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#Zotikus [EU Division]

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Nov 6, 2014
Reaction score


Hello and welcome to Zotikus. The word Zotikus comes from the Greek meaning 'Full of life,' used as this clan is one that we, as a group, will strive to keep it alive. We are a competitive clan that will accept most challenges, as long as they are from respectable clans. If you like what you see, and you fit the entry requirements, then feel free to apply!

Date of creation: November 6th, 2014

Founders: Zootyy, OhSoEnglish

Current Leaders:

Clan Battles Won: 27

Clan Battles Lost: 1

Clan battles played: 28

TeamSpeak IP: ts3-eu2.pkrhosting.co.uk:10037

Application Status: OPEN

-= | Allied clans |=-


- Not including Owners -

- Owners -

- Generals -

Zootyy | Will
Demetzeu | Sebi

- Veterans -

Theozmeister | Oz
ItsOnlyRotta | Rotta

- Legates -
Jakmalli | Jak
Demonic_Beaver | Beaver

Martinioh123 | Martin

Centurions -
xMikeyVee2000x | Mikey
LkingJames | James
franciscogodo | francisco
johan_01 | johan
VoVoXperTz05 | VoVo
ZtripedZebra | Zebra


- Munifex -

CoolBoyRo | Nake
xSteewe | Steewe
DexRock | Dex
Twistaar_ | Connor

- Clan Battle Organisers -
Zootyy -

Joshavfc9 -

Greggorffc123 -

Owners -
Control and look after the clan, also has the final say.
Generals - Organise clan battles and take control of the clan whenever the owner is absent.
Veterans - Given to members who we can trust and have shown good conduct and loyalty.
Legates - Given to members who have shown skill and dedication towards the clan.
Centurions - Given to members who have passed their trial in Munifex and have become a full member in #Zotikus.
Munifex - Given to trial members - They will be assessed over a period of time, and then it will be decided (by Owners and Generals) whether they will be accepted.
Worthy Members - Members who have done very well in clan battles and have proved themselves time and time again.

- Exceptional fighting and strategical ability -

- 300 wins or a 1:4 W/L Ratio -

- You have to be 13 years old, minimum -

- Good teamwork and even better communication skills -

- Skype and/or TeamSpeak (required) -

- Active for at least an hour a day, unless on break or agreed external commitments -

- Friendly and calm personality, keep raging to a minimum -

- Be mature -

- Be an overall respectable, cool, and trustworthy individual -

- Backstabbing and bullying will not be tolerated in this clan -

Preferred Nickname:
Donor (if any):
Wins/Games played:
Past clans:
Skype ID:
Why do you want to join Zotikus? (Make sure this question is detailed):

- You will be Trialed during normal games, and then clan wars, if your application is accepted -

Won: 27 | DQ: 0 | Lost: 1

Zotikus vs FatBear [W] 5-1
vs Demons [W] 5-0
Zotikus vs Banished [W] 5-2
Zotikus vs OnlySkillEz [W] 5-1
Zotikus vs TheLegionz [W] 5-1
Zotikus vs ChromersEU [W] 5-0
Zotikus vs Epilson [W] 5-2
Zotikus vs Onelium [W] 5-0
Zotikus vs Incineration [W] 5-0
Zotikus vs Violation [W] 5-0
Zotikus vs Violation [W] 5-4 (RM)
Zotikus vs ViruSs [W] 5-2
Zotikus vs RedLiquid [W] 5-0
Zotikus vs TheSpirits [W] 5-2
Zotikus vs N.E.T [W] 5-1
Zotikus vs Mavericks [W] 5-0
Zotikus vs PolarBears [W] 5-0

At 4-0 they blocked us off of skype so we win via forfeit.
Zotikus vs DarkNightmare [W] 5-2
Zotikus vs Solitude [L] 4-5

They admitted to cheating in one round which would of meant we won 5-2, however, we don't have proof of this but psychologically they know it wasn't a legitimate win. They didn't allow us a redo but besides from the cheating it was a GG.
Zotikus vs Phoenix [W] 5-2
Zotikus vs Violation [W] 5-1

(Second RM)
Zotikus vs DarkNightmare [W] 5-0
Zotikus vs Distraction [W] 5-3
Zotikus vs ShadowBoys [W] 5-0
Zotikus vs DixiePvP [W] 5-1
Zotikus vs Revenge [W] 5-0
Zotikus vs Elastic [W] 5-1

It was 2-1, they didn't win the round and so it was a redo and they refused to carry on playing until we agreed it was 2-2 when they didn't even win. So yeah they forfeited. All round easy rounds we played.
Zotikus vs Riptide [W] 5-0

Clan Statistics

gregorffc123 | Greg - 179/1495
Joshavfc9 | Josh - 188/1089
Zootyy | Will - 139/577
ItsOnlyRotta | Rotta - 968/3140
MrDoubleD2000 | Dan - 486/7003
Jakmalli | Jak - 2215/8616
Demonic_Beaver | Beaver - 425/1222
Martinioh123 | Martin - 1357/6403
xMikeyVee2000x | Mikey - 1150/4152
LkingJames | James - 326/2356
franciscogodo | francisco - 1062/7780
johan_01 | johan - 758/4391
CoolBoyRo | Nake - 634/3027
VoVoXperTz05 | VoVo - 562/2068
MrBitte98 | Bitte - 111/1321
_JoJox3_ | Jo - 205/700
DexRock | Dex -
ZtripedZebra | Zebra -​

Clan War Rules

3v3's only.
2 minute grace period at the beginning of the games.
No sponsoring or bountying, as this leads to targeting.
Only people listed on the clan roster are allowed to play.
No teaming or trucing with people outside of your clan.
Each clan are allowed to postpone once for a maximum of 48 hours.
Alternate picking of the server, and the map*.
Spectators are allowed.
First to 5 wins.
If a player is killed by a hacker, you must have proof (uploaded in good quality) in order for a round restart.
Crashes after pre-game count as a death.
Crashes in pre-game result in a restart of current round on the same map, with same lineups.
Ghost killing a player in the opposing lineup is a round DQ with evidence,
and attacking a player whilst they are ghosting is a round restart.
All MCGamer rules must be followed.
If a player in either clan is banned during the clan war, due to hacking or abuse, the opposing side wins by default.

*if the preferred map is not chosen, both sides must leave the game.

"I, Joshavfc9/Gregorffc123,
leader of the clan Zotikus, agree to the MCGamer Clan Rules and the MCGamer Administration.
We will act appropriately and uphold the standards of the MCGamer community. Should the clan or its members break any of the rules, we agree to accept whatever punishments may be delivered."

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May 29, 2014
Reaction score
IGN: ImTheRandy
Nickname: Randy
Nationality: Sweden
Wins/Games played: 4/54 (destroyde them for ze reset :3)
Past clans: Imagination
Skype ID: aitroz
Why do you want to join Zotikus? (Make sure this question is detailed): bcuz zswah


Nov 6, 2014
Reaction score
IGN: ImTheRandy
Nickname: Randy
Nationality: Sweden
Wins/Games played: 4/54 (destroyde them for ze reset :3)
Past clans: Imagination
Skype ID: aitroz
Why do you want to join Zotikus? (Make sure this question is detailed): bcuz zswah
ACCEPTED Rank: Veteran!
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Oct 20, 2014
Reaction score
IGN: Kizeax
Nickname: Banksy
Nationality: English (Great Britain)
Age: 15
Wins/Games played: 8/33
Past clans: Divergent | Trivium | Penetration
Skype ID: banksy-lurker
Why do you want to join Zotikus? (Make sure this question is detailed): Clans have always been apart of my life at MCGamer, in a way clans have changed me, I've gone switched over from different clans and met many new and interesting people, I've never settled in, this time I just want to make a mark, be that guy you can depend on to turn up to a Clan war and then independently influence others to improve their own skills, i'm not perfect, I don't have 5 ping and get 6 hit combos, but i'm the kind of guy who will do what is needed to be done and make a dent in the score during a war, i'm known for being somewhat of a surprise in terms of who I am, especially when you happen to find out that my luck is insane, and shouldn't be 'legal' ;) but I need this final chance, from you as a clan to prove that I do fit in, and i'm not just a clan hopper, trying to make friends.
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