I've seen too many threads like this. Why is it necessary for someone else to make decisions for you? It's your life. You shouldn't make random strangers through the internet make decisions for you. They may assist you, but the final decision should be determined by you, and only you. I, personally, don't see why you'd leave MCSG so abruptly. I mean you don't have to leave completely. You can just go on less often. It sucks to see so many amazing community members like Elisha, Kosmish, Blitz, and so on leave, and I wouldn't like to see anyone else added onto that extensive list. This game might interfere with your life, but it's no reason to completely abandon it. You've put so much time and effort into it, so it's useless if you just stop. All the time and effort would just be wasted in a lost cause. As I said earlier, the decision is up to you. Follow your heart, and don't let anyone interfere with your decisions. If you do decide to leave, we will all remember you. I will also remember that game on Breeze Island when I killed you in deathmatch. So yeah, end of story.