But you can still do thumbnails *wink* wink*WOW! GUYS i am so sorry! i can dont do banners! They are really confusing, but if someone knows add me on skype, and tell me
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But you can still do thumbnails *wink* wink*WOW! GUYS i am so sorry! i can dont do banners! They are really confusing, but if someone knows add me on skype, and tell me
YepBut you can still do thumbnails *wink* wink*
Getting there Just takes a fair bit of time...*Bump*
Sure that is fine! I really don't care how long you take.Getting there Just takes a fair bit of time...
Thanks!Alright! Finally guys i have finished them! I have been really busy lately so sorry about that.... Hope you like them! JUst drag them to your desk top if that's how you do it, but if you can't you can add me on skype, ARM3DPiDgEoN101
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