IGN: LygerByte | ByteItOut
Age: 15
Donor (not needed): Non-Donor (Might get Diamond Soon)
Wins: 678 (On ByteItOut - 39)
Games Played: 6188 (On ByteItOut -163) I know, both have sort of bad ratios,
. Guess it's just how it his on MCSG. Hard to win sometimes, especially with all the large amounts of teams and hackers roaming around.
Microphone?: Yes.
Previous Clans: Voltic/Perilous, SynergyReborn EU (Yes, I sometimes play on EU
), Rebound, Breeze, Rayne (Both of these clans I've owned). There are others, but they all disbanded
PvP Strengths: Eh, let's be honest, this is the part most people have trouble with. I don't think I can really name them, I mean, overall I'm decent
PvP Weaknesses: Again, not sure what to put here, let's just say Hackers, and teams of them
Do you know anyone from this clan?: Well, I know ChaosBones, he's on my team in the US Clan League. I sorta talked to unbrokenvision in in-game chat on ByteItOut ._., innvisableninja I have spoken to as well.
How active are you 1/10: 8, depends on what comes up
Why should we accept you?: Would be nice to join a clan that's a bit higher then most of the ranks on the US Clan Leaderboards. Most of these players I have played against and recognize their skill. I just want to do whatever I can to make the clan the best it can be, sure, most of the clans I've been in failed, but this one has been going on a lot longer then most other clans have, and I want to be apart of this one. If you don't accept me, that's totally understandable. Thanks for reading.