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Prodigious | US Clan

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Oct 24, 2013
Reaction score
Well, Today. This will be the day I leave. To start off this is not a joke. I will be leaving for many reasons that I do not want to announce on a public thread. These are some of the people that made my stay great and enjoyable for me.

michael harmon / Mikey, Dantelius I want to thank you guys first because you were my best friends in the clan, I could talk to you about anything and you guys always made me feel as good as possible. And anyways I'll still play with you on DR :)

egoldo / Egoldo, Thanks for being a good friend, and make sure you stay in it. Because you are the only real Nemesis person remaining now. Keep us alive.

ThatCoolCucumber / Peter, I remember at first I didn't like you much, been then we became really close friends and I am happy about that. Please make sure you keep Frog from making dumb decisions.

Epic_Frog_Song Thanks for making this clan. I hope you keep it alive.

Salamancer101 Thanks for being such a great friend and helping me with whatever I needed.

endthebean Thanks for being so mature and just a chill person, If anyone gets my captain spot I hope it's you.

Spxn Thanks for always being there to make me laugh, Stay being a comedian, You're good at it xD

Thanks to everyone else, I loved you all I just didn't get as attached to you guys. Good luck in Clan Wars. <3
Last edited:
Aug 12, 2013
Reaction score
Well, Today. This will be the day I leave. To start off this is not a joke. I will be leaving for many reasons that I do not want to announce on a public thread. These are some of the people that made my stay great and enjoyable for me.

michael harmon / Mikey, Dantelius I want to thank you guys first because you were my best friends in the clan, I could talk to you about anything and you guys always made me feel as good as possible. And anyways I'll still play with you on DR :)

egoldo / Egoldo, Thanks for being a good friend, and make sure you stay in it. Because you are the only real Nemesis person remaining now. Keep us alive.

ThatCoolCucumber / Peter, I remember at first I didn't like you much, been then we became really close friends and I am happy about that. Please make sure you keep Frog from making dumb decisions.

Epic_Frog_Song Thanks for making this clan. I hope you keep it alive.

Salamancer101 Thanks for being such a great friend and helping me with whatever I needed.

endthebean Thanks for being so mature and just a chill person, If anyone gets my captain spot I hope it's you.

Spxn Thanks for always being there to make me laugh, Stay being a comedian, You're good at it xD

Thanks to everyone else, I loved you all I just didn't get as attached to you guys. Good luck in Clan Wars. <3


Oct 29, 2012
Reaction score
Well, Today. This will be the day I leave. To start off this is not a joke. I will be leaving for many reasons that I do not want to announce on a public thread. These are some of the people that made my stay great and enjoyable for me.

michael harmon / Mikey, Dantelius I want to thank you guys first because you were my best friends in the clan, I could talk to you about anything and you guys always made me feel as good as possible. And anyways I'll still play with you on DR :)

egoldo / Egoldo, Thanks for being a good friend, and make sure you stay in it. Because you are the only real Nemesis person remaining now. Keep us alive.

ThatCoolCucumber / Peter, I remember at first I didn't like you much, been then we became really close friends and I am happy about that. Please make sure you keep Frog from making dumb decisions.

Epic_Frog_Song Thanks for making this clan. I hope you keep it alive.

Salamancer101 Thanks for being such a great friend and helping me with whatever I needed.

endthebean Thanks for being so mature and just a chill person, If anyone gets my captain spot I hope it's you.

Spxn Thanks for always being there to make me laugh, Stay being a comedian, You're good at it xD

Thanks to everyone else, I loved you all I just didn't get as attached to you guys. Good luck in Clan Wars. <3
#endforcaptain not Dominic


Jul 8, 2013
Reaction score
Uhm. Well I'm leaving. Soz, heading back to mah roots yo.
I wish you best of luck in your future clan battles and clan wars. Hope you don't lose too many members. I guess I'll see ya guys later. (ps ily all )

ThatCoolCucumber Soz. We'll have to play MineZ sometime. Thanks for being chill.

TehAxmorFlexer Thank you for creating endless entertainment for the clan. Ps I'm sorry for fisting you off of the building on sg highway that one scrim.

gavinawesomeMCSG Hello Gavin. Never talked to you that much, but your we good friends with Cucumber, so I assume that you're a chill guy .

michael harmon We have to still play DR man. Although I'm losing interest in it, I'll still play it with you! GL with your farming on it man!

Dominic20819 You're quite a funny guy

egoldo You're a good PVPer and pretty chill, nice meeting you.

endthebean You're hardly ever on, but it's fun when you are.

Spxn That avatar doe. Lel we need to play some more

Epic_Frog_Song Well, this is it. Goodbye frog, sad leaving. Pls understand. Aight see ya dude. <3

Peace out guys. Sorry if I missed anyone.


Oct 24, 2013
Reaction score
Uhm. Well I'm leaving. Soz, heading back to mah roots yo.
I wish you best of luck in your future clan battles and clan wars. Hope you don't lose too many members. I guess I'll see ya guys later. (ps ily all )

ThatCoolCucumber Soz. We'll have to play MineZ sometime. Thanks for being chill.

TehAxmorFlexer Thank you for creating endless entertainment for the clan. Ps I'm sorry for fisting you off of the building on sg highway that one scrim.

gavinawesomeMCSG Hello Gavin. Never talked to you that much, but your we good friends with Cucumber, so I assume that you're a chill guy .

michael harmon We have to still play DR man. Although I'm losing interest in it, I'll still play it with you! GL with your farming on it man!

Dominic20819 You're quite a funny guy

egoldo You're a good PVPer and pretty chill, nice meeting you.

endthebean You're hardly ever on, but it's fun when you are.

Spxn That avatar doe. Lel we need to play some more

Epic_Frog_Song Well, this is it. Goodbye frog, sad leaving. Pls understand. Aight see ya dude. <3

Peace out guys. Sorry if I missed anyone.
Didn't tag me even doe I left ;-; i cri
Aug 12, 2013
Reaction score
Uhm. Well I'm leaving. Soz, heading back to mah roots yo.
I wish you best of luck in your future clan battles and clan wars. Hope you don't lose too many members. I guess I'll see ya guys later. (ps ily all )

ThatCoolCucumber Soz. We'll have to play MineZ sometime. Thanks for being chill.

TehAxmorFlexer Thank you for creating endless entertainment for the clan. Ps I'm sorry for fisting you off of the building on sg highway that one scrim.

gavinawesomeMCSG Hello Gavin. Never talked to you that much, but your we good friends with Cucumber, so I assume that you're a chill guy .

michael harmon We have to still play DR man. Although I'm losing interest in it, I'll still play it with you! GL with your farming on it man!

Dominic20819 You're quite a funny guy

egoldo You're a good PVPer and pretty chill, nice meeting you.

endthebean You're hardly ever on, but it's fun when you are.

Spxn That avatar doe. Lel we need to play some more

Epic_Frog_Song Well, this is it. Goodbye frog, sad leaving. Pls understand. Aight see ya dude. <3

Peace out guys. Sorry if I missed anyone.
First tut and now dante. I crie
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