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[EU] EndGamers | In Hibernation.

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Aug 30, 2013
Reaction score
mathernjr has been accepted
Articriot has been accepted
nikkkola99 is still pending/trials
ImTheNarwhal has left
Martinioh123 was put on break

I will update the roster later.


Sep 30, 2013
Reaction score
K I can't see this thread in my alert history dis is reson for dis post


District 13
Dec 30, 2012
Reaction score
Well, I thought this clan would have shown a bit more respect to me after leaving. The fact some of the members have the audacity to accuse me of doing illegal acts online without any proof. I don't want to cause flame on the thread, but merely express what I feel is wrong.

Anyways, good luck, Teku. KY.


Apr 26, 2014
Reaction score
1. Age: I am currently 14
2. In-game name: SimonGidley
3. Wins / Games played: 95/310
4. Residence (country): England!
5. Your Skype (PM if needed): Teku has it
6. Why are you applying for this particular clan: Because i was looking for a cool, fun clan to join and this one poped up, so i asked Teku on skype if i could apply and he said 'apply ;)' so :p
7. Why should we accept you: Becuz i am sik at dis gam, jks
8. How active are you: Vewy activ, tu active, i plai errey dai
9. Do you meet the requirements: YES
10. (If there are any,) what exceptions would you like made: I only have 95 wins, but i have a good ratio, plus this is my first account so my ratio is only going one way, thats right, up :p
11. Past clan experience (Don't give us a list of clans, tell us about your experience) : I have never been in a proper clan before, only ever teamed with friends.
12. Any additional information: No sir
13. I, [SimonGidley] will agree to my word on the application written above and do my best to support and assist this clan.


Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
1. Age: I am currently 14
2. In-game name: SimonGidley
3. Wins / Games played: 95/310
4. Residence (country): England!
5. Your Skype (PM if needed): Teku has it
6. Why are you applying for this particular clan: Because i was looking for a cool, fun clan to join and this one poped up, so i asked Teku on skype if i could apply and he said 'apply ;)' so :p
7. Why should we accept you: Becuz i am sik at dis gam, jks
8. How active are you: Vewy activ, tu active, i plai errey dai
9. Do you meet the requirements: YES
10. (If there are any,) what exceptions would you like made: I only have 95 wins, but i have a good ratio, plus this is my first account so my ratio is only going one way, thats right, up :p
11. Past clan experience (Don't give us a list of clans, tell us about your experience) : I have never been in a proper clan before, only ever teamed with friends.
12. Any additional information: No sir
13. I, [SimonGidley] will agree to my word on the application written above and do my best to support and assist this clan.
You have been accepted for trials. Stay active on our TS to increase your chances of being accepted.
Last edited:


Nov 8, 2013
Reaction score
1. Age: I am currently 12 years old, and will turn 13 November 28th
2. In-game name: NixGamez is my in-game name
3. Wins / Games played: I currently have 351/2198, which is a poor ratio that I try to
4. Residence (country): I live in France, and my Timezone therefor is GMT +1
5. Your Skype (PM if needed): XXJessuH09 has it, but it is nixhamez
6. Why are you applying for this particular clan: I have been clan less for quite a while, so I was looking for a talented clan, and I went for this one.
7. Why should we accept you: I am really skilled, and can strafe well. I am most of the time mature, and I can team and interact quite well imo
8. How active are you: I t ry to be active daily, but I can't manage my time really well, so sometimes can't play
9. Do you meet the requirements: No
10. (If there are any,) what exceptions would you like made: I would like an exceptions to be made; The win requirements: I should have a much better ratio, but I usually get ghost-killed, timed out or simply got killed by a hacker.
11. Past clan experience (Don't give us a list of clans, tell us about your experience) : I have been in a couple clans before, so I have experienced clan battles against different clans, and learned some strategies within teaming and such.
12. Any additional information:

13. I, Nixgamez will agree to my word on the application written above and do my best to support and assist this clan.



Aug 2, 2013
Reaction score
1. Age: I am currently 12 years old, and will turn 13 November 28th
2. In-game name: NixGamez is my in-game name
3. Wins / Games played: I currently have 351/2198, which is a poor ratio that I try to
4. Residence (country): I live in France, and my Timezone therefor is GMT +1
5. Your Skype (PM if needed): XXJessuH09 has it, but it is nixhamez
6. Why are you applying for this particular clan: I have been clan less for quite a while, so I was looking for a talented clan, and I went for this one.
7. Why should we accept you: I am really skilled, and can strafe well. I am most of the time mature, and I can team and interact quite well imo
8. How active are you: I t ry to be active daily, but I can't manage my time really well, so sometimes can't play
9. Do you meet the requirements: No
10. (If there are any,) what exceptions would you like made: I would like an exceptions to be made; The win requirements: I should have a much better ratio, but I usually get ghost-killed, timed out or simply got killed by a hacker.

11. Past clan experience (Don't give us a list of clans, tell us about your experience) : I have been in a couple clans before, so I have experienced clan battles against different clans, and learned some
strategies within teaming and such.
12. Any additional information:

13. I, Nixgamez will agree to my word on the application written above and do my best to support and assist this clan.

You have been accepted for trials.
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Reactions: Nix
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