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Exodus | US Team

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Mar 29, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: Mr_Creeper32
Age: 13
Wins: 156
Games Played: around 1800 :( (Give me a chance)
Time Zone: EST
Skype Username: mr_creeper32
Pvp Strengths: FNS, Fishing rod stun, strafing, block hitting, bow & bow spam, teams of 2-3, unexpected fire, running away.
Pvp Weaknesses: Chasing, being lit
Rate yourself from 1-10: 8
Why do you want to join?: Because this looks like a extremely skilled clan.
If accepted, will you stayed committed?: I'm on for 1-2 hours a day :p
Previous Clans: #Complexity, #Paradox, #Pulse, #Evolution (barely) & a lot more :p
Btw i make DECENT GFX and please give me a chance even tho i have so called "Lack of wins" most clans deny me for that reason so I am trying to find a good clan who will accept me :p

We will review this Honestly you look like a skilled player yourself.
Feb 13, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: Mr_Creeper32
Age: 13
Wins: 156
Games Played: around 1800 :( (Give me a chance)
Time Zone: EST
Skype Username: mr_creeper32
Pvp Strengths: FNS, Fishing rod stun, strafing, block hitting, bow & bow spam, teams of 2-3, unexpected fire, running away.
Pvp Weaknesses: Chasing, being lit
Rate yourself from 1-10: 8
Why do you want to join?: Because this looks like a extremely skilled clan.
If accepted, will you stayed committed?: I'm on for 1-2 hours a day :p
Previous Clans: #Complexity, #Paradox, #Pulse, #Evolution (barely) & a lot more :p
Btw i make DECENT GFX and please give me a chance even tho i have so called "Lack of wins" most clans deny me for that reason so I am trying to find a good clan who will accept me :p

Accepted As Trial Member!
Mar 9, 2014
Reaction score
Umm, I thought this was a good clan, I was one of the first members of this clan the I left bcuz i was getting treated unfairly.. I got invited back, and i said would only join back if I dont get cussed out and speaken to rudely..... I come in their skype chat.. .First 5 mins about 100 masgs mean about me.. I mean cmon really... A clan isnt just about skill, its about friendship and being nice, Obviuosly this clan only cares about the skill part.. I pros will just make my own clan or maybe just play MCSG without a clan like the good ol days, anyways thius wasnt to create flamme its just my opinion... kthxbai


Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score
Umm, I thought this was a good clan, I was one of the first members of this clan the I left bcuz i was getting treated unfairly.. I got invited back, and i said would only join back if I dont get cussed out and speaken to rudely..... I come in their skype chat.. .First 5 mins about 100 masgs mean about me.. I mean cmon really... A clan isnt just about skill, its about friendship and being nice, Obviuosly this clan only cares about the skill part.. I pros will just make my own clan or maybe just play MCSG without a clan like the good ol days, anyways thius wasnt to create flamme its just my opinion... kthxbai
They weren't being rude. They were asking why you got auto elite. That's not being rude. Also, have you left (AGAIN)


Jan 26, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: elderunicorn
Wins: 321
Games Played: 2171
Time Zone:Arizona :p
Skype Username: elderunicorn
Pvp Strengths: running, FnS, Sword, Rod
Pvp Weaknesses: Bow spammers, hackers, and people that crouch in front of you and wan't you to kill them. It's just morally wrong to kill them. :(
Rate yourself from 1-10: 7.8509
Why do you want to join?: Well, I have been looking for a clan since I got 200 wins on MCSG, and I haven't found one that looked "appetizing" to me. Then I found this clan. It was love at first sight, I knew that this was the one. It looks amazing and to be in a clan like this would be amazoonnngggg.
If accepted, will you stayed committed?: Of course! basically my life is School and MCSG ( add a little sleep and food and you got it) ;)
Previous Clans: None. I have never really wanted to be in a clan until I saw this one.
Feb 13, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: elderunicorn
Wins: 321
Games Played: 2171
Time Zone:Arizona :p
Skype Username: elderunicorn
Pvp Strengths: running, FnS, Sword, Rod
Pvp Weaknesses: Bow spammers, hackers, and people that crouch in front of you and wan't you to kill them. It's just morally wrong to kill them. :(
Rate yourself from 1-10: 7.8509
Why do you want to join?: Well, I have been looking for a clan since I got 200 wins on MCSG, and I haven't found one that looked "appetizing" to me. Then I found this clan. It was love at first sight, I knew that this was the one. It looks amazing and to be in a clan like this would be amazoonnngggg.
If accepted, will you stayed committed?: Of course! basically my life is School and MCSG ( add a little sleep and food and you got it) ;)
Previous Clans: None. I have never really wanted to be in a clan until I saw this one.
Accepted As a Full Member, Congratulations!


Sep 10, 2013
Reaction score
Umm, I thought this was a good clan, I was one of the first members of this clan the I left bcuz i was getting treated unfairly.. I got invited back, and i said would only join back if I dont get cussed out and speaken to rudely..... I come in their skype chat.. .First 5 mins about 100 masgs mean about me.. I mean cmon really... A clan isnt just about skill, its about friendship and being nice, Obviuosly this clan only cares about the skill part.. I pros will just make my own clan or maybe just play MCSG without a clan like the good ol days, anyways thius wasnt to create flamme its just my opinion... kthxbai
They weren't being rude. They were asking why you got auto elite. That's not being rude. Also, have you left (AGAIN)
I think we can all move forward from this point. I don't think the relationship worked out, and I fully intend for there to be no flame. If you would like to PM me based off whats happening feel free too. Otherwise good luck.
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