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Mortal Skies


Apr 20, 2012
Reaction score
Nine is not abusing his mod powers. He did not delete your review you did of the map. all nine said was that he didn't want people going after his map for no reason, that you necessarily were or anything. You had said some things that were offensive to the RF build team and some of the things you said were more or less targeting RF. for example,

Maps get accepted because they are built good and are of High quality, not because they were built by Team Elite or RF or some other built team. You of all people should know that.

Your second post was deleted because it was unnecessary. all nine was saying was that he would rather not have other players post comments that are negatively directed toward RF. Nine makes a good point. your review was mostly if not all negative comments towards the map and builds but yet you give it a 7 and say it shouldn't have been accepted?

Don't get me wrong, you are entitled to your own opinions as well. Your review was not deleted because it actually is a review and is your opinion. I'm sure the entire RF build team welcomes constructive criticism but towards the map, not towards there build team.
I don't know if it's just me, but a lot of the maps being added to the servers lately are being built by popular people. I know everything's about the map itself, but I do feel it being built by Red Forest got it a lot of attention. I'm not saying it's a bad map (I love it), but I don't know if the outcome would have been the same had it been built by some random dude.


Maps get accepted because they are built good and are of High quality, not because they were built by Team Elite or RF or some other built team. You of all people should know that.
I am really sorry to come in and drag on this argument, but I don't find that true. Would a map built by a random person get its own server immediately after it was completed? No, even if it was the best map ever built. By your logic, why have the best maps on the forums been rotting for months now (Venezia and Alaskan Village)? If all maps were treated equally and just judges off of their quality then none of them would get their own servers like this one did.
(I am in no way saying that RF and TE maps are bad, I'm just stating my perception on the matter. Also, my opinion that the two Discovery Works maps are the best on the forums is completely my opinion.)


District 13
Jan 21, 2013
Reaction score
I am really sorry to come in and drag on this argument, but I don't find that true. Would a map built by a random person get its own server immediately after it was completed? No, even if it was the best map ever built. By your logic, why have the best maps on the forums been rotting for months now (Venezia and Alaskan Village)? If all maps were treated equally and just judges off of their quality then none of them would get their own servers like this one did.
(I am in no way saying that RF and TE maps are bad, I'm just stating my perception on the matter. Also, my opinion that the two Discovery Works maps are the best on the forums is completely my opinion.)
It purely had its own server to celebrate our one year anniversary at MCSG, we have chosen to stay here and keep our maps exclusive (since Icarus) to the servers and continue to work hard on community projects such as the Kitpvp stuff and Catching fire. It was put on the server so it could be played easily for the livestream and was purely a celebration thing. I would be dissapointed if anyone thought we didn't deserve it since we have been working hard for the community.


It purely had its own server to celebrate our one year anniversary at MCSG, we have chosen to stay here and keep our maps exclusive (since Icarus) to the servers and continue to work hard on community projects such as the Kitpvp stuff and Catching fire. It was put on the server so it could be played easily for the livestream and was purely a celebration thing. I would be dissapointed if anyone thought we didn't deserve it since we have been working hard for the community.
The work you guys have done for this server over the last year is incredible, and it's fair that you should get some reward. I just think that if you are going to get rewarded (such as getting your own server for your new map), mcsg should at least admit that they are giving you special treatment. Saying "we only judge maps off of their quality" and then promptly giving a build team their own server is a tad hypocritical. I'm ok with you guys getting special treatment, I just think mcsg should admit that you are getting special treatment.


Sep 15, 2013
Reaction score
I am really sorry to come in and drag on this argument, but I don't find that true. Would a map built by a random person get its own server immediately after it was completed? No, even if it was the best map ever built. By your logic, why have the best maps on the forums been rotting for months now (Venezia and Alaskan Village)? If all maps were treated equally and just judges off of their quality then none of them would get their own servers like this one did.
(I am in no way saying that RF and TE maps are bad, I'm just stating my perception on the matter. Also, my opinion that the two Discovery Works maps are the best on the forums is completely my opinion.)
you say maps like venezia and Alaskan village is unfairly treatmled , maybe because they are on other servers and mcsg want unique maps (covemc).


Jul 27, 2012
Reaction score
you say maps like venezia and Alaskan village is unfairly treatmled , maybe because they are on other servers and mcsg want unique maps (covemc).
MCSG don't want unique maps. Breeze island 2 has a public download, I could name like 10 servers with SG 1-4 on them. I could say alot more but can't be bothered.

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