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Staff Willy446/Fuz3_ Resignation


May 21, 2014
Reaction score
It is very unfortunate that you had to leave the Staff Team in these circumstances, but I know that it will not get in the way of our amazing, forever-lasting friendship! I love you, Willy! Forever and for always! <3


Sep 5, 2012
Reaction score
Hello community!

I am formally writing my letter of resignation of the MCGamer staff! For those of you who do not know me, I am Willy446 and most recently Fuz3_. I have been moderator for almost 1 year, however I have been an active MCGamer player since it started. To take it back to memory lane, when i first started playing MCGamer had: one hub with giant trampolines on the side, had only 100 servers, and you had to log online to see open games and then spam click to hopefully join! It has been such a journey and I would not have changed a thing in the world. The reason I am resigning is for personal and medical issues, as well as I am at a point in life where its time to move on. I will admit that my activity has decreased in the recent months, and rather than keep a spot open, I'd rather give someone else a chance to help the community. For those applying to staff, I wish you guys the best. It is honestly one big happy family and I had some great times. There are some people who I want to thank:

Equalitee : you were one of my first MCgamer friends, but our friendship has blossomed into more! I'm honestly so thankful for you, and thank you for being by myself through the thick and thin! I think you are a strong person and I admire you! I know our friendship will continue past this.

Mariah | Unprovided : Another first MCgamer friend, you are honestly so much fun to talk to and be around. I remember all our Skype calls and how ecstatic we were when we got staff! I love you so much! I know we will continue to talk after this!

Heathers: TotalDramaTony Freshly Frankyy dindavid : I love you guys so much and all our late night talks about RPDR and singing. Some of the best memories are with you guys these past couple of months. Im proud of you Jay for becoming Sr. Staff and all your help with my server Anarchy! David, my son I am proud of you and you ALWAYS make me laugh when I have had the roughest days! Tony, my StacyLane..dont be a booger! Just kidding, I admire you being a role model for the younger staff! Lastly Frankyy, you honestly have brightened my days within the last couple of months. I love our Skype calls, our messages, and you! I will always be here for you and will always attempt my Australian accent around you. <3

Vanicle | Vanessa: Thank you for always allowing me to VENT to you! Thank you for ALWAYS responding to all of our messages. You are one the hardest working sr staff members!

Kyle : Thank you for always being helpful and so nice. I remember when i first got mod, you were extremely helpful and you are an asset to the staff team

To all current staff members: Keep your heads up, keep helping the community and good luck with ALL future endeavors! You guys ROCK!!!!!


BAPMBW : I tried writing this over and over again, and i kept tearing up! You are Bae, my best friend, and my bitz! I know I told you I would wait to resign, but I am sorry. I am so glad our friendship has blossomed to more than just MCGamer. Our daily texts, late night talks, and hours of laughter truly got me through the hardest times of these last months. Thank you for standing by my side. I truly love you and truly cannot wait to meet you! You are ALWAYS MY BITZ first! <3
When mcsg started we didn't have a hub lol, you have been here long, but not that long ;D

Axel | PlazaGames


You have to know you have been an amazing Staff Member, and you are really going to be missed.
I have always looked up to you, cause you always do what is best for everyone else. I love you so much, that I am going to miss you for a long time.
Hope to see you soon, and remember you have my kik, so do not hesitate to message me if you ever need my assitance or if you just ever need me to talk about something.

- Alex

I love you Will.

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