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What Is Life?


May 21, 2014
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Hello everyone!

As I shed many tears writing this, I would like to discuss the topic of life.

Just now, I finished watching Grey's Anatomy's Season 3, Episode 17: Some Kind of Miracle. Now, before I get into what this episode is about, I would like to inform you of the situation first. In the previous episode, Episode 16, one of the main characters, Meredith Grey, was having issues with her relationship and her mother. Her relationship is not the strongest at this time and her mother had told her that she was a disappointment, that she was too ordinary of a person. With this, Meredith felt worthless and "tried" to drown herself in a bathtub, however, her boyfriend, Shepherd Montgomery, pulled her out from underneath the water. She then got ready for work and made her way to the hospital.

The hospital then received a phone call stating that a ferry boat had hit port causing many casualties and injuries that they would have to attend. Meredith was one of the few people selected to go out in the field to attend those patients. There was this one patient in particular, however. With the help of a little girl, Meredith tried to help this patient, but the patient tried to refuse care, and pushed her off the port into the water. Meredith tried so hard to swim back up, but failed. Now, like I mentioned before, Meredith tried drowning herself in the beginning of the episode, so maybe she failed to swim back up simply because she could not swim back up, or like before, she tried to drown herself? We do not know.

In the next episode, Episode 17: Some Kind of Miracle, Meredith went into hypothermia. Hypothermia is where the body loses its temperature faster than it can produce it, and as a result, organs start to shut down, leading to death. Now, it is possible, however, to recover someone from this state if their body temperature is restored. While the doctors tried to restore her body temperature, Meredith starts to fade away into the distance and starts to "see the light".

In this scene, Meredith meets her mother, a patient of the hospital also who is currently dying, and her mother told her that she is anything but ordinary. Her mother told her that she is young and that she has so much time to become someone unique. Her mother told her that she could not give up, she could not let herself die off because there are people like her boyfriend, Dr. Shepherd, and her friend, Christina Yang, also a doctor, that love her. In other words, her mother apologized for what she had previously said. In desperate need of her best friend, Christina comes in to the room and forces the other doctors to try one last time to get a response. They do. Meredith's body temperature is restored and she is capable of breathing on her own.

So what I am trying to say here is that anything you say, even the smallest thing, can make someone feel worthless. No one in their lifetime should feel this way. No one should ever feel worthless, nonetheless, alone. Feelings like these can make them resort to things like suicide, especially for things that can easily be prevented if we treated people with respect and integrity.

For those who have had suicidal thoughts, I know what you are thinking; I know what you have been through because I have been there. Trust me, it is not a place I wish on anyone. I want you to know that no matter what people tell you, you are kind. You are smart. You are important. You are beautiful. You are perfect. But most importantly...You are YOU. Do not ever lose track of that. Only you yourself can determine who you are. “It ain’t about how hard you’re hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward.” You must trust yourself. You must follow your heart. You must break the rules or you will never be able to find yourself as a unique person. You must fail in order to succeed. Do not listen to anyone but yourself. It is your life. Your journey to be lived. You must work hard. You must give back to those who gave something to you. “Because believing what the dots connect down the road, will give the confidence to follow your heart. Even when it leads you off the well-worn path and that will make all the difference.” You must not lose faith. You must love what you do. You must not settle for anything less than your dreams. You must be thankful and grateful for everything that you have. You must do you and nothing else.

In the future, if anyone, and I mean ANYONE, needs someone to talk to, please do not be afraid to contact me. Anytime you need to talk to someone to vent about what is happening in real life, or on the internet, do not feel afraid to PM me here, reply to the thread, or to poke me on TS. I will drop everything I am doing in order to help you. That is just who I am, and the well-being of others is of more importance to me than anything else in the world.

Thank you all for taking interest in this serious topic.

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Equalitee | Christopher.


District 13
Dec 26, 2014
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You might want to fix your privacy settings, because people can't talk to you.
This is what is says "You may not start a conversation with Equalitee because of his or her privacy settings."


May 21, 2014
Reaction score
You might want to fix your privacy settings, because people can't talk to you.
This is what is says "You may not start a conversation with Equalitee because of his or her privacy settings."
Thank you for informing me of this issue. It is now fixed ^.^

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