1. Improve my oral communications skills in French.
If there's one thing I struggle with, in vain, is speaking in French. More often or not, I'm at a loss of words when attempting to converse or just asking a simple question to the enseignante. I don't know the meanings to a lot of French terms, nor do I utilize them in my own speech. By the end of this school year, my goal is to noticeable improve in this department, as well as broadening my French vocabulary.
2. Avoid leaving tasks for the last minute.
We've all done this before, and the people who deny it are lying. Whether it's a small assignment or a major project, I have a notorious habit of postponing work that isn't due within the next few days more than I probably should. The hardest portion of any task, personally, is starting it. Henceforth, I'd like to begin working on any assignments well before they are due, and try my mightiest not to delay anything to the last night.
3. Improve my study habits
Usually, if there's a major test coming up, I would normally only commence studying one or two nights before, which was a terrible idea. I ended up cramming too much information into one or two sessions, which is not beneficial for me personally, nor does it foster solidifying memories. This upcoming year, I plan on studying most nights before a big test, and each night, I would set a goal for myself (for example, if I'm studying the evolution of the atomic model, I would focus on Dalton's one night). This would make studying so much simpler for me, since science reveals that short, frequent study sessions are more efficient than long, inconsistent sessions.
Bonus. Do something
I'll admit it here. I'm no pro athlete. I'm not interested in any sports, nor was I ever. I was the type of child that would rather play video games on my PlayStation instead of playing soccer outside. My distaste for sports comes from a plethora of sources, mainly my "fear of the ball", fear of injury, lethargy, lack of interest, lack of strength, and the list goes on. I'd preferably like to break the continuum this year, although it isn't one of my main priorities. Not necessarily playing a sport am I aiming for, rather, going to the gym every once in a while could prove beneficial. And again, there's a ton of reasons why I haven't gotten to it sooner: no friends to go with, no motivation, lethargy, I-don't-know-what-I'm-doing, I-don't-know-where-to-start, protein shakes?! excuse me?! and I'm feeling uneasy overall to bring this up with anyone really, as I'd presume they'd just laugh at me and we would shrug it off. It's irrational, but then again, I have a lot of irrational thoughts.
To sum it up: I want to speak better french, begin assignments sooner and improve my study habits. These are my main goals.