Sounds good take as long as you need.Will try to make one asap 4 you, I can only do one a day now because of school... So I will check if you still want one when I get round to making it
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Sounds good take as long as you need.Will try to make one asap 4 you, I can only do one a day now because of school... So I will check if you still want one when I get round to making it
Nah I read it, it's just I don't use skype sorry mate.Read the thread and add him on Skype, this post was ignorant, I find.
Sure, no problemMy Skype is being buggy, can you make mine just like my minecraft skin holding a diamond sword with a white background? IGN LittleRawr_
Sure, I'll add you to the listcan i have one?
Sure and thankyouCan I please have one these are really cool and love your youtube channel
You are welcome you're the best!Sure and thankyou