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Vigilo - 500th post + 1 year anniversary


i control this entire operation
Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
Ah Vigilo <3

I will always be your average tigr. #MyAverageVigilo all the way!

Vanicle | Vanessa

District 13
Sep 14, 2013
Reaction score
I never got an alert for this either! Awww Vigilo, I'm so glad you're a moderator now. Congrats on 500 messages. I hope you know you can come to me anytime about anything <3


Jan 22, 2014
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Congrats dude! It's an amazing thing, 1 year on the forums. But I'm not featured D: i no frand u nomoar <3 (jk ily)

Nov 21, 2014
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Congratulations, Vigilo! Nice little story! :)


Aug 20, 2012
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Congrats youngin! It's an honor to be considered one of your favorite mods. Stay cool Vigililiglgioioi! <3


District 13
May 15, 2014
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I quoted these all in one post, are you proud Giver? :p

Yay!! congrats on 1 year :D
Thanks Mango <3
but it still says 499 :p
Nahnah, it really was number 500th
Awesome Vigi!
Please wait for me till I get waiting <3
I definitely will ;)
You are completely amazing Vigilo! Gratz <3
Thank you Alex <3
God! I never got an alert for that, luckily I randomly found that thread! :eek:
Thank you for all those tags!
You are awesome and I'm so happy to see you as a part of the staff team! :)
Congrats on your 500th post and your 1 year anniversary!
Gosh I still remember you spamming the report abuses ;)
I hope you will stay around for many more of those great years! <3
The Report Abuse section was my home ;) <3
Congratulationss Vigilo! You are awesome! Stay here forever! <3
I definitely will stay 5ever Exzy <3
Congrats Vigilo! So far, you're the mod I expected you would be, keep it up :D
Awh <3 Thanks! I hope you meant it in the positive way ;)
Congrats Waiting Buddy ;) Here's to another year!
<3 Thanks waiting buddy!
Ah Vigilo <3

I will always be your average tigr. #MyAverageVigilo all the way!
Yay! Be my Tigr 5ever :D #MyAverageVigilo
Congratz!! Great thread to read.
Thank you for the kind words Tuatara :)
I never got an alert for this either! Awww Vigilo, I'm so glad you're a moderator now. Congrats on 500 messages. I hope you know you can come to me anytime about anything <3
Thanks Vanessa, I love you.
Congrats dude! It's an amazing thing, 1 year on the forums. But I'm not featured D: i no frand u nomoar <3 (jk ily)
pls no leaf ma friend, soz for no tag ;-;
Congratulations, Vigilo! Nice little story! :)
Congrats youngin! It's an honor to be considered one of your favorite mods. Stay cool Vigililiglgioioi! <3
Hmm, I'm trying my best Ceroribae <3 (btw: I got called Viligo today, rip me)

Zinc // Akash754

Jan 3, 2014
Reaction score

Hello tributes, forumers, friends and everyone else!

This is my 500th post and besides that, my forum account exists for 1 year now! I'm currently not in a very pleasant situation due to family issues*, but I have to write this special post on this special day.
*I don't tell everyone what's going on, but don't bother me to ask if you are one of my good friends.

I have though long about what I wanted to do for this day/milestone. I can tell about 'my Minecraft story' or do an 'AMA', but yeah... Everyone does that. Don't worry, I'll definitely do one of those thread, but not now. Another possibility was, to do a give-away. I still have two $10 coupons for the MCGamer Shop, which I got as reward for one of my 300+ Report Abuses, of when I was community member instead of staff member.

I decided to not do one of these options, I wanted to show my appreciation, my love and my admiration for this community to everyone who's reading this. It's also a kind of 'My MCGamer story'. This thread will include a little story about when I met who etc. and a 'personal' thank you. Let's start!

Although my forums account exists 1 year, I haven't been here for one year. Made an account 1 year ago, because a friend of me (TomLuxtino) joined a clan (QuickSilvr or so) and I also wanted to apply. After applying, I kind of left the forums, except sometimes checking for an answer (which I've never gotten... xD).

After 6 months (November 2014), I returned, again just to apply for a clan. I joined one or two clans, but I didn't liked mood in those clans. I decided to start an own clan, called Vizualz. I met some nice guys, but I didn't feel comfortable. There was so much flame, and clanwars took to much time in my opinion. Also people started to copy my thread and stuff like that. I wanted to report him and there everything kind of started.

I messaged Nephilim to report plagiary. I hope that you don't remember that Neph, but yes... That was me who messaged you. A couple of days later, I stopped the clan and posted this message:

As you can read, I stopped because I wanted to get rid of the hackers! :) From that day to a week ago, approximately 5 months, I posted 300+ Report Abuses. That's two Report Abuses per day. Besides posting those, I also began to see people who needed help. I enjoyed to see that people where happy when I just told them how to do something.

I also had found out that there was something called 'Cleansweep'. From the first time I joined, I have always been hyped for a session. Well, now I said that ('the first time I joined'), I have to tell you a little story about that :p You can read it in the spoiler :)
I poked Nephilim with the question if I could join. I had reported some things to him, but besides that, he was a very mysterious person for me. Anyway, out of nowhere, I was moved up to a Moderator Meeting channel with Neph! I kind of panicked when that happened and I didn't understand anything of what he was saying (with his magical voice). [your mic was also crap that day Neph! xD]. It seemed to take hours or even days before I understood that I had to agree with the MCGamer Rules. However, I from that day, I could start sweeping!! :D

In not that long of a period, 5 months, I met so many nice people. As I told before, I firstly met Neph, who just became Trial Sr.Mod if I can remember it well. When I started posting Report Abuses, I found out that there was more than only clans on the forums. When I became active on the forums, I met people who were also active.

Exzone was my first follower, YourAverageTiger was the weird boy who always tells me that he hates me after he said that he loves me and then we have Mirkoz who was and is one of the most helpful community members around here. And yeah... What do I have to say about Aryanii | Nick? :p

Later on, I met more and more people on Tiger's and MCGamer's TeamSpeak and just around here, on the forums (JLioner, TheMangoTiger, yannr00s, Ceroria, Axanite, Ex0dUs101 and many more).

After a few months, Moderators, friends, forumers and some other people started to tell me that I should apply for Moderators. I always believed that I wasn't ready for the job as Moderator. I maybe looked always very self-confident, but I can tell you this: I wasn't, everyone's support helped me so much.

On a certain moment, after a unoficel clenswep, Neph, JLioner and I were left in the channel. Neph asked me to stay for a second, he told me to apply, I had to. I couldn't believe that THE NEPH, my role-model, told me to apply. That should have given me the last confidence. It did. I began writing my application, I chose the right words, but that took much time (4000+ words ehrm :/). In that period, I received a PM from Vanicle, she freaking told me that I should apply! 'WHAT?!' > My brain exploded, two Sr.Mods had told me to apply, 'WOW'!

When I applied, at the end of April, I didn't tell anyone about it. Nobody knew of it, also not when I got pending. Just because I was scared that I should fail. When I reached Interview Stage, I couldn't hide it anymore. I also gained more self-confidence thanks to the positive responses (YourAverageTiger <3).

It took 5 days before I could do my interview, because Neph wanted to lead it <3 I couldn't wish a better interview staff, thank you Nephilim, Vanicle, JLioner, mfungamer. My English was terrible, because of the stress. However, I got accepted, as you can tell :p

Life as a Moderator is wonderful, perfect and amazing. I love it. The staff team is always very nice, helpful and open to everyone. Once again: Thank you guys <3

I didn't write this to let people feel sorry for my worries, or describe how difficult everything was or anything like that. No, I wrote this because I want to thank all of you who helped me and supported me, and of course to tell you my MCGamer story :)

Down below, I wrote a short part for my most special friends.

Nephilim -> As you hopefully have read, I have mentioned you many many times in this thread. You were here at the beginning of my story, and luckily you're still here. Maybe you understand how special you are for me and why I was so upset when I read your resignation message on Slack. I hope that you'll never leave me, my friend (I hope that I can call you my friend now ;) ).

Vanicle -> To be honest, I don't know you for that long. However, as far as I have experienced, you are one of the most open and wonderful persons around here. As I also have experienced, that I can always come to you when I have a problem or anything like that. You are listening, helpful and supportive to me. Thank you Vanessa, thank you.

YourAverageTiger -> Tigr. I shall not write too much for you. You know how much I love you, how well we can talk and how much fun we can have. Be my tigr, pls <3

JLioner -> I haven't tagged you that much in this thread, I'm sorry for that. However, you have helped me with all my questions I asked you, (unfortunately you took Neph...,) been always nice to me, sweeped with me so many times etc. etc. I came here when you were hired and I was a greenbean, now, unfortunately, the tables are turned... I hope that you'll return and be in the team with me <3 I'll speak you later my friend!

MisiLica, Axanite, Ceroria -> You guys are my favourite Mods :) Please stay here forever!

Exzone -> Hey Exzy, I quickly want to thank you for being my first follower xD btw: Stay here pls ;)

MattGlowstone -> You maybe didn't expect me to tag you, but here you are ;) 'Hey there, my name is Matthew or known as MattGlowstone to the community' That's what you typed in a conversation 4 months ago, before you told me that you had been watching my work around on the forums and that you think that I would be a great Mod. I never forgot that because you were one of the first persons who told me :p


This was it! I'm very sorry if I didn't mentioned you, please remind me if I did so ;-;! Thank you for reading and just being here <3

Congrats bro, it's great to know your history :3


Mar 9, 2014
Reaction score
Aww, first of all thank you for the mentions! I'm glad that I was and still am able to help you during your moderator journey and that you look up to me. That honestly means a lot! :)

And oh god, my voice is terrible. xD I don't even know how some people can stand hearing it... And yes, my microphone was crap and probably still is lol. But oh well, would be a shame not to hear my keyboard being smacked by my fingers all the time, hmm? ;)

How could I not recommend you to apply! You attended almost every sweep, and were so active in-game, on the forums AND on the Teamspeak. And you still are. It would have been an honor to have you in our staff team and have a look at you now, all about that corrupt blood donor! ^.^

Lastly, I was so happy I could lead your interview, like you probably could have told yourself as well. xD "Vigilo don't you dare do your interview when I'm not there! Log off then!!" Or something like that. :p I was great being able to help you advance within the MCGamer Community and still being able to help you out whenever you need my help. And yes, you may call me your friend. :)



District 13
May 15, 2014
Reaction score
Aww, first of all thank you for the mentions! I'm glad that I was and still am able to help you during your moderator journey and that you look up to me. That honestly means a lot! :)

And oh god, my voice is terrible. xD I don't even know how some people can stand hearing it... And yes, my microphone was crap and probably still is lol. But oh well, would be a shame not to hear my keyboard being smacked by my fingers all the time, hmm? ;)

How could I not recommend you to apply! You attended almost every sweep, and were so active in-game, on the forums AND on the Teamspeak. And you still are. It would have been an honor to have you in our staff team and have a look at you now, all about that corrupt blood donor! ^.^

Lastly, I was so happy I could lead your interview, like you probably could have told yourself as well. xD "Vigilo don't you dare do your interview when I'm not there! Log off then!!" Or something like that. :p I was great being able to help you advance within the MCGamer Community and still being able to help you out whenever you need my help. And yes, you may call me your friend. :)

<3 Please stay here forever Neph, thank you for the kind words :)
Congratulations Vigilo. c:
Thanks Braden! :D

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