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May 5, 2013
Reaction score
I'm just wondering how many of you guys play warframe and how far you have got (if you have it).

In Warframe, up to 4 players work together to complete missions such as eliminating enemies or
retrieving data from terminals. Players wear a battle suit called a warframe and can carry a primary weapon (such as a rifle or shotgun), a secondary weapon (usually a pistol), and a melee weapon. Players are given Affinity (experience points) for killing enemies and completing challenges and missions, which allows them to level up their weapons and armor. Each warframe has 4 different abilities that can be unlocked through the mod system. Players will also have to hack terminals by completing a puzzle mini game to complete certain objectives or overwrite lock downs that enemies have engaged. When equipment is leveled up, it will unlock mod points, which can be used to place mod cards on the equipment to improve the stats of weapons and warframes.

The camera is positioned over the shoulder for third-person shooting. The player can jump, sprint, slide, and roll, as well as combine techniques to quickly move throughout the level and avoid enemy fire. The game also allows players to utilize parkour techniques, such as running up or across walls, flipping over obstacles, or transitioning into special attack animations.

Credits, ammo, resources, and mods can be found in set locations, such as lockers and destructible containers, as well as dropped by enemies. New weapons, warframes, and blueprints can be purchased in the market, using either credits earned in game, or platinum purchased via microtransaction.
Blueprints can be built into items in the Foundry, using resources found during game play.

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