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What People Don't Understand About Donors.


District 13
Sep 13, 2012
Reaction score
3.The non-donors that don't want to get kicked just play somewhere else. Actually my fave option. If you get tired of being kicked all day - and no "being smart about joining" does not change the fact that a non-donor can be first to join and still get kicked - just go to a different game. Mc-hg is fine, and it has a kit system that I honestly consider to be better than this one anyway. "Oooh, but it's pay to win" Not really. Won several games with the cycling free kits myself, and I suck, haha. If you don't want to dish out a few bucks for the server, and you hate being kicked, I'd honestly just recommend you go there, as you don't get kicked at all, haha.
This just means that they'll be a select amount of servers where all the non donors WANT to get in but can't. Also, it'll remove donor perks as the servers that donors can on will be FILLED with donors, rendering their powers useless.

Also, there are many ways and strategies to get in servers such as a) join during clean up or b) play on the upper numbered servers (35-50). I don't have donor and I'm just fine with getting into lobbies.


Jul 18, 2012
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Some of the posts on here are just painful to read. I know I'm a donor but there are ways to get donor without buying it. For example, people do hold contests fo donor. Take me for example, back in April I won a contest held for diamond donor, I personally love the donation system here and think its great.


Apr 27, 2013
Reaction score
I've already said these aren't really servers designed to have any other perks function well. If anything, that core design flaw is the only real "problem."

Why would I pay more to play on a particular server - or at least to guarantee play - than I did for Minecraft as a game? Doesn't make any sense. Donors shouldn't be entitled to playing, as that's just not how donation works. The current system is purchasing memberships. I don't think I could just walk into a SA shelter and boot someone out because I've donated. Kicking is a donor right at the moment, not a gift. If you have money, you can boot others less valuable to your servers.
Play somehwhere else then. Hive has this, and it happens all the time. Go play on Swag Craft.


Jun 7, 2013
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I honestly dont care i think if you pay and support the server you should be able to get into any server and the donor system is fully fair but there are some people that think if there a donor they are better than you at everything which pisses me off sometimes :p but then again there is always people that think there better than you.


Jun 26, 2013
Reaction score
I've heard a ton of complaints about donors - some of them from myself admittedly - and the kicking. Everyone's heard a ton of complaints, actually, haha. It can be frustrating being the first to join a server, or having less than 10 seconds left within a game and being kicked by a donor. It can be frustrating that the administration will just tell you to give them money so you can stop complaining, but guys, you gotta realize.

Servers ain't cheap at all, and the donors - d**** though some may be - actually do have a valid purpose. It's not their fault that the perk system is as it is. Heck, not even the staff's really. These servers are established so that there really isn't a ton different one could do. That leaves three options:

1. Staff has donations be just that - you give the money, you don't get any particular reward, because you're giving as charity, not purchasing kick rights. I think we all can agree that'd piss off some donors and prevent a lot of others from donating, so not the best idea.

2.Keep it as it is currently. Totally the easiest for donors, haha. I honestly don't mind this one too much, though the servers really shouldn't be considered F2P at this point, as servers 1-5 are almost constantly filled with solely donors. If the only guaranteed spot is a paid one, the game isn't truly free to play by normal standards.

3.The non-donors that don't want to get kicked just play somewhere else. Actually my fave option. If you get tired of being kicked all day - and no "being smart about joining" does not change the fact that a non-donor can be first to join and still get kicked - just go to a different game. Mc-hg is fine, and it has a kit system that I honestly consider to be better than this one anyway. "Oooh, but it's pay to win" Not really. Won several games with the cycling free kits myself, and I suck, haha. If you don't want to dish out a few bucks for the server, and you hate being kicked, I'd honestly just recommend you go there, as you don't get kicked at all, haha.

I know there's threads on this, but the current sticky one or whatever is just a "give us money and stop whining" kinda thing. I mean, the staff is not going to do the first of these three since it would lower donations, anyway, but it is worth noting that could've been the case.
I agree, whilst I may be like OH MY GOD! Just got kicked for a donor! Or my teamie just got kicked... it can be particularly frustrating at busy times... like when the kids have just clocked out of school. BUT - As already stated, if it wasn't for the donators, the servers wouldn't be here. All these 100's of servers we have to play on.

So whilst I hate being kicked for donors, or having teamies kicked. I realise this is the way it has to be. They are the ones helping fund the server... so they are the ones that unfortunately for non-donators have to have priority.

One thing that needs fixing though... Was in a game the other day, and my teamie was in. The game had started so it was in pregame. When were all standing on the start locations. 3...2...1.. BOOM! Game starts, split second later... my teamie gets kicked for a Donor?!

I think what happened was the game had started so spectactors were allowed to join, however it kicked a player that was in-game (my teamie) who died and was kicked, basically for a donor to join and spec. This needs fixing if possible so that if there are 24 people ingame and a donor tries to join, it wont let them until someone has died (gone spec) then it should remove non-donor specs for another spec. Not an active ingame player for a donor to come in and spec :)

My thoughts on the topic :p


Jun 2, 2012
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I think it's a worthy perk. I mean, I don't mind being kicked. I understand that donors pay money to receive such a good benefit, and besides there aren't that many donators in CA anyway.


Aug 22, 2012
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I'm usually fine with it, because I can just get into another one, but the worst donors are the donors who are joining the same server again, and purposly wait until the server is full, just to be able to kick someone. I find that to be the worst thing a donor can do. Or also when they ask solely if a donor wants to team, and just assumes that a regular without the money to buy it isn't good at the game.


Nov 2, 2012
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No point in running servers that cost money, but are just for people who don't pay. I system will not be changed because the community wants it to, it is totally up to the owner.


May 29, 2013
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Worrying about people failing to donate without being given goodies show a lack of faith in your product.
And a realistic view of people, haha.
Alright, donors = members, non-donors = guests. Simple enough.
This made me laugh, lack of faith? This server contains mostly 10-15 year olds who don't have any other option besides asking their parents for money to donate. If it wasn't required I don't think they're going to bother.
You're 16, it's time to grow up and look at the world for what it is.


Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score
Worrying about people failing to donate without being given goodies show a lack of faith in your product.
And a realistic view of people, haha.
Alright, donors = members, non-donors = guests. Simple enough.
I don't really see how a non donor could just be a guest, I've donated about 5 times, so does that mean I switch between donor and guest? Or for the people who play a lot, but don't have the money for donor, does that mean they're just guests?

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