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Where I have been and a bit of an explanation for my absence

May 3, 2012
Reaction score
Hey guys DJsquare3 here. Some of you may remember me as one of the AU mods from a while back. I've been pretty absent from the community lately and I though it would be polite of me to at least explain why.

I joined MCSG back in the days when this whole thing was still in beta, It was actuality during the weekend celebration for the release of the 2nd "official" survival games map. I quickly fell in love and started playing for about 2 hours everyday of the week for a few months. When they made it well that they were looking for staff I was quick to jump on board and become a moderator. I was lucky because i got in just before they put up the age limit. I was 16. since then I would play for hours every day when ever i had the chance, I didn't win very often because of my lagging internet but I still had loads of fun. I got to know a lot of awesome people and I loved watching this community grow. I was honored to be a part of it. I even had my avatar draw up which was EPIC! (which i cant post here cause its too big a file...
Look up ShaunDepro for his awesome drawing skills.

Anyway jusp forward 2 years. I slowly started withdrawing from the MCSG community. Why you ask? Well to be honest I was just tired. As someone who had been playing minecraft every day since I first got it all they way back in beta 1.2 I was getting sick of it and I was starting to drift more towards other games, as well as other things not involving a PC. I needed a break and so I started only coming on every once in a while. Next thing I noticed was that I received an email telling me i had to explain wy i had been absent or I would lose my position as moderator. I explained that Life had caught up and I couldn't play anymore as much as I used to. They understood and let me stay on. Then a bit later it happens again, and again. Then apparently after missing a mercurial signing up to some sort of new security whatchamecallit(?) i dont even know anymore... I lost my moderator rank without receiving any notice, I tried to follow it up but could not get a hold of anyone in a position high enough to discus it with. I messaged Colstar a number of times and he never got back to me.

This left me feeling pretty down for quite some time. I had essentially been kicked out of a team that I really loved and still wanted to be a part of. But after a while I released that it was probably a sign that I should move on and with some regret I stopped coming on.

Now I just want to say that you guys are all awesome! I will always have fun memories of MCSG. I watched it grow from something small to one of the Biggest community in minecraft, and that is saying something. HECK WE MADE IT INTO THE GUINNESS BOOK OF WORLD RECORDS FOR **** SAKE!
I had a lot of fun here and it pains me to realize i have to finally say good bye. I never though I would be one of those people who makes this kinda post but here I am, Funny how life works like that.

I Will still be hanging around from time to time so if you wana message me feel free. I still wana help this community however I can. Once im done with School I might try and re-apply for staff or something if I can get back into it. But for now its time for me to move on.

I just want to say thanks to everyone here who has made my time on MCSG one that in all honesty I will never ever forget.
Thanks guys and Ill see ya around!


Mega Nonce.
May 28, 2013
Reaction score
I don't know what to say really. :( Even though I don't know you, remember that you did an amazing service to this community, and many are grateful for it. I wish you the best of luck with your future endeavours.


District 13
Jan 1, 2013
Reaction score
I always saw you on the Staff list but never saw you ever. I'm honestly not sure what to say except good luck in your future endeavors.

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