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What I think about #1 and the LBS in general (Controversial)


Mar 15, 2015
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So as EVERYONE must know as MCSG updated with the brand spanking new MCGamer forums, we got new stats. Our stats saved onto Legacy and now our /stats have all been wiped out/were wiped out. I see a lot of people complaining about the top spots having "no lives" or "boosting" and I am here to address that.

Lives? Or nahhhh
First of all I know every player in the top 10 does not boost or hack. MKFever, Croe, and gold do not, even though I did see the video of him boosting but that's a different story. The 10 players are though in the top 10 because they play a lot, and they happen to win a lot. A lot of people are getting mad at them because they claim the top 10 have "no lives" even though they are most likely jealous :3 I want to say I respect everyone in the top 10 especially Croe because he is bae, but it is true, they are only in the top 10 because they have more time to play. If every player on MCSG sat down on their computer and all joined the servers at the same times, and played non stop for a few hours im sure the top 10 would be very different. I personally know several players in the 300s or 400s that could destroy players from the top 10. I want to say again though that most players in the top 10 do in fact have skill.

I personally know for a fact non of these players hack or boost and they never have (again I did see the video of gold boosting but idk how legit it was.) There were players in the top 10-15 that did hack and boost but those players have been banned or de ranked, but people still feel the need to use that excuse to get mad at the top 10.

Why did I write this thread?

I have no idea. All I wanted to prove was yes, the top 10 players may not be the most skilled but they are all very good players and all legit so please stop complaining that they boost and hack >.<



Aug 8, 2014
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They have more time, and interest.

Gold was not boosting.


Aug 20, 2012
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It's less about skill, more about dedication and mindset, which are more important than raw skill. You must be dedicated and strong willed to use your skill to the fullest potential, as these top players have. Also, having a lot of freetime helps too. If I didn't have band activities, and actually wanted a high leaderboard spot I'd go ahead and channel my skill to take it.


Aug 31, 2014
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I'm surprised people still don't have the human capacity to realize it's just a game. But oh well. If they want to dedicate their time into tryharding, so be it. The fact that Tene got banned for a while probably saved him a lot of wasted time trying to get a spot that can be lost in about a week.


Apr 18, 2015
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Hmm, I can't agree with you for the most part.

Yes, they may be the 'Top 10', and you may know people that can shred them in a fight. But that isn't the point. I think today's game is about dedication and strategical thinking, more than the actual PvP aspect. Sure, some players could be outstanding when it comes to a 1v1. But the people in the 'Top 10' know, for instance; routes, choke points, where and when it is suitable to engage. All strategy. I am an AU player, I see croe97 on frequently. I think he truly deserves his place on the leaderboards.

What I also found was that most of the players in the Top 5' are in their late teens. I know for a fact croe is almost 20, GoldEllipse is somewhat close to that, etc. They have got the time that we younger teens need.

All in all, I think it purely comes down to strategy and how people play the game. This ERA of MCSG isn't all about melee, close range fighting anymore. :)


District 13
Staff member
Mar 10, 2013
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It always shocks me how seriously people take their statistics and leaderboards position. Some people will go to some surprising extremes to just get to the top.

But at the same time, it always shocks me how seriously people tear into those with higher statistics or LB positions. Some people will go to some shocking extremes just to try and rationalize how the guys at the top must be somehow inferior to themselves.

Maybe if we all just learned to think better of each other- as opposed to worse-, we'd all get along. BUT NAH, THAT GUY HAS MORE WINS THAN ME SO HE MUST BE A NO LIFE HACKER WHO BOOSTS.


Aug 31, 2014
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It always shocks me how seriously people take their statistics and leaderboards position. Some people will go to some surprising extremes to just get to the top.

But at the same time, it always shocks me how seriously people tear into those with higher statistics or LB positions. Some people will go to some shocking extremes just to try and rationalize how the guys at the top must be somehow inferior to themselves.

Maybe if we all just learned to think better of each other- as opposed to worse-, we'd all get along. BUT NAH, THAT GUY HAS MORE WINS THAN ME SO HE MUST BE A NO LIFE HACKER WHO BOOSTS.
I don't think it's a matter of learning -- basically everyone who plays this game regularly knows how to respect people -- but rather a matter of using what you have learned. Although punishments discourage being mean, there's no incentive to be nice to others here.

You could be the nicest player ever, and no one would ever know. You could also be the meanest. That's where the internet differs from life: there's little to no reputation-based systems. So people that are nice are going to be treated the same as people who are rude and immature.

Does this mean we should have a system to show people who is good and who is bad? No. Personally, I believe we need a way to communicate clearly in the community. Maybe when you are killed, a message says,
"Sorry! Hope your next game goes better. -OrangeBacca17"
This kind of thing would be optional, but maybe if you submitted a message, a staff member could check it and approve it to be shown automatically. Just a thought, but the key to every good relation is communication!


Aug 31, 2014
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I have a hard time believing the ingame community can fix itself. Something has to be done by the staff.


District 13
May 29, 2013
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I was ranked 72 on the legacy leaderboards. I am by no means in the top 100 best pvpers/players. I have just been playing for a long time, almost 3 years now. I am just a good strategical player and know how to win in certain situations. But then again I wouldn't have gotten that rank if everyone played for the same amount of time.

Like I said, I basically was the 72th person in the world with the most wins on this server, but now since everyone started from scratch on the same day, I'm ranked like 300.

The top players with the most wins are always gonna be the players who have played the most/longest. Gravey4rd was here since the beginning of MCSG, thats why he had so many wins and was number 1!

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