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US Clan League [Season: 1]

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Mar 23, 2014
Reaction score
Regular Player Applications: [OPEN]
Minecraft IGN: joaososa2008
Age: 11
Wins: 209
Games Played: 2981


Feb 16, 2013
Reaction score
Lol you can't spell Extinck in the spoilers why would you spell it like Exctink


Jan 13, 2015
Reaction score

Welcome to the US Clan League. Below you can find everything you need to know about the US Clan League. Feel free to PM us for any questions or concerns.

The basic idea of the US Clan League is to provide another event in the clans community that in which can be an alternative to the US Clan Leaderboards. The Us Clan League is a good opportunity for new players to make a name for themselves. The basic idea of this is as much a professional sports league. Take the NBA for example. Every year, in our case season, there is a draft. Players who think they are good enough to enter the draft, have a chance of being selected for a team that will participate in 5 games (A Season) and attempt to be the US Clan League Champions. There will be 10 teams participating in the league. For each team there will be a team captain. The team captain is the person in charge of their team. They will be the person deciding who to draft, who to trade. Of course if the team captain decides he/she does not want to do any of these they do not have too, but they must have a minimum roster of 10 people and a maximum roster of 16 people. Below, there will be more specifics on how everything works, we recommend looking over everything before applying for the Us Clan League.

Drafting is a very big element of the US Clan League. In the Draft, team captains will be forced to pick the players they believe will take them to the Championship game. The draft order will be randomized, and function like a normal draft. The Draft will be private to team captains only. Once teams have been made, it will go on the thread and your forum will be tagged.

Scheduling will work like clan wars. There will be 5 weeks of regular season. This will help everyone be more organized and easier for everyone to make it to their games. Games will be pre-scheduled by day and time.

The playoffs are a very big part of the US Clan League. The playoffs are where competition is at its peak. The playoffs bracket will work similar to the Clan Wars bracket. The bottom two teams at the end of the regular season will not make playoffs while the other eight make playoffs.

Rules are a very important part of this event and in order for this event to be it's best every player must follow and understand these rules.
1. We abide by the US Clan Leaderboards Rules since they are most commonly known. If you do not know the US Clan Leaderboards rules click this link: http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/threads/us-clan-leaderboards.125300/
2. There will be NO flame between teams.
3. If there is any problems, Please Private Message this account and we will respond as fast as possible
4. Team Captains must decide how many players will be played throughout the battle. If one team shows up with less than the amount of players agreed, then that team will be forced to play with the amount of players they have. If you do not have at least 4 players, your team will be disqualified.

Have you looked over the Idea and Rules sections? We recommend looking over those sections before applying!

Team Captain Applications: [OPEN]
Minecraft IGN:
Games Played:
Activity on scale from 1-10
Maturity on scale from 1-10
Past Experiences In Events:
Past Clans:
Why do you deserve to be a Team Captain over everyone else [Min. 4 Sentences]:

If you get denied, please do not apply for the same position twice.
Regular Player Applications: [OPEN]

Minecraft IGN:
Games Played:

*Note: Team Captains will have to provide a way for there team to practice and communicate. It may be on the team captains clan teamspeak if the owner does not mind. Or it can be over skype. Or any other way that its possible to communicate!


*Staff is hand picked so please do not ask for it.
Founder - GetHoundoomed

Owner - Lakers2012
Owner - Ryan | Techaton

Referee - BogenHD
Referee - Maxypie
Referee - CalculusXL
Referee - WalkerRed
Referee - Roluxe
Referee - Zeno
Referee - myruhh7


Team Captains:
Exodus_King1 | Exodus
Sevector | Sevector
MaxyPie | Maxypie
Zenocrafter | Zeno
KingTut11 | KingTut
Mr_Gears | Mr_Gears
Roluxe | Roluxe
Quadrum_ | Eskild|Quadrum_


These Are the Teams for this Season!!

Sevector | Sevector
iancool / Exctink | iancool
Sportsfan2565 | SportsFan2565
WolfieGames | WolfieGames
Austin_HG | IProGames
Abasketball | ABasketball
Crafty_Laurnce | Crafty_Laurence
Krafty_ | Krafty
xRefuge_ | xRefuge
Hashtagforthewin | HashtagForTheWin
StallLuve | StallLuve
invisbleninja | innvisableninja
MrKenta1 | Mrkenta342
RainbowUnicornz | RainbowUnicornz
googlyteddybear | Sam_googlyteddybear
cooldadio12 | cooldadio12
xSoulEater_ | iLikeEatingSouls
AttackDog91 | AttackDog91

MaxyPie | Maxypie
JccandFriends | Jccandfriends
Spellyy | Spellyy
FuzzyPB | FuzzyPB
Wickkyy | Wickyy
SubjectBlue | SubjectBlue
GamingNewfie | GamingNewfie
AggaliciousHD | Ag | Alex
Rykarr | Rykarr
DivuxHD | DivuxHD
asddfish | asdffish
Swiffty_ | Swiffty_
TiggyBG | TiggyBG
Procieve | Ryqn
hotpoint13 | @
Golden_Champion | Golden_Champion
Legit_crafter02 | Legit_crafter02

Quadrum_ | Eskild|Quadrum_
xTranzio_ | Rayy
ForceHacks | ForceHacks
Radodim | radodim
BogenHD | BogenHD
HohoHD | HohoHD
ChrisDoesDerp | ChrisNylund
Charmander5000 | Charmander7425
yannr00s | yannr00s
Creaion | Charlie \\ Creaion
Myzah | Myzah
Lennoxbball | Lennoxbball
GentleSnivy | GentleSnivy
BrandoninioMC | BrandoninioMC
Cogu10MC | Cogu10MC
SwaGxMuffin | SwaGxMuffin

Exodus | Exodus
Ascendenxy | Extempia
Jipn | Trixterzz
Butterballer | Butterballer
Skipping | Skipping
Zetlys | Zetlys
Ceroria | Ceroria
ImFlipzzyy | ImFlipzyy
AustinPlaysMC | McOrange
Expectings | Colton'
Brigade50 | Brigade
Stuniing | Stuniing
GodErmac | GodErmac
Fusionnuggets | Fusionnuggets
Striker5351 | Striker5351
MichelleFoop | Foopy
Coltonator24 | Coltonator24

ChrisComedies | ChrisComedies
CookieBunns | Bunns
BlueCaptainMC | BlueCaptainMC
AndyFlips | AndyFlips
Caliswag11 | CaliSwag
Miqraine | Miqraine
Luhxial | Luhxial
_qxerft | _qxerft
Hsnapn | Snap
Evermore | Evermore
KingOfGrapes | KingofGrapes
krazylegs54 | krazylegz254
CashFloMoney | CashFloMoney
Clackz | 420ingIt
CreeperGoesPro | IPlayMineC4ft

CruelDefiance | CruelDefiance
Defresa | Protocol
Hackkyy | Hackkyyy
zCrimsonAura | CrimsonAura
TheBossKingHD | TheBossKingHD
Lemonz87 | Lemonz87
ItsGhostMC | ItsGhostMC
62Cook | 62cook
GetHoundoomed | GetHoundoomed
Zigguraut | Ziggurat
OGLad | OGLad
zoplik90 | zoplik90
BossErywn123 | BossErwyn123
P3num6ra | P3num6ra
c_rod7392 | c_rod7392
Aidan4AU | YoshiTime717

zenoCrafter | Zeno
LiningHawk1702 | LiningHawk1702
TopOfTheWorldGM | TopOfTheWorldGM
BiboyQG | BiboyQG
Myruhh7 | myruhh7
AuroraV2 | AuroraV2
Nightmqre | Nightmqre
Roluctive | Roluctives
WalkerRed | WalkerRed
Nanos14 | Nanos14
themastern00b | themastern00b
LeafyBinctTea | LeafyBinctTea
Ranger_zZ | Ranger_zZ
ThunderClunder | ThunderClunder
cmclay45 | cmclay
Biscuit | BiscuitYT
Powdski | powdski

Mr_Gears | Mr_Gears
ServerOfTheAltar | Serverr
Volcomort | Volcomort
420oz | 420oz
Fenomous | Fenomous
HarborSeal | HarborSeal
Bcuzimbored1243 | Bcuzimbored1243
FireFading | FireFadinq
Chriswillis123 | chriswillis123
I_BIG_NUB | iBigNub
LygerByte | LygerByte
ChaosBones | Chaosbones
zCrits_ | GhostofzCrits_
DoYouEvenStrafe | Rinaldiminer
MudkipV2 | MudkipV2
KingBenjii123 | KingBenji123

mr_gears, benji rlly?
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