Anyways the point of this thread is to introduce an idea correct? Well here's my idea.

My idea is to have 2 different ban times on an account, The one that punishes the player, and another that keeps a record of how long ago the player's most recent ban was. This isn't to punish the Player further for breaking rules, it's so if this player ever wishes to apply for staff they could after a set amount of time (between 6 - 12 months). After that timer surpasses that 6 - 12 month timeline it should delete itself, or Leave a note for the staff. It reminds me of a criminal record in the real world, after you turn 18 years old it erases and you have a (hopefully) fresh start. In this community, I don't think the hackers are the problem, I believe it's that lack of staff to keep up with the troublemakers. I am aware that MCGamer only wants the best of the best with their staff and need people they can trust, but I think that a Ban on somebodies account from 10 months back, doesn't make them a bad person now, A lot can happen in 10 months to a person such as their Maturity and common sense. I know that somebody can have a VERY strong Moderator Application but that one little ban, comepletey destroys their chances.

I came up with this Idea when I applied for moderator a long while back, I was declined for being banned. I recently made one to see if it would reset, but I got the same response "You have been banned on our servers". This hurt me because I had put in a lot of effort into the application (about 3 hours) and that ban was a very long time ago, I'd say around Christmas time of 2012. Anyways this idea rests with the community, there is a poll, I hope you could leave some feedback and hopefully get this seen by the higher ranking Staff.

Nevermind, I didn't set up the poll after all... xD Silly me, Leave feedback though!
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Your idea for two different ban times is unnecessary. The current ban system already shows the staff how long ago a ban was issued. What's left is your idea for a fresh start. And that's already being discussed here.

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