1. Nickname: Vlad
2. IGN (In-Game Name): Reliker
3. Skype name: necro.fanskype
4. Wins/Games played: TOTAL 500/4k-5k or something around that
5. Age: 12
6. Donor on MCSG [Yes OR No]: Yes
7. PvP Strengths : Sword , Rod , FnS
8. PvP Weaknesses : Ice Fights , Bow
9. Why should we accept you? : Because I consider myself an above averege pvper , but not a cocky person at all . I am not that kind of guy that will cry when gets killed or that will spam the chat with "ez" when he kills someone , and because this feels like a nice clan and a place where I will fit in perfectly
10. Favorite maps: Valleyside , Adrenaline , Alaskan
11. Previous clans: RazerOnionz , PedoBears , Memento Mori and many other clans
12. Country: Romania