1. Nickname: Luke
2. IGN (In-Game Name): RockerLuke
3. Skype name: You have got me :3
4. Wins/Games played: ~250/3700 [ I know bad stats :| ]
5. Age: 13.6
6. Donor on MCSG [Yes OR No]: Diamond!
7. PvP Strengths : Sword , Bow , Rod and 50% FNS and water fights
8. PvP Weaknesses : 50%FNS , Ice fights
9. Why should we accept you? : Cuz I leik playing in clanwars , it's like a real war for me and I love tactical wars :3 [Pl0x no Mondial War Number 3]
10. Favorite maps: Demon's Breeze , Zone85 , SG4 , SG Highway , Valleyside University
11. Previous clans: Retro , fragnatiC , Venum and one more but I don't remember the name
12. Country: Romania