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Why did the staff ban me?


Mar 30, 2013
Reaction score
Hello there MCGamer communty my name is Creper_face and I've been recently banned on TeamSpeak because of "Not obeying Staff request." Now let me explain why I was banned so I saw that a player changed his name to _Owner__ And note he did not have a rank and he was immediately poked by a member of staff saying that he needs to change his nickname on TeamSpeak and he did and I wanted to try something out so I change my nickname on TeamSpeak to "_The_Owner__" And I poked the same staff member that warned the other player saying "hi" and he just responded with "hi" and I saw that I did not get warned by the other staff so I asked myself is the staff team treating me differently because of my rank and so I what I did next is I told the players in my channel that I was going to buy the account: "chadthedjj" just to test this so I changed my TeamSpeak nickname to "chadthedjj" note the name is not the same as the owners because at the end it has two j's and I poked the member of the Sr.Staff to see what he would do and when I did that I already got the Email from mojang that my purchase is complete so after 2-3 minutes the Sr.Staff member poked me saying "Change your name" and to that I responded by saying "Why?" because keep in mind I was the owner of that account and players on TeamSpeak usually have their account name, so after I responded the Sr.Staff member moved me into a Sr.Staff Meeting Room and told me the same thing as he did in the post which was to change my name and to that I responded with the same answer which was "Why?" and he told me that I was "impersonating staff" and I told that Sr.Staff member that I bought the account and he responded again with "Change your name" and I asked him "Why?" and then he said that he was going to get an "opinion from another staff member" and after that he was silent for 8-9 seconds and I asked him if he was still there and just a few seconds later, bam! You are banned temporarily. Reason: "Not obeying Staff request. "
Try again in 15:19:10 Now I did this purely for testing purposes and I don't think the mods took me seriously when I told them that I owned the account or they didn't look at my name close enough and then I was told to create a ban dispute, which I did here is the response I received "After reviewing the case, your punishment will be upheld." First off I'm not sure if that is for every dispute but if you guys had any bans and tried to dispute them did you receive a reason as to why your ban/punishment was not removed so I think I was wrongly punished tell me what you guys think do you think I was punished correctly or wrongly?

Also here is the proof that I bought that "chadthedjj" account I typed that message as soon as they banned me:


Thank you for reading



As far as I know impersionating (can't spell that word) is when you have the same IGN as a certain player. Let's say if someone is named "Hoahwi" he's not impersionating, that's his ign, now if he would've gotten "Huahwi" name that would've been impersionating.


Jun 27, 2012
Reaction score
Erhhh... Well I do agree that you shouldn't have been banned... but on the other hand, you were trying to provoke them. Like if I'd were to "test" hacks on the server I would get banned aswell lol
Oct 12, 2014
Reaction score
Now the name "chadthedjj" is perfectly fine. But the thing that did get you banned and is completely your fault on the part of the ban is that you never clarified that you had purchased an account named "chadthedjj". From the story you are giving us all you said is "why". Us staff don't know whenever someone makes a new account and with what name it is made so it is mandatory that if you have a name very close to someone that it can be considered "impersonating" is that you message the staff member who has warned you saying you own the account name and give a screenshot of the purchase of that account so there are no problems that happen like this.
All I can say right now is to not evade the ban on teamspeak and wait it out or pardon it (which in all honesty might not be answered until the temporary ban finishes).

Hope I clarified the situation :)


Mar 30, 2013
Reaction score
Now the name "chadthedjj" is perfectly fine. But the thing that did get you banned and is completely your fault on the part of the ban is that you never clarified that you had purchased an account named "chadthedjj". From the story you are giving us all you said is "why". Us staff don't know whenever someone makes a new account and with what name it is made so it is mandatory that if you have a name very close to someone that it can be considered "impersonating" is that you message the staff member who has warned you saying you own the account name and give a screenshot of the purchase of that account so there are no problems that happen like this.
All I can say right now is to not evade the ban on teamspeak and wait it out or pardon it (which in all honesty might not be answered until the temporary ban finishes).

Hope I clarified the situation :)
Thank you for giving me your input on things, one thing I forgot is that I did mention that I bought the account now I said it like this: "I am in the process of buying the account" because I was not sure if it took some time to get the account into the minecraft database, I see where you are coming from aswell but you have to understand that players own accounts like these for example Huahwi I've seen hundreds of people that have similar names to him aswell as chadthedj so what I suggest for the staff to do next time is that they should check if that account actually exists before they poke the user to change his nickname on TeamSpeak
Oct 12, 2014
Reaction score
Thank you for giving me your input on things, one thing I forgot is that I did mention that I bought the account now I said it like this: "I am in the process of buying the account" because I was not sure if it took some time to get the account into the minecraft database.
Ah, well the damage has been done now, but for future reference please don't try to "test" us mods, we get enough of those in our day by day moderating not only from other community members but from higher staff sometimes as well. Just leave it to the Sr Staff and up to do that :)
Oh, and make sure that you also get on and log onto the server before changing your name on teamspeak because sometimes we do check our database and if its not there then you have no other evidence to give us :)


Jun 20, 2012
Reaction score
At least the ban is temporary. Maybe after the whole situation is over and you're unbanned you can discuss things with that staff member and see what happens! :) Also, your ban was most likely upheld because for TS bans there is no evidence kept by the person so it's hard to believe the story of what happened coming from the person who was banned... if you know what I mean?


Apr 6, 2014
Reaction score
It is unfortunate that you did get banned for these reasons. But as Vlad did say, testing the staff team through provocative actions could lead to more issues to arise than it should. You can always ask us instead, we're here for you to go to us when you need to, not to stay away from us! <3


Jun 20, 2012
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Thread Status: Moved

Thread has been moved to MCGamer Discussions.


Mar 30, 2013
Reaction score
It is unfortunate that you did get banned for these reasons. But as Vlad did say, testing the staff team through provocative actions could lead to more issues to arise than it should. You can always ask us instead, we're here for you to go to us when you need to, not to stay away from us! <3
Thanks man.

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