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What is your funniest death on mcsg

Feb 5, 2013
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Killing a team and being pushed into the lava trap by a scrandy after killing them.


Jul 7, 2013
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Got this death on Origins , it was my first time playing on the map so I had no idea what was down spawn xD

00:00 to 00:07


Feb 6, 2013
Reaction score
Knowing me on the forums, I'll go on and on about something. Basically, I failed some parkour jump on Eye of Horus at the last second before deathmatch and die. If you want to read the whole thing, feel free, but otherwise, that's pretty much it.

There has been alot more funny deaths, some I can remember and some I can't, but this is fresh in my memory (it happened 2 days ago) so I'll say this one.

I was on Eye of Horus two days ago with my 2 clanmates. There were 4 people left, including us and some other guy (I know his name, but I can't remember it off by heart, but when I see it I know it). He was hiding in the pyramid above spawn that you have to do parkour to, failing a jump and you die.

One of my friends (We'll call him 1) has the courage to start doing it first, so he does. He fails, but luckily lands in water. My other friend (2) starts doing it, as 1 is climbing back to the start, only to start again, and of course, knowing how seriously I take MCSG, I didn't want to do it in fear of failing some stupid jump.

Peer pressure (literally they were both pressuring and calling me names and saying things) got the better of me, so I started. I found out it wasn't so hard.

The score is this.
1 - About 1/2 way there
2 - 3/4 of the way there
Me - Just starting.

As I get to the halfway mark, 1 falls, yet again, but this time to his death. So it starts to go to dm, and 2 makes the final jump 30 seconds after. He explores the maze, kills the guy, and it's about 15 seconds now to the deathmatch.

I had a feeling I was going to blow an easy chance at a win, but not wanting my friends to call me a scaredy-cat, I try doing it to the end, which is about 5-10 jumps away.

About 6 seconds now, I ponder the jump for a bit, as I step off the block, I realise it was a block too high, and I start falling to my death.

I knew it would be too good to be true, making it before the counter ended, and sure enough, I didn't and 2 goes on to win the game really easily. I just wish I had recorded it. Lol.


District 13
Mar 30, 2014
Reaction score
Killing a team of 4 and then getting punched to death by a Steve.


District 13
Jul 10, 2013
Reaction score
basically all my deaths
finished with yelling
"I'm *swear word* done with this *swear word* *swear words again* game. fml"
"Hey which one are you guys joining."
But, one time.. I had a diamond sword and absolutley rekd everyone. Then before you know it.. It's death match. My setup is basically a macbook and a book sitting on my bed with my mouse on the book.. I just won the battle with this iron guy.. I would've rekd him if my mouse was working but it always stops for some reason like really? why;-; but it did.. And I just finished him then #cleneup_croo girl with iron chestplate and wooden axe reks me.. I would've rekd her too but no. My moue completely stopped and wouldn't move.

Everytime I'm on SGHW I always have to resort to the tier 2s on the really high power lines and I always fall off and die :c


Dec 14, 2013
Reaction score
When I was a noob at the community (around 50-75 games), someone said while the game was about to start, "do /Lobby kit for a diamond sword, so I did and it sent me to hub xD


Mega Nonce.
May 28, 2013
Reaction score
I think it was on SG highway. I was with my friend Cameron who was watching me play - this was when the map had just came out, so I had no route and full leather. I was running down the highway with 3 and a half hunger bars, and saw a team of 4 turn the corner (around a truck) I then said 'No, no, no' (apparently in a really posh voice) and did a prefect 180 turn. As I did this I went down to 3 hunger bars and lost my sprint.

At this point it was fairly obvious; my goose was cooked. I began to press 'w' even harder. I relentlessly dogged their arrows from left to right. Around this time I was practically screaming at my monitor. I could continue to make this sound way more dramatic than it actually was but I feel I've stressed my point. Long story short, I died. And I sat there for a good minute afterwards, silent. Contemplating my death.

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