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Feb 16, 2013
Reaction score
I worded it wrong. Skill definitely was involved and props to the other clan for pulling out the win but we did get extremely unlucky as well. And it was 4 rounds by the way. 3 Rounds due to poor spawns. spawn killings, a huge miscommunication since a dead player was talking above everyone making it hard to hear, this lead to 3 people dying within seconds, and overall discouraging stuff. The last round we barely even had enough to play. A trial member who was going to be accepted later, was accepted right then put in, we were without Zeno our leader, myself, Gears, Cern, and the chemistry was awful. The reason for the last round being without so many was since the last round actually occurred 30 minutes after the round before due to some referee issues and most people just got off. Zeno told us postpone since there was no referee and everyone was leaving but the battle occurred anyways. It was an overall frustrating battle so Im going to politely ask for you not to judge my rushed and misworded post.

Edit: I was incredibly frustrated after the battle and got a little bit ticked off when Zarmax pulled a :/ face for telling me off when I only uploaded a highlight reel and not the whole battle, which was not in anyways meant to offend them but meant to poke fun at my fellow clan members who I "Oh baby a triple'd"
stop replying 2 them its gettin annoying seeing everyone rage at my chris
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