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Administration Q&A Panel

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District 13
Staff member
Mar 10, 2013
Reaction score
Heads up: Rescheduled to March 15th because our scheduling sanity has only now returned to us. US players should now be able to attend. Time stays the same.

Got a question you'd like to see asked at the Panel Section? Ask it here, and we'll consider answering it at the event!


District 13
Dec 7, 2012
Reaction score
How many admins/sr. staff member does it take for a decision to be made on a mod application to be closed or moved to accepted? (After pending)


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
At first I was overjoyed at this development, which is what a lot of people have wanted in order to make the Admin team more transparent to the public, and to dispel some rumors and clear up some information that has been going around. And myself, as well, was happy to see this would happen.
However, when I saw this, I was slightly disappointed.
The Panel Questions will be a set of pre-submitted questions that we want to address right off the bat.
I'm assuming that these will be questions that the Administrator/Staff team has cleared before-hand?

I came up with more than one thought. Keep in mind that these were my thoughts while reading it, and I felt compelled to write it.

  • This would be used to filter out troll-questions, such as the one from lolistwee, "Does Le0 smell good?"
  • This would be used to make sure that the questions were not useless, and actually benefited whoever heard it, or might actually be something that other people wondered.
  • This could be used to make sure that it didn't touch on subjects such as controversial bans of certain members, forced deletion of threads or posts that talked about staff in a critical way, or other "touchy" subjects.

In addition, I also have a few questions.

What is the point of view of the Admins and Staff on the subject of bans that are claimed to be unfair by parts of the community?
How do the Admins and Staff feel about threads and/or posts that talk about the staff team in a critical way, even if there are valid points? And why are some threads like this deleted if they have valid points?
Do you believe that there are "corrupt" members who have become staff members? If so, what are you doing to draw them out and eliminate them?
Do you, the Staff team, feel that parts of the community and members are unfair in their views, particularly when criticizing the staff team?
How would you like to help dispel rumors, unfair criticism, and other such things in the future?

Not only would I like answers to these questions, but I'm sure some others would too. I understand if you might "pass over" one or even all of these, but it would certainly be something that I appreciate if they were answered.
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District 13
Staff member
Mar 10, 2013
Reaction score
I'm confused why you're disappointed upon reading that line, considering the thoughts that followed were rationale and spot-on. The pre-submitted questions will primarily be answering very basic information or some very general questions. Questions such as, "who are you", "what do you do", "what do Admins do", "how do you get Admin", and "what's the most difficult part of your job" are the sorts of questions to be asked during the Panel Questions section. A Panel Moderator (most likely another member of staff who will moderate the panel's discussion, choose the next question, give the mic to the person, etc) will be the one reading off these pre-arranged questions to us in order to get the most common answers out of the way. Most convention panels operate like this.

That being said, perhaps we can do things akin to how we do staff meetings, and what it sounds like you're suggesting. Perhaps during the Live Q&A, we will take the questions posted in this thread here and add them to the queue. These Pre-Submission Questions will be briefly screened to ensure that they're appropriate (we'll accept a certain degree of lulz), and if they are approved, the question and the speaker will be put in queue to be spoken at the event. Once the event comes around to the Live Q&A session, we'll call those in attendance up according to the queue to ask their questions live. Once no more pre-submission questions are available, we'll start picking people from the audience then.

I will also be sure to clarrify certain rules and such of the event as well, such as reserving the right to pass on questions and remove unwelcome users.


Nov 27, 2012
Reaction score
At first I was overjoyed at this development, which is what a lot of people have wanted in order to make the Admin team more transparent to the public, and to dispel some rumors and clear up some information that has been going around.
However, when I saw this, I was slightly disappointed.

I'm assuming that these will be questions that the Administrator/Staff team has cleared before-hand?

I came up with more than one thought. Keep in mind that these were my thoughts while reading it, and I felt compelled to write it.

  • This would be used to filter out troll-questions, such as the one from lolistwee, "Does Le0 smell good?"
  • This would be used to make sure that the questions were not useless, and actually benefited whoever heard it, or might actually be something that other people wondered.
  • This could be used to make sure that it didn't touch on subjects such as controversial bans of certain members, forced deletion of threads or posts that talked about staff in a critical way, or other "touchy" subjects.

However, if I misunderstood what the quote from Col_StaR meant, then please disregard the above.

In addition, I also have a few questions.

What is the point of view of the Admins and Staff on the subject of bans that are claimed to be unfair by parts of the community?
How does the Admins and Staff feel about threads and/or posts that talk about the staff team in a critical way, even if there are valid points? And why are some threads like this deleted if they have valid points?
Do you believe that there are "corrupt" members who have become staff members? If so, what are you doing to draw them out and eliminate them?
Do you, the Staff team, feel that parts of the community and members are unfair in their views, particularly when criticizing the staff team?
How would you like to help dispel rumors, unfair criticism, and other such things in the future?

Not only would I like answers to these questions, but I'm sure some others would too. I understand if you might "pass over" one or even all of these, but it would certainly be something that I appreciate if they were answered.
Couldn't agree more lol. These are the types of questions I would like to ask or hear the answers to. Not to rage or flame or anything, but these are the questions that a lot of people are talking about consistantly, asking simple questions like what your job is and how you do it, just doesn't interest me nearly as much as the other questions do lol.

I would really love to hear the answer to how they feel and deal with the fact that many people in the community call them corrupt and if they really plan on doing anything to fix this.

Again I am not doing this to rage or start anything, I just want to know it personally.
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Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
My reason for slight disappointment (Keep in mind that I am still happy to see this event will be occurring) was the third "Thought" that I listed. A lot of what people want to be explained is things such as those.
  • This could be used to make sure that it didn't touch on subjects such as controversial bans of certain members, forced deletion of threads or posts that talked about staff in a critical way, or other "touchy" subjects.
Many of the outcries in the community and forums are centered around topics like these, which would be potentially filtered out in the "screening" process, under the excuse that they do not pass the criteria for acceptable questions.

If I get too in-depth about certain topics, please feel free to edit this post to preserve your privacy, or conform better to the general rules of the forums. The purpose of this post is to simply clear the air. If you wish, we can take this to a PM.

- Bans of certain members - I'm sure many know what I'm talking about, so I won't list names.
- Threads which pointed out mistakes that the MCGamer staff made, even if they were honest mistakes which an effort was made to correct.
These are particular subjects that the MCGamer staff has gone to lengths to avoid talking about, which has caused a lot of people to ask for answers, to usually no avail.
We understand that the MCGamer staff has the right to reserve this knowledge, but at first I assumed that the purpose of this Q&A panel would to be to answer things such as this. However, upon reading the thread, I realized that you left room for avoiding whatever subjects you wanted.
Naturally, this is completely logical and fair, as there could be questions that are too personal, too absurd, or too confidential to answer, and MCGamer has the right to keep almost anything they want secret.

So, I'd like to make a plea, with honest and sincere intent.

Keep the filter - but please, please, answer the questions that the community wants to know, which are actually legitimate questions with answers.
I know that you are aware of what I mean, as do most others.

Couldn't agree more lol. These are the types of questions I would like to ask or hear the answers to. Not to rage or flame or anything, but these are the questions that a lot of people are talking about consistantly, asking simple questions like what your job is and how you do it, just doesn't interest me nearly as much as the other questions do lol.
Thank you :) These are the types of questions that I hope get answered, as well, even if I'm unable to attend the event.

Out of curiosity, will the event be recorded so that anyone who was unable to attend can listen to it afterwards? (Perhaps with editing to remove the trolls, unexpected events, etc.)


Nov 27, 2012
Reaction score
My reason for slight disappointment (Keep in mind that I am still happy to see this event will be occurring) was the third "Thought" that I listed. A lot of what people want to be explained is things such as those.

Many of the outcries in the community and forums are centered around topics like these, which would be potentially filtered out in the "screening" process, under the excuse that they do not pass the criteria for acceptable questions.

If I get too in-depth about certain topics, please feel free to edit this post to preserve your privacy, or conform better to the general rules of the forums. The purpose of this post is to simply clear the air. If you wish, we can take this to a PM.

- Bans of certain members - I'm sure many know what I'm talking about, so I won't list names.
- Threads which pointed out mistakes that the MCGamer staff made, even if they were honest mistakes which an effort was made to correct.
These are particular subjects that the MCGamer staff has gone to lengths to avoid talking about, which has caused a lot of people to ask for answers, to usually no avail.
We understand that the MCGamer staff has the right to reserve this knowledge, but at first I assumed that the purpose of this Q&A panel would to be to answer things such as this. However, upon reading the thread, I realized that you left room for avoiding whatever subjects you wanted.
Naturally, this is completely logical and fair, as there could be questions that are too personal, too absurd, or too confidential to answer, and MCGamer has the right to keep almost anything they want secret.

So, I'd like to make a plea, with honest and sincere intent.

Keep the filter - but please, please, answer the questions that the community wants to know, which are actually legitimate questions with answers.
I know that you are aware of what I mean, as do most others.

Thank you :) These are the types of questions that I hope get answered, as well, even if I'm unable to attend the event.

Out of curiosity, will the event be recorded so that anyone who was unable to attend can listen to it afterwards? (Perhaps with editing to remove the trolls, unexpected events, etc.)
^ I like this guy lol


Mar 1, 2013
Reaction score
My reason for slight disappointment (Keep in mind that I am still happy to see this event will be occurring) was the third "Thought" that I listed. A lot of what people want to be explained is things such as those.

Many of the outcries in the community and forums are centered around topics like these, which would be potentially filtered out in the "screening" process, under the excuse that they do not pass the criteria for acceptable questions.

If I get too in-depth about certain topics, please feel free to edit this post to preserve your privacy, or conform better to the general rules of the forums. The purpose of this post is to simply clear the air. If you wish, we can take this to a PM.

- Bans of certain members - I'm sure many know what I'm talking about, so I won't list names.
- Threads which pointed out mistakes that the MCGamer staff made, even if they were honest mistakes which an effort was made to correct.
These are particular subjects that the MCGamer staff has gone to lengths to avoid talking about, which has caused a lot of people to ask for answers, to usually no avail.
We understand that the MCGamer staff has the right to reserve this knowledge, but at first I assumed that the purpose of this Q&A panel would to be to answer things such as this. However, upon reading the thread, I realized that you left room for avoiding whatever subjects you wanted.
Naturally, this is completely logical and fair, as there could be questions that are too personal, too absurd, or too confidential to answer, and MCGamer has the right to keep almost anything they want secret.

So, I'd like to make a plea, with honest and sincere intent.

Keep the filter - but please, please, answer the questions that the community wants to know, which are actually legitimate questions with answers.
I know that you are aware of what I mean, as do most others.

Thank you :) These are the types of questions that I hope get answered, as well, even if I'm unable to attend the event.

Out of curiosity, will the event be recorded so that anyone who was unable to attend can listen to it afterwards? (Perhaps with editing to remove the trolls, unexpected events, etc.)
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