1. Your favourite anime/cartoon/movie/ became real?
My favorite anime has a player limit of 10,000, and I think the players were all Japanese. Therefore, I would not be majorly affected except for the change in the way that people view video games.
2. The internet didn't exist?
I would probably have a job.
3. The Hunger Games became real?
I'm a very slimly-built person. If I were in a not-so well-off district, I probably wouldn't survive easily because of my build. But in a decently wealthy district, I would most likely be fine. My family is very adventurous and creative, so we would probably discuss what would happen if we were chosen as tributes. On the
very slim chance that I was, I wouldn't be a career. Rather, I would most likely stay on my own, with at most two or so allies. I'd pick the way that I thought was the best for me to survive, rather than what I thought was morally correct such as not killing anyone.
4. What if humanity never knew what science was and didn't know how to make medicine, didn't know about astronomy, etc.
Well, then, you wouldn't be asking this question.
Odds are, some of us wouldn't be alive to this day. Health standards would be lower, and life expectancy wouldn't be as high. Mathematics would be far less advanced, possibly even limited to counting on fingers.
I'm very thankful that these are all hypothetical questions, and are not a reality. #1 aside, #2-#4 would mean drastic changes from the way things are now, and a much lower quality-of-life standard.