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What is happening to MCSG?!


Aug 20, 2012
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As you and many other people on this thread stated, this problem will occur no matter what. Every Minecraft online community you are a part of will have hackers, abusive members, etc, it's just that people tend to complain about it a lot more here because of an unreasonable bias against staff, and the fact that our community used to be outstandingly good in the nature of the fact that we lacked hacker problems and rude-people problems. Sadly, like in everything, as we get bigger, we'll encounter more of these issues and will have to work as a community to overcome then ^.^


Jun 21, 2013
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First of all, if a mod decided to lock this thread, it wouldn't be restricting the community's right to express itself. Anyone who has spent five minutes on the forums as of late has seen bucketloads of threads exactly like this. If you wanted to express yourself, you could have commented on one of the hundreds of other threads exactly like this. Or better yet, instead of whining like everyone else, you can go out and contribute by becoming a moderator or reporting hackers, etc... Notice that people who actually contribute to the community don't typically whine about its state.

Oh yeah, and nobody ever had a "freedom of speech" on these forums anyway. Moderators can edit and delete anything you post at any time if they deem it inappropriate. People constantly think that MCG has some sort of Bill of Rights, when it doesn't. We're all here for fun; if you're not enjoying yourself than you can take a break or leave.

Alright, lets start. Lets look back at what we have been through. These 'amazing games' we all used to have. Remember the time where there were no hackers? Ok, literally everyone says this, But the reason why the community KEEPS going on about this, is because of staff. - You probaly get the picture.
Old time games weren't more "amazing" than today's games. They were slower, with overplayed maps, and few decent players. People often glorify the past simply because humans have a tendency to forget the bad things about the past and the good things in the present. There have always been hackers. We have video evidence of hackers from beta and V1 if you want to see it.

So this is the staff's fault? How did you reach that conclusion? They are doing things just like they always have, just catching rule breakers and doing their best. If you have a problem with the staff, report the ones not doing their job correctly. Better yet, join the staff team and be the change you want to see.
I really hate what has currently happened to the community - Now you may like the MCSG community, i am just expressing my opinions here - And no matter what you say, these will always be my opinions.
All this 'eZ' 'Rekt' 'gg10' really makes me wanna put my hand into minecraft and give them a slap. I remember last year i broke a 17" hd monitor just because of mcsg. They really like to take the pee and pee in my face.
Indeed we will respect your opinions, but the facts say that an instance of trash talking occurs on an average of less than once per game, according to a study done by FireworkMaster9. So if someone says eZ to you every one in 10 or 20 games, that is bad enough to state that the community is going to dirt? I think people are a lot meaner in real life, to be honest.
All this 'eZ' 'Rekt' 'gg10' really makes me wanna put my hand into minecraft and give them a slap. I remember last year i broke a 17" hd monitor just because of mcsg. They really like to take the pee and pee in my face.
That sounds like more of a personal issue than an issue with the community.
Yes, yes - You havent left yet - Ill like to see you next year when youve broken a monitor, posting a thread like this. Lets look into a list of people who have left (this is just a very small portion of people who are quitting btw :-])
Anyways, people leaving is just part of time. Nobody stays forever, and the game gets old, just like anything in life. More people are still joining than leaving, though. Imagine what any group of any sort would be like if you couldn't leave once you joined... It would be awful! The cycle of players is what keeps things interesting.
You may have your own thoughts about MCSG, why dont you post a thread like this about your thoughts on MCSG :)
No. You're not supposed to make a thread for every little thought or opinion you have. That's just selfish. People should discuss things where they belong instead of drawing attention to themselves by making a thread for every minute event or thought.

Sorry if this post sounded harsh. One simply gets tired of these doomsday threads.


Jul 24, 2013
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It's a game. Of course it will have it's issues. I think everyone complaining about mcsg is getting old and people are making a bigger deal out of it than it really is :3

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