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Exodus | US Team

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Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Age: 14
Time Zone: Pacific
Donor: diamond
Rate yourself 1/10: 8
Skype: mattziboy771
PvP Strengths: flint and steal, bow
PvP Weaknesses: good at bow shots
Why would you like to join? Want to join a good clan/ some friends are on this clan
If accepted, would you be committed? YES
Previous Clan: Epic_frog_song clan
Feb 13, 2014
Reaction score
Age: 14
Time Zone: Pacific
Donor: diamond
Rate yourself 1/10: 8
Skype: mattziboy771
PvP Strengths: flint and steal, bow
PvP Weaknesses: good at bow shots
Why would you like to join? Want to join a good clan/ some friends are on this clan
If accepted, would you be committed? YES
Previous Clan: Epic_frog_song clan
You have 504** not 5003 ;)
Feb 13, 2014
Reaction score

Minecraft IGN: Blank6610 / MrShadowsMc
Age: 13
Donor: Yes
Wins: 350+
Games Played: 2000 on Blank, 160 on Shadow
Skype Username: OhhWellGeeGee
Microphone: Idk, My Mom Bought It, But Its Decent
Pvp Knowledge: I Know Almost Everything About Pvp, From Armor Bars To How To Execute Critical Hits
Why should we accept you? (Minimum of 3 Sentences, Be Detailed) I Was Once In This Clan When It Was #Instinct, But Left, And I Greatly Regret It. I'm Good With Teamwork, And I Know A Good Amount Of The Members From This Clan. Finally, I'm Pretty Good, Afro, Junior, And I Have About The Same Skill Level.

Thank You For The Consideration :)
Accepted As A Pending Member! Due to some past history, we will examine your loyalty ;)
Feb 13, 2014
Reaction score
Age: 14
Time Zone: Pacific
Donor: diamond
Rate yourself 1/10: 8
Skype: mattziboy771
PvP Strengths: flint and steal, bow
PvP Weaknesses: good at bow shots
Why would you like to join? Want to join a good clan/ some friends are on this clan
If accepted, would you be committed? YES
Previous Clan: Epic_frog_song clan
Your Application was not done correctly, please use the proper template and maybe we will consider it ;)
Feb 13, 2014
Reaction score

Minecraft IGN: Push_Up_Elephant
Age: 13
Wins/Games Played/Ratio: 412/2460
How long have you been in #Exodus: 5 days

Question 1: In what ways have you helped this clan out?:I would say i helped this clan out a lot i talked to most of members that are on the TS and i play with them which makes us and the people who were playing get to know each other and know each other tactics and how they play and fight others and how we could help. Like the first day i joined the clan we did an in clan scrim like 4v4 and me and the other members really worked well together and we got to now each other and now me ( the new person in the clan ) we had laughs and when 1 of us needed help we were there to help each other. I'm on everyday for at least 2-3 hours practicing with clan so we ALL can get better even though yeah you don get to win every game your ratio gets worse and worse but playing with the clan is way better then solo we get to better and better each day. Most times after battles i usually say we should do a inner clan scrim or before battles to get warmed up it helps us get much better.

Mention situations and events!
Question 2: Do you believe that you qualify for a staff member? Well, Most people would say its a little to early to apply for staff when i just joined 5-6 days ago but i feel yes i did have an argument with one of the members and it ended i am sorry to that person who i argued with but. I do think i qualify for staff member because i think its not about how long you've been in the clan i think its about how committed you are and i think i am on at least 2-4 hours a day playing with the clan talking with them and just having a bunch of great laughs.
Why?(be descriptive!!!)
Question 3: In what ways would your presence benefit us, give examples: I could benefit this clan by organizing clan scrims and keeping people in line from arguments.
Question 4: How would you describe this clan? I would describe our clan as a NewBorn in Twilight. I would say this because in Twilight the NewBorn is the strongest, quickest, smartest, and fiercest.
Question 5: Who is your favorite member in this clan, and why?: I would have to say my favorite member in the clan is HashTagForTheWin i knew him for the longest out of all the members we had losts of fun and we have been in 3 different clan together i knew him since december when i was in Relentless and i still play with him and hope we play for a while.
Your Staff Application was DENIED!
Reason: You haven't been in this clan for an extensive time to apply for a position with such high authority.
You may apply once you are more familiar with our clan!
Feb 13, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: xEpicZable
Wins/Games Played/Ratio:302/ I am not sure but no more than 2900/better than 1/10
How long have you been in #Exodus: I joined two days after the clan was made. ( #Instinct )
Part 2:
The questions above is basic information that staff need to know. The second part consists of writing a Detailed paragraph stating why you want to join the staff. Keep in mind that, to be a staff member for this clan, you must have been a member for 3-5 weeks. This way we can get to know you guys. In your paragraph, make sure to answer the following questions (detailed).
Question 1: In what ways have you helped this clan out?: Whenever there is a figh in skype or an argue i try to make them stop and help, I have talked with friends of mine to join this clan because it is awesome. And i always try to be nice to everyone and just have a nice time.
Mention situations and events!
Question 2: Do you believe that you qualify for a staff member? I believe so, I think I am mature enough to be able to solve different situations. I am also one of the first ones that joined the clan, and I have seen it growing up. Basically the only problems that we have are just fights between us, we are like a family but families sometimes figh also, so I would be there trying to calm down the situation. I am pretty active on the skype chat due I have it on my phone so I could connect whenever you would need me.
Why?(be descriptive!!!)
Question 3: In what ways would your presence benefit us, give examples: I think I am not hated in this clan, and that way they would pay attention at what I say, at least a little bit. I think I am a funny guy. As I said before I am avaliable most fo the time.
Question 4: How would you describe this clan? This clan is freaking awesome, We have amazing players, But thats no it. everyone is amazing to play with, We are all really funny together, our inner clan battle are funny as hell, I aint even mad when I die.
Question 5: Who is your favorite member in this clan, and why?: Everyone is my favorite, I must say. We have a lot of fun, that it is for me, the point of a clan. I have maybe 1 or 2 people that I really like, but this is not the place to talk about that. Everyone hate be comparated to another person and feel inferior. For example you would not like being compared to antoher person that has better grades than you, in my opinion it is not fair, Everyone one is good in his/her own way, and has his/her own virtues and defects.
Your Staff Application was Approved!
Congratulations, make sure to be active on the TS sometime this week
for an interview!

*Quick Note*
- Found some grammatical errors, but I was kind enough to make
exceptions <3
Feb 13, 2014
Reaction score
Well i need to re apply ;-;
Minecraft IGN: Mr_Creeper32
Age: 13
Wins: 173 (give me a chance about my ratio pls)
Games Played: around 1800
Time Zone: Eastern
Skype Username: mr_creeper32
Pvp Strengths: Strafing, bow, fishing rod stun, block hitting (IT AINT NOBBY!) running away, FnS, teams of 2-3 in large areas
Pvp Weaknesses: Chasing
Rate yourself from 1-10: 8.5
Why do you want to join?: Because i was in this clan for a bit but then my friend said he would quit minecraft if I didnt join his clan so sorry but i did but it wont happen again :)
If accepted, will you stayed committed?: YES
Previous Clans: #V3NOMOUS, #Pulse, #Paradox, #Complexity, And I owned 2 clans that disbanned: #Demons and #Endangered last but not least my very first clan: #SubZero!
Btw i have youtube: www.youtube.com/user/creepschaos And I make graphics!

I'm sorry to inform you, but your application was DENIED.
Reason: You don't meet our prerequisite. An exception couldn't be made due to the amount of clans you were registered in.
Feb 13, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: MajesticSwag
Age: 13
Wins/Games Played/Ratio: 109 // 440 / 1/4
How long have you been in #Exodus: About 1 month and a half.

Question 1: In what ways have you helped this clan out?:
Mention situations and events!: Im a team player and I always help my team win. I saved my teamates a couple times and I have a good time with them. We all get along and I am nice to everyone in this clan.
Question 2: Do you believe that you qualify for a staff member?
Why?(be descriptive!!!) I believe I do. Im a really nice guy and I love erryone in this clan. I feel like family when im with this clan because we are all so nice to each other and respect each other. If I was a staff member I would be dedicated and responsible, more responsible than I am now.
Question 3: In what ways would your presence benefit us, give examples: I would help the officers and leaders organize, and respect other clans. I would try to get my team under control if they were rude or doing something that could get us a DQ in a cb. I would respect all members and even try to work on some new tactics.+
Question 4: How would you describe this clan? : This is by far the best clan I have been in, and I want to do as much as I can for it. I want to make this clan better than it already is and improve in some tactics, this is an amazing clan, a very nice clan. We treat each other like family and we all have a laugh and a good time together.
Question 5: Who is your favorite member in this clan, and why?:
I don't want to say my specific favorite, I love everyone in this clan. Parwez is a beast and is the nicest guy, afro is soft spoken and a straight up G, educating is my bb, swift is my favorite swagster, Bacca is, a bacca, Aulza is effing hilarious, top is a great pvper and a great guy, nothing more to say, i love everyone in this clan equally.
Your Staff Application is Pending!
Please make your application more descriptive, but while your app is pending, you may do that ;)
Feb 13, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: PoisonousAppleMC
Age: 13
Wins/Games Played/Ratio: 112-822-idk
How long have you been in #Exodus: About 3 days, but I will assure you that I am and will be very loyal to the group and will play a big part as staff.

Question 1: In what ways have you helped this clan out?: I was part of the 1st clan battle and I would say I was a big part in it. I wish I would of been part of the 2nd as well but wasnt on at the time.

Question 2: Do you believe that you qualify for a staff member?: Yes. I believe that I am a decent player. I wasnt the best at HG before but I am way better now. Not being cocky, but I have only lost once to all of the members I have fought apart from TopBandit so far.

Question 3: In what ways would your presence benefit us, give examples: I would be on HG a lot more if I do end up getting accepted looking for members to join Exodus. Apart from the applications on the forums of course :p
Question 4: How would you describe this clan?: Loyal. As from what I have seen so far, this clan is very loyal as are most members as well. Strong. We have won both clan battles we have been apart of as well as the fact that all of our members are extremely good. Well Built. All of the members are amazing at PvP. I believe this clans choices that they have made are amazing choices and I would love to be part of that being Staff/Officer.

Question 5: Who is your favorite member in this clan, and why?: TopBandit. I've known him for a long time know

Thank you guys for reading this application in hopes I do get accepted. With all the hope I have on getting accepted I do understand if I am denied. Thanks guys!
Your Staff Application is now under review, Congratulations!
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