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Tzazon's letter of resignation.


Apr 8, 2013
Reaction score
I've said often before I was here for the long haul, for everything, thick and thin as a moderator and I'd like to think that one day I'll be back, and hopefully I will be. This was coming up, but it being in march was sooner than expected, and I'd like to just pay respects to the community, and to my family that helped me call this place home in a sense as a moderator, helpful, nice, and a community in its own in a way. I never quite understood the people who said my life was getting busy as a reason for them resigning until it happened to me. In slowly but surely since around Christmas in 2013 my life has just been getting busier and busier, be it dealt with the last blows of school work in high school coming to a draw, or even just personal life with the family. I was hanging onto a dying fact that maybe I could come back and be active in this community that I love, but I just can't at the moment, my life has been riddled with work, in every which aspect which makes me come to this decision. When I have free time to do what I want, well, that little free time goes towards other people, and things, much like my girlfriend and just genuinely getting experience in fields I want to look forward too. In the end I guess their is no excuse for my departure, although I'd like to think it isn't an unexpected one as I've sadly been extremely inactive in the community, holding onto a dying belief that I could have stuck around and just stayed active, and clinging to the idea that at one point my life wouldn't be as busy and I could come back and just hang around with these people I love.

I apologize for whatever blow in the face it has to be to anybody that I'm resigning a day after I said I'd be back, and active, but that was the final straw. When I wasn't on at all yesterday, the day I was supposed to be back from my leave of absence I decided it was time to call it quits. I hope to be back sometime, if ever depending on how freed up my life gets, but in the end I knew that day was coming, if not March, it'd be in the end of May, where my life would only proceed to get busier as the turning point to becoming an adult, legally anyways is it, as my birthday is on June 9th, and I'll be turning 18. I have a lot of plans of what I'm going to do when I get out of high school, and well, life was just going to be even more busier at that point. Anyways enough on that subject, and the reasons why I'm resigning, I just want you all to know that my reasoning for resigning wasn't because of the staff team, or that my love for the community is gone. It was a hard choice to make, but in the end I made the one that I could give that would benefit the staff team the most. I guess in the end we all grow older, and I guess my point of just having no life has ceased, and it's something that happens to the best of us.

It's been a fun wild ride, and I guess I have some thanks to give out, although I haven't had the time to meet every single staff member in the 6 months I've been one, as well as every member of the community, I have some thanks to give out for my time as a moderator, messages to some people, the usual sort that people tend to do.

Slagguaron - First, as I'm trying to go in order here in a timeline of when I got moderator and such, I'd like to thank Slagguaron for being the guy that convinced me to apply for moderator, I wouldn't have turned in my application, typed it up, without getting support from the oldest friend I have in the Community, I would not have been able to experience the countless hours of fun I had as a moderator and meet all of the wonderful friends I do have in the community now.

BlueBeetleHD- Thanks for being a moderator that gave me kind words of advice and genuinely just talked to me as a waiting rank, it was really need to hear the support from you, and although we never really talked once I got moderator, the support really helped me when it came to applying.

Tacoface1234 - I didn't even know you left until I looked up your name to tag you, but whatever happened, you have been the most helpful moderator to me, even beforehand when I was waiting you were one of the first to wish me luck, and you were there to congratulate me whenever I got moderator right after my interview. Everytime I needed help with something, be it a moderator activity or just something else community related, I went to you, and you were one of the best Sr. Staff members in the community.

DatCuppaJoe - My original mod friend, who i haven't talked to in a long time man, miss you. Was fun playing with you and Ross.

YouGotPowelled - What you did with that horse, still laughing at that today. Also one of my original mod friends, miss you.

soggypickle - After I stopped talking to them I started talking to this amazing VIP person named Soggypickle, whom shortly after I met him became a moderator, and after that he became the closest moderator friend I've had throughout my entire time here, hours spent on teamspeak and ingame patrolling and doing or duties, and one of the best people I have met through this community. Thanks for everything man, honestly, the hours I've spent here on the community with you talking about stuff is some of the best fun I've ever had in the community.

krackan - Thanks for all the help you've given me as well, amazing moderator and a helpful guy.

TLerDaily - Amazing mod as well, and one of my good mod buddies, shame you resigned but you're absolutely awesome!'

monsters689 - Man, I didn't really like you at first, but you've grown to be one of my best friends and mod buddy, I can't even think of all the good memories we've had.

kezzer1995 - Thanks for talking to me about the community and all the kind words you've ever had to say, every talk we ever had about the community and everything was absolutely amazing.

@Whoevermadethis -

Thanks for the kind words, and you're absolutely amazing.

There's probably a few people I left out of this all, but this is a letter of resignation and I can't include everyone, I apologize for anyone I left out , but I still love you all. I hope I'll be back, and I'll miss being a part of the staff team, but I can't just manage everything.
Last edited:


Apr 13, 2013
Reaction score
He may not be active, but as his Skype friend, I'd know Fresh_Aire would appreciate you saying a few fond words about your modding time together. He speaks highly of you. :)

I didn't get to play or talk with you all that much but who Will likes, I like. #MissYou


District 13
Jun 22, 2012
Reaction score
Thanks for serving the community so long and being a wonderful friend. I'll miss having you around as a Mod. ;)


Apr 8, 2013
Reaction score
Oh wow, I can't believe I forgot about Fresh_Aire . As I've said, my mind blanked a few times, but he is absolutely amazing as well, I've played so many games with him when he was a moderator and he was one of the most chill moderators I ever had, he taught me a lot about what I needed, and oh god the laughs we had at some of the events. Remember that one time with those one people on fortune island? You remember hah. Man I miss it, those moments and such. It's crazy yeah.


Oct 14, 2012
Reaction score
Thanks for the mention and for your dedication of time to these servers :D! Although we never really talked once you became a part of staff, I'm glad my words helped you in some way :). I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavours.


Apr 13, 2013
Reaction score
Oh wow, I can't believe I forgot about Fresh_Aire . As I've said, my mind blanked a few times, but he is absolutely amazing as well, I've played so many games with him when he was a moderator and he was one of the most chill moderators I ever had, he taught me a lot about what I needed, and oh god the laughs we had at some of the events. Remember that one time with those one people on fortune island? You remember hah. Man I miss it, those moments and such. It's crazy yeah.
Screenshot >> Photobucket >> Skyped it to him. I really hope he's one of those "summer only" gamers at least. Otherwise I'll never get 100 wins. :(


District 13
Nov 16, 2013
Reaction score
I remember meeting you on the TS one day when I was sick and I was some randy noob and I asked you a bunch of questions, and to this day I still remember that. Thank you for your duties, and good luck in the future!


Mega Nonce.
May 28, 2013
Reaction score
Your services to this community are much appreciated. I wish you good luck in the future, and that someday you may make a return to the community. :)

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